Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Levi Chavez, ex-police officer, not guilty of murdering wife", "Levi Chavez relinquishes police certification", "Extramarital affairs take center stage in ex-cop murder trial", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Levi_Chavez&oldid=1082952788, Former police officer, Attorney at Law, www.levichavezlaw.com, This page was last edited on 16 April 2022, at 03:25. She is such a skanky hooch like Levi! Wheeler was also married. Levi Chavez is a scum-bag. - friend of Kari's)Martinez also frequents Sanchez Mowrer firm (drinking buddies, that would be Ray Sanchez, brother of Senator Michael Sanchez, and Mowrer, APD Union lawyer); Michael Sanchez - friend and past partner of Judge George Eichwald. Now her parents speak to News 13. Mmmm detective Chavez with homicide, the text read. So I knew if he were going to be Judged by a jury of his peers they were going to be too gutless to find him guilty. You steal from each other. Levi Chavez was charged with the murder of his wife, Tera, but he has maintained his innocence and said she committed suicide. We all know that Justice was not served. Levi Chavez on the stand (hand covering face; acted out tears; smiles not matching his emotions) and out of the courthouse (smug comments), riddles with guilt. Maybe this shooting is this the beginning of another conspiracy. She now goes by the name Heather Chavez. She won't be around long. This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. In an indictment filed in April 2011 that charges Levi Chavez with first-degree murder and evidence tampering, prosecutors say he killed Tera in the couples home near Los Lunas on Oct. 19, 20 or 21, 2007. From the beginning of the trial we have learned that this pathetic excuse for a man did not care about anyone but himself. Tera Chavez had been looking for a business space to rent for her salon and had an appointment to meet a landlord just two days after the day she died, Alibi wrote. However, things began turning around for the mother of two when she began making plans to leave her husband and open a salon of her own, her family said. Bonus fact: Their relationship started after he bought a cellphone from her and she texted him saying he had nice eyes. The two met twice thereafter to have sex before Levi Chavez called 911 to say his wife had shot herself in the head. Serna told Chavez. Meanwhile, in the courtroom, Chavez and family gathered to pray a Hail Mary until Serna grabbed Chavez by the arm to escort him through a crowded pathway of supporters and family members. Tera, a four-year-old girl, died in August 2017 when her car seat was too full of pillows and blankets while she was strapped into it. He also told her she should have more information., I listened, Heather Chavez said about the interview. She was quiet. In August 2013, Chavez was acquitted of the murder charges. He met her parents and gave her a diamond ring within two months of Teras death, and they married within days of her divorce from another APD officer. Thats the past, Heather Chavez said in court today. Levi Chavez alleged malicious prosecution, malicious abuse of process, defamation, and outrageous conduct, according to court documents. What a hellhole. Powered by. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of KOAT-TV. In all likelihood, Chavezs cellphone was turned off between 12:27 a.m. and 3:32 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2007, said Jody Citizen, a senior analyst for the Verizon Wireless companys legal department. Slama isnt a cop, but shes had contact with a few: She faces charges of welfare fraud, forgery and identity theft, among other felonies. The Eye On Albuquerque does not read through each comment for accuracy, Eye On Albuquerque does not edit nor does the Eye On Albuquerque pre-moderate any comments. Levi Chavez is a former police officer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who was charged with the 2007 death of his 26-year-old wife, Tera Chavez. Awesome Inc. theme. What is the status of the auto theft/insurance fraud case against Levi Chavez, Pete Dwyer and others? After more than 10 hours of deliberations, a jury acquitted Levi Chavez, 32, of murdering of his wife, 26-year-old Tera Chavez, in 2007 and trying to make the hairdresser's death look like. I'm a relationship expert and here are 10 tell-tale signs your partner may be cheating on you with a work colleague, Inside America's oldest operating McDonald's: This restaurant serves up nostalgia with its orginal 1953 decor intact - and it's the only place where you can order this secret menu item, Could YOU spot a murderer? It will take a