Hydrologic Unit Code - HUC - Based on the USGS national hydrologic 8-digit coding system. The Ogallala aquifer, the largest aquifer in the state and country, is expected to experience a 50 percent decline in groundwater levels from 2020 to 2070. This interactive mapping application provides access to water-related data for Texas. Use the online form to order a print of a map listed or a customized map. Dataset current as of November 2019. [29] Certain organizations, such as the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, have provided research demonstrating the current rate of groundwater pumping for certain aquifers is unsustainable in the long term. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts analysis of Texas Water Development Board data, Tiffany Lashmet, Texas Water: Basics of Groundwater Law,. The colored dots on this map depict streamflow conditions as a. Using theTip Sheets and Appendix 5 in the NGWMNFramework Document as guidance, TWDB eliminated sites not meeting field standards and minimum data requirements (with the exception of lithology logs in some wells with long records), and 5,947 wells with water levels (including 2,423 in the High Plains) and 1,005 sites with water quality data (including 364 in the High Plains) remained as possible NGWMN sites. [21] Roughly 2.5 million acres of farmland in HPUWCD use groundwater for irrigation purposes, which has led to economic stability in the heavily agricultural-based area.[22]. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts analysis of Texas Water Development Board data, "Water Use Survey Historical Summary Estimates (Includes Reuse) By Region," (Last visited August 4, 2022). United States. For more information on TWDB groundwater data resources, please visit the following links: A three dimensional interactive viewer for exploring the major aquifers of Texas. Well Locations from TWDB Groundwater Database (GWDB) - Updated nightly. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. In 2070, however, groundwater levels are expected to decline to 6 million acre-feet due to increased demand from a growing population, which is expected to grow from 29.7 million in 2020 to 51.5 million in 2070. Please review the pricing list below before placing an [25], As of July 2021, there are eight PGMAs in Texas (Exhibit 4).[26]. The viewer also provides access to related reports including historical water use data and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality public water system information. Texas Water Development Board, 2022 State Water Plan, Water for Texas (PDF) , pp. USGS Current Water Data for Texas Water well reports can be viewed and printed via the TWDB Water Data Interactive (WDI) . This website is a product of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Water Science Conservation Division and is made possible by the support of management and staff at TWDB. Site Map; Annual Financial Report; Policies & Feedback. TWDB maintains an extensive network of approximately 2,250 wells and currently serves data from 1,322 sites to the NGWMN Portal. In 2009, TWDB participatedin the NGWMN Pilot Program and has been a part of the Network ever since. Privacy telephone, and/or radio telemetry and are available for viewing within minutes Page Contact Information: Texas Water Data Maintainer Many areas of Texas are experiencing record-low water levels in aquifers, lakes and rivers. Wells in the observation network, more than half of which are measured only once a year, were classified as surveillance. Flood Mapping Resources | Texas Water Development Board Groundwater Snapshot | Print Snapshot (PDF), Groundwater is a fundamental water source in Texas, providing about 60 percent of the states total water use. Conversely, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality designates Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) as geographic areas experiencing, or expecting to experience, within 50 years, critical groundwater problems including shortages of surface water or groundwater, land subsidence resulting from groundwater withdrawal, or contamination of groundwater supplies.[24] The process to designate an area as a regular or priority GMA is lengthy and requires the analysis of an array of testimony and evidence. Eleven climatologists from the partner organizations take turns serving as the lead author producing the map each week. [9], Groundwater contamination often is the result of human activity such as hazardous uncontrolled waste disposal, over-pumping, chemical leaks, improperly maintained wells and crop pesticides. