Hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a co. Hit play, take the challenge and then send to a friend to see if they can beat your score. 7 by Cristina Lupo. REVEAL ANSWER, 6 Its come to my attention that you dont know who I am. MCU Quotes Quiz: Can You Name Who Said It? - WhatCulture.com Question: Where is Captain America from? I can tell, you know how I can tell? otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of JOE. We have to go back to where it all started noi'm here to kill Thanos! You Can Do Anything. You're The World's Greatest Grandma. Some quotes are from post-credit scenes! Who Said It? And Then I Got This Job, This Family. Marvel at these impossible film quotes. To test your Marvel movie knowledge, we compiled 30 questions - multiple choice, true or false, and more - to test the depth and breadth of your knowledge. The IMPOSSIBLE Marvel Cinematic Universe Quiz All Star Wars Characters Quiz - By fflm_soup He is not a dude. I Am Going To Die Surrounded By The Biggest Idiots In The Galaxy. Quote Quizzes | Quotev 1. How well did you pay attention to part one of the iconic Infinity Saga? During one, he points out his good luck with snagging a free churro. Most Popular Quizzes Today. Want to get your very own quizzes and posts featured on BuzzFeeds homepage and app? Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Marvel Quizzes | Quotev I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to . Obsessed with travel? TAGGED AS: Marvel, MCU, movies, Superheroes. REVEAL ANSWER, 10 I dont recall killing your family. Marvel Cinematic Universe: Oldest to Newest 99 Actors By . Chris Pratt lost 60 lbs to play the role of Star-Lord in the movie, even thought he director James Gunn told him they could just CG abs onto him. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Or Aristotle? The most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a frisbee, Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut, It's your conscience, we don't talk a lot these days, Yeah, I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times, You and I remember Budapest very differently, There's only one God ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that, May I say how refreshing it is to finally see you on a video with your clothing on, sir, Sweetheart, that could've been the name of my autobiography. Finish the marvel quote Quiz - By JaSoN-VoOrHeEs Popular Quizzes Today 1 Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 2 Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield 3 Countries of the World 4 US States Movies Actor QUIZ LAB SUBMISSION Random Movies or Actor Quiz Finish the marvel quote Can you name the Finish the marvel quote? Just For Fun Movies. Can You Guess The Correct Avengers Characters? _________________________. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has changed modern blockbusters in so many ways. How many questions can you get right from the past year? And that parking lot. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. 3. This one's a bit of a freebie since Captain America says this line all the time. Mellow jazz? "Just because something works doesn't mean it . "At some point, we all have to choose, between what the world wants you to be, and who you are." 3. Ready? REVEAL ANSWER, 8 Intelligence is not a privilege, its a gift. Doth mother know you weareth her drapes? Only A True Marvel Expert Can Click On The Correct Characters In This Quiz. This quote comes from the first Avengers movie in which Tony Stark is essentially trash-talking Loki about how the Avengers will destroy him and his forces. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. The question will be about the character, movies, and comics. Marvel Quiz - Marvel Official 15 Questions Marvel quiz to prove how good you are at knowing our fantastic superhero Iron Man. Yondu's story arc sees him go from a gruff but likable villain to a certified hero by the end of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2." Tap to play GIF Marvel Studios *But. REVEAL ANSWER, 7 Choose your weapon wisely. Answer: Brooklyn. REVEAL ANSWER, 5 Is it sexist if I kill You? Infinity War is praised for its better pacing and increasing quality the more times you watch it. That thing doesn't obey the laws of physics at all! Even though Michael Douglas, who plays Pym, and Michelle Pfeiffer, who plays his wife, have both been acting for several decades, this was the first movie they ever made together. Clint Barton/ Hawkeye. Im kidding. I retire for 5 minutes and it all goes to ****! No cheating, good luck and let us know how you do in the comments on Facebook. Hey Peter Parker, you got something for me? This is all fun and games! REVEAL ANSWER, 4 You Are Alone & You Always Will Be. When one simple click can rip so many things you love inside the Marvel Universe away from you, you almost contemplate if it's the action of a cruel higher power. Posted on Apr 26, 2021 Only A True Marvel Fan Can Match The Correct Quote To The Character Who Said It "I NEED A HORSE!" by. REVEAL ANSWER, 6 I see you. While the MCU moves are a lot of fun and pretty light, they do dip into serious territory sometimes. Marvel Quiz Quizzes | Quotev Whether it's Cap rallying the troops, Spider-Man cracking a joke, Nebula being dark or Drax utterly missing the point, there have been a ton of great lines in those 23 films. