Moreton Bay ratepayers will cop a 3.9 per cent rate rise in 2021-22 with the council announcing another record spend to boost jobs in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. This fee includes the purchase of the site, and the placement of ashes. Up to 18 x Microsoft 10 desktop computers can be added (additional charges apply) Fee applies to a cat when a certificate of desexing has been provided to council. Waste Levy no charge. Available at Caboolture Waste Facility. Green roads resurfaced with recycled asphalt Esplanade, Deception Bay, Draft Strategies: Have your say on future plan, Council Kicks-Off Dolphins NRL Debut with $400,000 sponsorship, Suttons Beach Pavilions Structural Integrity Report Publicly Released, Moreton Bay Region Art Prize 2023 nominations open, Record Fine Illegal Dumping Courts Backing Council Crackdown, Your Lifestyle Your Economy Your Say Survey, Moreton Bay Moves First on Housing Investment Fund, Energetic New CEO For Australia's Third Largest Council. Charge reflects Councils shredding/volume reduction charges for mattresses. 3 small meeting rooms available, each with a round table and seating for 4, includes a whiteboard and wifi, with access to the business lounge This fee is applicable to Food Businesses that sell low risk food under the Food Act Works Involving Prescribed Tidal Works - when not for a private pontoon, Landscape Plan Assessment triggered by a development condition or by an Operational Works Application not associated with Reconfiguring a Lot, Vegetation Clearing - Major (5000m2 or more), More than 5000m2 (of vegetation area being cleared), Vegetation Clearing - Minor (less than 5000m2), Up to 5000 m2 (of vegetation area being cleared), Amendment to Designated Building Area/ Building Envelope, Assessment and Finalisation of Infrastructure Agreements, Assessment and Finalisation of Infrastructure Agreements for premises outside of the Priority Infrastructure Area (PIA), Building Services - Enter and Perform Work - Administration Fee. Waste Levy no charge. Caboolture Library Meeting Pod - Community Not for Profit - Per Session, Small meeting room - table and seating for 4. Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium - Event Hire - Public Holiday, This fee is applicable if hiring a stadium on a public holiday. Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee. Major is Sub-Arterial Standard or greater, External Signalised Intersection - Trunk/Major. Refunds are considered on a pro-rata basis. Must comply with safety, no people set up and horses in arenas at same time. The Building and Plumbing Services - Additional Hourly Rate may apply if time exceeds 5hrs. Redcliffe Entertainment Centre - Contracted Services Recovery Fee, Cost of Contract Services that Staff are required to arrange to enable delivery of service. Change to Development Approval (Minor) under section 78 of Planning Act 2016. - changes in plan references only GST included. If a further inspection is required - an additional inspection fee will be incurred. Concession applies to current Centrelink or Veteran Affairs pension concession card holders. Seats a maximum 22-24 people Boardroom style, or 21 U shape plus seating for up to 3 facilitators Registration Fee applies to members of Dogs QLD with a current MBRC Animal Permit - Additional Animal - Affiliated Breeder Premises Seats a maximum 22-24 people Boardroom style, or 21 U shape plus seating for up to 3 facilitators This fee is applicable for the assessment of new applications for commercial & retail (investment properties) leases. Fee is non-refundable Redcliffe Entertainment Centre - Meeting Room - General Hire - Per day, Meeting Rooms: QSEC Duty Manager x 3 hours Historic Planning Scheme for MBRC historic versions/ Caboolture/ Redcliffe/ Pine Rivers, including local area plans/policies for Northern Growth Corridor (Hardcopy). Council approval required 24 hours prior to disposal. Half Day Booking equals a 4hr block . s 42 of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019, Application - Plumbing - Amended Plan - Domestic, Applies to Domestic, On-Site Sewerage Facility and Grey Water Treatment Plant approvals where the plans are amended after the initial approval is issued. Restricted dogs not allowed in the MBRC region as outlined in councils local law. Calling All Food Trucks - Suttons Beach Wants You! Waste Levy no charge. This fee is for the administration and transport costs related to the impounding of signs. Wellington Point. For more details contact HUB staff or refer to Website for more details, Caboolture Hub - Meeting Rooms - General Hire - Two Hour Session, 2 hour hire 1 Administration 2011 and Subordinate Local Law 1, Schedule 12, Caravan Park or Camping Ground - Renewal Fee. A minimum fee applies. Dog Registration - Annual Renewal (Desexed) - Pension Concession. Between 8am - 12am Residents receive the disposal of one gas cylinder free of charge per year. Caboolture Hub - Meeting Rooms - General Hire - Full day, Full Day Booking equals 9hr block Waste Levy no charge - exempt if suitable for operational use. Inspection - Plumbing and Drainage - On-site Sewerage Facility Conversion. Get this party started: Woodford scores $500,000 to ring in New Year! This fee is the cost recovery of the charges incurred by Council