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the This interactive mapping application provides access to water-related data for Texas. . All shapefiles are zipped. All applicable fees are associated with the cost of data reproduction. [7], Still, water conservationists fear that the rule of capture can lead to drier conditions. A Division of the Texas Water Development Board Data & Maps DataHub Maps Research & Distribution Center (RDC) Historical Imagery Archive Custom Maps Texas Imagery Service Applications & Utilities StratMap Strategic Mapping Program (Main) Contracts Orthoimagery Elevation - Lidar Hydrography Land Parcels Address Points Education The information may not be represented in real-time and should not be considered as exact conditions in your area. In addition, 3-dimensional cell columns or rows can be displayed as a cross section. But groundwater can be difficult to measure due to its location under the surface and its slow response time to absorbing rainfall. Neither the State of Texas nor the TWDB assumes any legal liability or responsibility or makes any guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information for any particular purpose. [10] In 2020, Texas recorded 318 new cases of groundwater contamination; there were 3,056 total cases of groundwater contamination in 2020, down from 7,435 in 2001 (Exhibit 2). TWDB collects data to determine current water-level depths, trends over time and to aid in the development and calibration of groundwater availability models. Providing data and educational resources for the public on water conservation. Data current as of 2014. 2010-2011 Review Cycle, 82nd Legislative Session . Summary of Results . The joint Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) Submitted Drillers Reports (SDR) Database (http://www.twdb.texas.gov/groundwater/data/drillersdb.asp) includes over 270,000 reports submitted by water well drillers since 2001. Interactive Apps and Maps; TNRIS Map Catalog; GIS Datasets. Groundwater Conservation Districts - Groundwater conservation districts in Texas. 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701 TEL: 512-463-7847 / FAX: 512-475-2053 . Groundwater management areas (GMAs) are geographical regions designated to provide for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging and prevention of waste of the groundwater and of groundwater reservoirs.[23] There are two categories of GMAs established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the TWDB: regular and priority. Rush or expedited orders cannot be accommodated. GIS Data | Texas Water Development Board An application for viewing and accessing data from a network of selected weather stations and rain gages throughout Texas. Previous Sunset reports on this agency. Source data is from TCEQ. Display Texas Water Development Board plugging reports. In fact, Texas groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) are required to utilize groundwater availability models to create their management plans (see GCD section below). PDF What Are the Statewide Water Well Databases ? FAQ Maps and descriptions of wells selected in each of the Texas aquifers is included in the project report at:Final report from initial NGWMN project, October 2015 to September 2016. If you require special assistance, please consult the Esri Software - Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for ArcGIS Online applications. Major Aquifers - The 9 major aquifers of Texas as defined by the TWDB, Updated December 2006. The ability to pump as much water as is available can lead to over-pumping, which can dry out the wells and lands of surrounding neighbors. Domain at no cost. View Quad - Texas Water Development Board - National Ground Water Priority Grounwater Management Areas are: Source: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, With droughts and varying weather conditions changing the landscape of Texas, groundwater management is more urgent than ever. TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM. Texas Water Development Board. Maps | TNRIS - Texas Natural Resources Information System An interactive mapping application for viewing a network of selected weather stations and rain gages throughout the state of Texas. Show custom graphs or tables for a series of recent data for one or more stations. Title: USGS Current Water Data for Texas Texas Water Development Board | Texas Sunset Advisory Commission Groundwater Data Viewer | Texas Water Development Board Texas Water Development Board works best with JavaScript enabled. Project to add wells to the NGWMN and perform well maintenanceactivities at 8 wells with floating oil-phase produce that impact water-level measurements. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. In addition to TGPC, the Texas Legislature established conservation districts and management areas to protect Texas groundwater. Refer to the Statewide Summary: 2022 Texas State Water Plan dashboard for detailed data and analysis. Project is tosupport maintenance of connections to the NGWMN Portal and to keep site information up to date in agency databases and in the NGWMN Well Registry. Submitting a management plan to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) that details the current issues as well as substantive goals and plans of action to address those issues. All datasets are in DD NAD 83. In their baseline review, TWDB first queried the specific number of observation wells from the total of just over 7,100 available water-level observation wells and nearly 3,000 water-quality sites in each of the seven principal/nine major aquifers to identify wells with water-level records of at least 5 years. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the