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. ", I live for the simple things like how much this is gonna hurt., I told you, I dont want to join your super secret boy band., "I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. And I..amIron Man. TRENDING NOW. There has rarely been a movie like Infinity War that left such a crushing sense of loss and hopelessness in your chest when the credits rolled. But how good is your memory of the MCU movies? Scott Lang/Ant-Man. REVEAL ANSWER, 5 Are You Thor, The God Of Hammers? Playboy. When he learns that Wong only has one name, he tosses out a few jokes at his expense, one of which is just to call him Beyonce. John Kani, who played T'Chaka, spoke it already. Back in the 1990s, Wesley Snipes wanted to play the lead role in a Black Panther movie when he likely would have had to wear a spandex suit with cat ears. Star-Lord's version of a pep talk included telling his fellow Guardians of the Galaxy that they're losers. I'm Not Obsessed With Him, I'm Just Super Observant. Hello, Spider-Man. 2 weeks ago Fandomgirl 1. The hardest choices require the strongest wills. "You seek love. It's her response when she feels like Captain America is trying to get her to look on the bright side of things after the Snap. Can you beat your friends at this quiz? Marvel quotes - Quiz Black Widow makes this less-than-threatening threat to Captain America during "Avengers: Endgame." REVEAL ANSWER, 4 No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Ad Choices, "Hey guys, have you ever seen that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back? Marvel Quotes Quizzes One of the most famous quotes from the trailer for the 2012 "Avengers" has Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury uttering this line. Thanos is very good at saying dramatic things, and this line just might take the cake. Question: How many Infinity Stones are there? Bruce Banner/ Hulk. Oh, she has no idea. Then why do I feel like he's the only person on this boat that wants to be here? When shes not punching me in the face. I would make a great queen because I am stubborn if that's what I wanted. You know, your dad used to love cheesburgers. When you're ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are beautiful people never know who to trust. In the movies, both Vision and Captain America are able to lift the hammer, but in the comics, there's even a frog who wields it. What do you want me to do? There's a lot of time travel in "Endgame," and one of the trips back to 2012 involves the Hulk being forced to not take the elevator downstairs, which he's clearly not amused with. QUIZ: Only real Marvel fans can name the movie based on one picture QUIZ: How well do you actually remember Avengers: Infinity War? was this the best test you've ever taken in your life? What am I supposed to say, Jesus? JOE may earn a portion of Play one free right now! And weve got to admit, it is more fun than Zack Snyders grimdark heroes. If I had a backlight, this would look like a Jackson Pollock painting. So here is a quiz: 20 of the best lines from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and you just have to tell us which character said them. This this is a man. In particular, it is how every big movie now seems to try and emulate the quippy tone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. ", Christopher Nolan shares new footage from 'Oppenheimer' at CinemaCon, Steven Spielberg says he regrets censoring a scene in his own film 'E.T. So that 50% of me that's stupid that's 100% you. I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir, looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself, You know what would be a really kickass name? The Sun Will Shine On Us Again. Dude, You're Embarrassing Me In Front Of The Wizards. Reporting on what you care about. Think Superheroes and Villains, movies, TV series and iconic characters for inspiration to ace our free Marvel quotes quiz. Things get pretty intense between the Avengers in "Captain America; Civil War," and at one point War Machine tells Captain America that he's become a criminal. What are you hasslin' on us for? Let's go a few rounds. Loki says he has an army, and Iron Man counters with this line. Can you finish these great quotes? Don't cheat! Answer: Six. MCU fans, assemble. REVEAL ANSWER, 9 I know its crazy. There has rarely been a movie like Infinity War that left such a crushing sense of loss and hopelessness in your chest when the credits rolled. REVEAL ANSWER, 5 I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires. REVEAL ANSWER, 1 He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of. Try to see how well you know your Marvel quotes. The best part of my life was fake, and none of you told me. MCU Finish the Line/Quote (Easy) Quiz - By adambromberg24 Who is it? QUIZ: Can you remember who died in Avengers: Infinity War? ", "The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. Im wearing shirts now. All rights reserved. I give you a quote from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and you have to guess what character said it! Or maybe you will? If you try to escape, or play any sort of games with me, I will taze you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. That's why Bruce banner tells Captain America at one point that his secret is he's always angry. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass. Band practice, was it? Marvel Studios "I'm always angry" is a secret someone shares with Captain America. REVEAL ANSWER, 3 Authorities are wondering if the masked vigilante who terrorized the citys underworld, is back The quiz contains 20 quotes total, and in case you're a busy bee you'll be given an out at the halfway point should you desire to end the quiz early. Marvel Quizzes Can you identify who said the following quotes? If you know your "It's an imperfect world,but it's the only one we got" from your "look at you, a garden of the galaxy," thenit's time to suit up and swing into the quiz to prove it. REVEAL ANSWER, 10 You think the four of you can save New York? by Kate Harrold August 22nd, 2019 Marvel Studios Answers at the end!. Just Wong? Impossible Marvel Quiz: Which MCU Character Said This? WITH THANOS?? Shakespeare in the park? WhatCulture is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. REVEAL ANSWER, 8 You Guys Know I Can Move Things With My Mind, Right? War Machine was played in most of the movies by Don Cheadle, but he was originally played by Terrence Howard. ***SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS QUIZ!!!