for the transport of an animal by a cartage service. GST included. Minimum 1 hour booking. If you disagree with your property's rating category and believe your property belongs to a different category you may lodge an objection with Council (Part 5 Division 4 Local Government Regulation 2012). Applicable at approved sites. Welcome to Moreton Bay Regional Council's venue booking website. Caravan Park or Camping Ground - Application Fee. Applicable at approved sites without weighbridges - Woodford Transfer Station. No charge for Animal rescue/adoption/foster organisations and assistance animal trainers. A Building and Plumbing Services - Additional hourly rate may apply if time exceeds 5 hrs. Waste levy of $85.00 per tonne. LGIP model ((for each of stormwater quality, stormwater quantity, transport) required to be made available on request under s264(5)(a)(ii) of the Planning Act 2016 and required to be kept available for inspection under Schedule 22, Part 1, 1(l) of the Planning Regulation 2017. they are grouped with tax rates fixed by the county board of supervisors to determine the total rate applicable to property within a specified area. Use only for Tack / Fodder. This fee is for up to two people Albany Creek, Dayboro, Redcliffe, Samford, Samsonvale and Caboolture Lawn Cemeteries. Price on application GST included. (i.e Supermarket) Any additional tyres, charges apply. Documents may be available on Councils website. Waste Levy no charge - exempt. - minor condition change not amending intenti of condition with no deviation from development permit intended outcome. Charge is per wheelie bin. Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Hire - Mobile Grandstand, 1 mobile Grandstand available - Fee includes set up/pack down and cleaning. Ceiling mounted projector, screen, audio, whiteboard and WIFI, Caboolture Hub - Training Room - Not For Profit - Full Day, Caboolture Hub - Training Room - Not For Profit - Half Day, Caboolture Hub - Training Room - Not For Profit - Two hour session, This is an administration fee applicable when MBRC staff need to arrange additional services on behalf of Venue hirers or to meet MBRC requirements This fee applies for trade stalls booked by hirer For details on tariff seasons please refer to Councils website. Legislation and standards to consider may include: Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (BCCM) Building Act 1975 Building Regulation 2006 Environmental Protection Act 1994 Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 1997 35% of employees would recommend working at Moreton Bay Regional Council to a friend and 44% have a positive outlook for the business. Minimum 1 hour. Caters to 2 people. Inspection - Plumbing and Drainage - Domestic - Up to 3 Items. Items include: Clean earthen, without foreign materials and suitable for immediate operational use. Waste Levy $85.00 per tonne. This fee is payable in conjunction with the application fee for Plaques. Ferrous and non-ferrous steel carries no charge. Moreton Bay Council Rates. Assumed cost of portable hard drive $150. Any additional tyres, charges apply. Excludes statutory registration costs which will be on charged at cost, New Lease - Finalisation - Commercial (investment properties). Refer to REC staff for further clarification on available grid inclusions. This fee is payable in conjunction with the application fee. This fee is payable in conjunction with the application fee. Application fees are non refundable Additional Animals - Application - Pension Concession. Commercial charge is applied on a pro-rata monthly basis. Asbestos Mixed With Soil or Regulated Waste Category 2 - Construction & Demolition - MBRC Region Generated - Commercial (C&D) Waste - Minimum Charge. Bookings times are: A minimum fee applies (cost includes Council burial charge), Limited Regulated Waste - Low Hazard - Commercial (C&I and C&D) Waste - Minimum Charge, Waste levy of $115.00 per tonne. Clean concrete without foreign materials and suitable for immediate operational use. Moreton Bay Basks in Easter Sun & Spending, Turn your bright idea into a reality at Startup Weekend Moreton Bay. Waste Levy $85.00 per tonne. Search recommended to be undertaken on all developed properties during change of property ownership. Applicable at approved sites without weighbridges - Woodford Transfer Station. Applicable at approved sites. Application is processed within 3 days - all approvals must be provided by the applicant. Bookings times are: This fee is for the administration and transport costs related to the impounding of shopping trolleys. Application for On-site Sewerage Facility Or Greywater Treatment Plant installation Assessment is required to be lodged first. Current Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme (Hard Copy), Current Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme. Interment - Columbarium - Companion Niche (Stone Wall). Non standard tow is a vehicle that is greater than 4.5 tonnes - longer than 7.5m length. Includes transmittal fees/postage, Asbestos Bonded Exempt - MBRC Region Generated - Domestic (C&D) Waste. This fee is for the costs associated with impoundment and release of the animal. Property enquiry. Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee. Fee is non-refundable Daily hire: 7AM - 9PM