lifetime to rebuild APD to what it once was! I told you guys that from the beginning. Law Offices of Levi M. Chavez, II, LLC And if any of us sit on that jury we will set him free as well! After more than 10 hours of deliberations, a jury acquitted Chavez, 32, of murdering his depressed wife, 26-year-old Tera Chavez, in 2007 and trying to make the hairdresser's death look like a suicide, according to The Associated Press. A sociopath often believes that they are doing nothing wrong or doing something greatly good, due to their egocentricity and grandiose sense of self-worth. Beat a man nearly to death and physically has asulted officers and drug charges has recently been released from prison, been paroled to himself and obtained custody of his son from CYFD!!! The judge, striking a blow for prurient gossipers, sided with the DA and said he would let two more of the defendants mistresses take the witness stand. Hindi said on the stand that shed never met Tera Chavez, but she went to her funeral and helped move her things out of the family home after her death, footage from the trial shows. 2 prescriber of Xanax, other depressants in NM, Forecast looks bright for New Mexico solar industry. http://www.abqjournal.com/news/metro/1506389594newsmetro05-15-11.htm. During the time of the investigation, Levi was placed on leave. Chavez called 911 to report the alleged suicide around 9 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2007. Brandenburg has no idea how to manage an office she n many others are a joke in that office. Incredible interactive map shows how Earth's continents have shifted from 750 million years ago to today, 'Delicate dumping' is the new toxic break-up trend, Etiquette experts reveal the ULTIMATE list of do's and don'ts for traveling with friends from figuring out budgets for penny-pinching pals to ensuring each person does their fair share of chores, Cops discovered a bone fragment on a hacksaw dumped in the trash by accused killer Brian Walshe - along with his missing wife's vaccination card and car keys, court documents reveal, Emotional moment Dallas Cowboys scout makes heartwarming call to tell his own son, Deuce Vaughn, the franchise is drafting him: 'Do you want to come to work with me next week? @937 no it isn't. RIP Tera <3. Asked if he would try to get his old job back with the Albuquerque Police Department, Chavez blurted out a date but declined to say what that date meant. Also in court this morning, jurors heard a heavily redacted recording of the deposition Levi Chavez gave in the civil case. By that time, though, their marriage was already crumbling apart as Levi was having affairs with several women, many of whom he worked with on the police force. Heather Chavez, Levi Chavez's current wife, testifies during his murder trial on Friday, June 28, 2013. We always thought, Hell take care of her.'. Thank goodness I wasnt in the courtroom that day. Where Is Levi Chavez Now? - The Cinemaholic The DAoffice took the time on twitter to let me know Kari Brandenburg isn't related to Heather and as far as she can remember, has never met her out Levi. Key witness in Levi Chavez civil suit dies - KOAT Bonus fact: Regina had known Tera since grade school. on scene to help Levi Chavez cope with his wife's death, cut out a piece of a bloody mattress and had the . Hmmm, gee which office could that be? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Just because some police officers are corrupt, doesn't make ALL of them corrupt. rules the death self-inflicted The medical examiner ruled Tera's death a suicide. Eye On Albuquerque welcomes all kinds of thoughts- supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. It will also create hundreds of jobs for Don't run that red light! But one of his pronouncements from the bench hints that he has a good sense of what a soap opera hes got on his hands. Accused: Prosecutors have depicted Levi Chavez as a philanderer whose marriage was crumbling, and say he killed his wife after she found out he had staged the theft of his pickup truck to collect the insurance proceeds. Comments like "come on bring it on (referring to civil suit) and I told you guys," shows a guy with NO remorse and a poster child for APD. Levi Chavez didn't get away with his callous behavior toward his wife. Published: 09:01 EDT, 17 July 2013 | Updated: 09:01 EDT, 17 July 2013. Levi was initially charged with murdering his wife with his police issued Glock and making it appear as a suicide. Upon announcing the verdict, the family of Levi Chavez, including his current wife Albuquerque detective Heather Chavez, let out gasps and wept. I probably would have stood up and tried to get a wave