***. MCU Quiz: Which Member Of The Guardians Of The Galaxy Said It? Think you're the ultimate MCU fan? He says it before and after the serum in "Captain America: The First Avenger," he drops it again in "Civil War" as he fights Iron Man and then he says it to himself during "Endgame.". WhatCulture is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Its Time. I Assure You, Brother. There are universes beyond my own. REVEAL ANSWER, 1 The hardest choices require the strongest wills. He drops this line in explaining what the Avengers are all about as a team. Marvel life (Girls only, Sorry Boys!) Were vegetarians. The Marvel quiz See how well you know your Marvel quotes Deirdre Molumby We're bringing you another round of 'Who said it?' quotes quizzes. || Marvel Edition ----- It's what the title says. 10 Times We Absolutely Believed The Movie Hero Was A Goner, 10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet), 10 Actors You Totally Forgot Starred In Horror Movies, 10 Insane Rumours Fans Started About Movie Stars, 10 Actors Who Didn't Realise They Were Seconds Away From Disaster. Aside from Brie Larson, the other standout from the movie was clearly the cat Goose, who was played by four different cats named Archie, Rizzo, Gonzo and Reggie. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User And you use it for the good of mankind. Animals such as Gor or the Zillo monster not included. You have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own. While we wait for the Endgame, it is time to look back on better, happier times and remember some of the more fond moments from characters in a time when they were all still with us. Just a typical homecoming, on the outside of an invisible jet, fighting my girlfriend's dad. Marvel Quote Test - Test | Quotev Now go to bed before i sell all your toys, Thats my secret, Captain Im always angry. If there's someone I missed, please let me know. Take the quiz 3. Don't get emotional over results (I'm a Jr high student and have enough drama in my life) 4. 10 Smartest Decisions In Recent Horror Movies, Disney: The Progressively Harder Name The Movie Quiz, 10 Movie Villains You Wish Got More Screen Time. Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage. There are definitely fans that lean one way or the other in that respect. Cause we're connected! Others are funny. No one. REVEAL ANSWER, 3 Im Not Gonna Fight Your War, Im Going To End It. 2 days ago DefendersLuvBoat Movies Video Games Fandoms Books Hunger Games Marvel Star Wars Percy Jackson Multifandoms . 44 different Marvel Quizzes on JetPunk.com. The IMPOSSIBLE Marvel Cinematic Universe Quiz Are you worthy of becoming an Avenger? I got beat up in that alley. You Have To Surrender To Its Current And Use Its Power As Your Own. It's Like A Pirate Had A Baby With An Angel. Youre the head of security and your password is password'-? Classic: Type in answers that appear in a list Classic Type in answers that appear in a . Challenge them to a trivia party! You Cannot Beat A River Into Submission. REVEAL ANSWER, 7 Im not a bad person. You call me young lady again, Ill shove my foot up somewhere its not supposed to be. REVEAL ANSWER, 3 You people are so petty, and tiny. You're embarrassing yourself, it looks desperate. REVEAL ANSWER, 8 Hydra wont show mercy. I meant trash panda. Check out the latest series of All To Play For, with Wayne Bridge and special guests. ". That's the secret, Cap. hE's a fRiEnd frOm woRk! Darcy, played by Kat Dennings, isn't up to snuff on her Norse history when she first meets Thor and, as a result, calls his hammer "meow meow" instead of Mjolnir. Answers at the end! Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! REVEAL ANSWER, 10 I didnt ask to be torn apart and put back together again. With the release of Avengers: Endgame the world could breathe again. Community Contributor. Marvel Quotes Quiz: 50 MCU Trivia Questions & Answers, Netflix Quiz: 50 Netflix Shows Trivia Questions & Answers, Girl Band Quiz: 50 Girlband Trivia Questions & Answers, Marvel Quiz: 50 MCU Trivia Questions & Answers, Kids Marvel Quiz 50 Marvel Superhero & Villian Questions & Answers, King Charles III Coronation Quiz Questions & Answers, 50 Quiz Questions & Answers about the Month of April, 50 Quiz Questions & Answers about the Month of March, 50 Galentines Day Quiz Questions & Answers, Easter Quiz Questions 100 Easter Trivia Questions with Answers, General Knowledge Quiz 100 Trivia Questions with Answers, Christmas Quiz 100 Festive Trivia Questions with Answers. This quote bookends the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Who is she? REVEAL ANSWER, 1 What if someone does something that irks me and I decide to remove his spine? Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you. You don't need to be afraid of me unless you're made of scissors. I just like coming here to sketch people in crisis. Kurt Howes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had it would appear here. How many quotes do you remember from the marvel movies? Obsessed with travel? The rules here are simple assuming you're a Marvel superfan, of course: We will present you with nothing but a single quote from a Marvel movie, and you'll tell us which movie it's from! It's a little bit dark but a little bit hopeful when The Ancient One says this to Mordo in "Dr. You taking this quiz: "I could do this all day." Find out where to watch your favourite movies & TV series in Ireland. But dont let that intimidate you. I Doubt The God From Space Has To Take Ibuprofen After A Fight, Just Don't Do Anything I Would Do. Countries of the World - One Minute Sprint. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Gene Hackman 5 Marvel Villain Reveal XXII 6 Hypnotizing Movie Posters 7 Actors By Movie 7-to-1: 2022 8 Oscar Winning Actors of the 1980s 9 Crime-Fighting Spider.