going. Rose Slama, currently under indictment for fraud and larceny. Now that he has graduated, instead of being a practicing attorney, Levi works at a non-profit organization called Heading Home, which spearheads the campaign to eradicate homelessness in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Eye slammed Olivas, oconnel, and all those fucks who flooded the scene years ago. I can tell you one thing that this will come back to him and bite him in the ass some day. Double Exposure: Bringing to light the untold - and OPINION: "How do mice get out of these things?". APD is now an international joke. As soon as this grand jury indictment came out, Levi was fired from the Albuquerque Police Department, from where he had been on administrative leave for over a year. However, Chavez said his wife's death later helped him reform his philandering ways and he later married another police officer two months after his wife's death. Though the women never met, Heather Chavez did attend Tera Chavezs funeral. Mayoral Candidate Paul J. Heh supports the Unborn EXPOSE: The Murder and Cover-up of a Small Town G Schultz and Fischer Sitting in a Berry-Tree,______ PRESS RELEASE BY MAYORAL CANDIDATE PAUL HEH. Earlier Thursday, the fourth of Levi Chavezs many paramours to testify in the murder trial took the stand. Now that so many years have gone by, lets take a look at where he currently is, shall we? Email addresses are used solely for verification and to speed the verification process for repeat questioners. 'I'm going to go to church, pray my Rosary and thank my Virgin Mary,' Chavez said as he was crowded by reporters. Levi Chavez acquitted of wife's murder in New Mexico In 2011, the Albuquerque police officer was accused of murder. But, in the end, after two days of deliberation, because of a lack of physical evidence linking him to Teras death, or something that even concretely proved that it was a homicide, Levi, who was facing life in prison, was acquitted of all charges. Ex-wife Heather Hindi left him for alleged wife-killer Levi Chavez. Bonus fact: She was the maid of honor at Tera and Levis wedding. 'This was a made up pile of lies from the beginning and it took the jury approximately 10 hours to find that out.'. She said he was sleeping over at her house on the weekend Tera died. No comments have so far been submitted. About a month after the proposal, Hindi sent Levi Chavez a text saying he was her reason to exist. When police officer Levi Chavez finds his wife, Tera, shot to death . New Mexico and ABQ News, Sports, Business and more, By Jeff Proctor / Journal Staff Writer Why would either of them have to call each other if they were standing next to each other? Why are they not going public with this? They werent told that tens of instances in which Levi Chavezs attorneys asserted his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination had been excised from the deposition. In the trial's final days, Chavez took the stand and acknowledged having a string of mistresses, searching a website on how to kill someone with martial arts moves, and ignoring his wife's calls for help. Levi doesn't need her help anymore! The Dateline NBC episode 'The Officer's Wife' investigates the 2007 death of 26-year-old Tera Chavez, wife of Albuquerque police officer Levi Chavez. Afterall, that's the reason they are growing up without the love and guidance of a REAL mother and not just a replacement mother!! Get out while you still can. Much of the trial centered on allegations that Albuquerque police officers who responded to the Chavez home in nearby Los Lunas removed and even flushed key evidence down a toilet. We ask that you try to keep your comments focused, respectful and appropriate. If anything has rescued this hot, dry, fiery summer from total dreadfulness, it has been the soap opera airing in Judge George Eichwalds courtroom in the Sandoval County courthouse. If we're lucky the worst aftermath is a A front-row seat to watching the world change: Retiring Albuquerque Journal managing editor shares what he's learned. Definition of a sociopath:A sociopath is mainly identified by there being something very wrong with a person's conscious. I feel bad for his children, having to be raised by this man that has no morals or values. Albuquerque police have launched an internal review of the agency's handling of the ca A front-row seat to watching the world change: Retiring Journal Managing Editor Dan Herrera reflects Journal Managing Editor Dan Herrera reflects on the highlights of his career in journalism as he retires. Jones showed Heather Chavez crime scene photos from Teras death scene and told her people were worried about her.