When I finished, I gave the seat a good slam, forgetting that all seats are not created equal. The thing I have noticed is that revolver/DA people seem to transition to a striker gun without missing a beat. How To Decock A Pistol Safely And Easily - sciencealert.quest Its a very safe system for police duty and concealed carry, because they offer a safeguard against negligent discharges without the ergonomic and training hamperings of a manual safety. But if you find yourself needing to take a well aimed shot at 40 yards, the light crisp single action pull is just a thumb stroke away. In any case, in my experience, practice is all that is needed to master both trigger pulls and personally I prefer the added safety that a double action trigger provides. I own(ed) multiple Beretta Px4s for 10 years and many 92s for over 30 years- no malfunctions with the exceptions of a handful from bad re-loads out of about 10,000 rounds. It has three positions: fire, safe, and decocker (which is momentary). I likes it that way. I mean, *I* would certainly never be planning to use a fallen cops gun against him, but that doesnt mean no one would. How To Decock A Striker Fired Pistol? - Patriot Outdoor News The glock trigger is close to my Sig in SA mode, yet the Glock has no form of safety at all! Thank you. That was when I wore a pistol bag and before I went to a belt holster. Consult the owner's manual for your pistol, C. Safely unload the pistol then utilize the slide lock or hammer blocking method. Pistol pros know just how important it is to discharge their pistols safely. It comes down to a reliable weapon and solid training more than anything else. It was the cats meow compared to my S&W M66 (which I loved, and still do!). When was the de-cocking lever invented and by whom? I took a course once from an ex-cop who said he always carried a 1911 style with the chamber empty and the hammer down (Is that Israeli carry?) if you can easily swap from de- cock to manual (some czs) then this is a non- issue. When the gun is completely ready to fire, it will not go off without a finger on the trigger. The Sigs DA first round, or thumb cocked SA, is the safety, as the same actions are on a revolver. That was comforting. Thanks. If that person ever has to fire or even just draw his gun in self-defense, theres an excellent chance that the first arriving police officer will command, Drop that weapon! If they dont comply, theyre likely to get shot. The following tips will help you fire a pistol more maturely and ensure that everyone remains safe during the process. No problem with it. With the DC you only have to remember to De-Cock when you are finish for the Day. If you just pull, and keep your aim through the pull, youre good. If youre already great with the DA/SA, youll be superb with the striker pistol. Sorry, Im kinda techno-challenged and didnt realize that I could post responses here! Why have light trigger pulls at all then for guns that are meant for self defense? My conclusion is they dont work well for people with small hands or a weak grip. i wont even mention the hammer and firing pin blocks; suffice it to say that when theyve worn enough dropping the hammer with the decocker will fire a loaded round. Similar to the first time I shot a semi auto shotgun and couldnt figure out how to pump it after I missed a clay. A loaded Glock is a fun range toy, carrying one strikes me as an invitation to disaster. Is there a reason the hammer cant be cocked manually for the first shot? Yup. I got my daughter one of these. Fast forward my Nephew said I should try the SIG as that is what he used in the service! A DA/SA pistol does allow a heavier trigger pull on the first shot and some people want that. Consult the owner's manual for your pistol. A decocked p226, holstered with thumb on hammer seems safer than a glock. Interestingly, the Army jumped on fast to call the decocker a safety and Beretta adamantly insisted it was never designed to be a safety. Im just content which you embraced this useful details around. My FNX .45 has a lever decocker built into the safety lever. Same here- My P226R has yet to fail me at all, and the .22 caliber Xchange kit is good to go. The truth is, heavier trigger pulls are only a big deal if you agonize over them. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. It's pretty simple but requires that you perform these steps assiduously and carefully. I never liked decockers when they came out with them. Regardless, like anything else, you must practice with any weapon system you use. This is the perfect blog for everyone who hopes to find out about this topic. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie c, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses. Glad that this info was very friendly for the reader to understand, and without saying that unless you shoot a Glock your using the wrong firearm, great info which ever firearm you have shoot it, train with it, and Know how to deploy it when you need it. The lever comes back up on its own (with the assist of a spring, I think?) JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I have always been surprised that the rest of the industry lets SIG get away with being the only ones to put the dexxxx lever in the correct swpot! Whoever wrote this garbage is a moron. Clear your muzzle to ensure nothing interferes with its line of sight. > No safety on chambered ready to fire, no safety on, SA trigger pull on first round and subsequent. This is the standard operation of a glock. If a firearm registered in your name went missing due to sheer negligence and got misused, be prepared to face severe consequences. Once we explain the ins-and-outs of de-cockers to students, we often field two sarcastic questions:Who came up with this? Different systems work for different people. Different but again, train what you carry, no? They will remain with us. Although recent trends in the law enforcement and commercial markets have favored striker-fired semi-automatic pistols for home and holster, the more traditional double-action semi-auto retains a strong presence. My best guess for the newfangled safety system: Wilniewczyc and Skrzypiski had patent issues to consider . Hold the grip with your dominant hand and place your index finger (or another finger) from your non-dominant hand between the hammer and the frame. Whereas people that only shoot striker guns are a bit more challenged. Decockers dont allow you to have a heavier trigger pull; they FORCE you to have it, due to the geometry and energy required to cock and then release the hammer only using the trigger. 2. The M9 was fine and easy to use, just a damn big horse pistol for a small bullet. If people like them, goody for them because it means absolutely nothing to me. Negligent discharges are always the fault of the OPERATOR, not the OBJECT. This finger will serve as a "hammer block" and will prevent the gun from discharging if the hammer slips while you're decocking it. Sure doesnt apply to *MY* Glock! keylogger Ucuz veya cretsiz izleme yazlm kullanmayn! Showing off and flaunting your newly acquired pistol carelessly can lead to injury or death. The Walther manual is a little vague on several points, and says to just clear the chamber and pull the trigger. You are a moron. Most of us use the terminology created half a century ago or more by Col. Jeff Cooper, the man some called the high priest of the 1911 .45, and refer to cocked and locked carry as Condition One.. Nam risu, gce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dict, ac,nec facilisis. Youre right. The thumb safety was put on the at the behest of the US Cavalry so that the weapon could be made safe one handed after an engagement. Take alot of what he said with a decent dose of salt. How to Use a Revolver - LuckyGunner.com I have in the past few years disregarded the lever all together except to dexxxx once a round is loaded in the chamber. Its a safety where if you pull the trigger nothing happen. That is, unless youre an operator operating operationally who raises his nose at anything that isnt a striker fired polymer wonder 9. Shooters hand must crawl out of firing position so that thumb can operate decocking safety. We will live with the imitations, and appreciated the added safety. So youre absolutely wrong on that point. A glock doesnt allow you to have a heavier trigger pull. Thumb in front of the firing pin, gently drop the hammer against your thumb, release trigger, slowly remove thumb while guiding the hammer forward. All is says it PT24/7 including the Pro. Pick one, train and practice with it until you can use it safely and proficiently. Consider storing the container in a discreet place, far away from kids and anyone you don't wish to see around your firearm. My 1911s and Hi-Power had neither a double action mode nor a decocker, action of either is single action with safety. Just because its tougher for you, personally, to train people whose guns have a decocker, doesnt mean having a decocker or a DA/SA pistol is a bad idea. Safety with any firearm resides between the ears, not due to any safety system or the lack thereof. If you are already great with the DA/SA, youll be absolutely SUPERB with the other types (again, with the same practice). Now true, Ive only had a chance to dry fire it, but I much preferred the DA mode to the SA mode. In truth, anyone who can operate a 1911 can operate a DA/SA with a safety. Get everything included in Premium plus exclusive Gold Membership benefits. the unsubscribe link (where available) in one of our messages. Often, the trigger is such a long reach that I have to change my grip between DA and SA with the latter position correct and the former not. And simple costs less. However, 85 percent of the guns students show up with fall into the polymer, striker-fired category. Decocking Your Pistol: The Safe and Proper Way At that point, I realized that my pistol in decock could never do that. and you arent comfortable with running it without a training period youre doing it wrong. For home protection, I like condition 3, chamber empty, full mag, and hammer down. A failure to fire on the first shot is statistically not usually going to be a hard primer, its going to be a failure to fully chamber/lock or other shooter-induced problem. I'm used to external-hammer pistols with external safeties that can be decocked easily, but of course that's not possible with this pistol. Tenth? I carried a couple of decocker Smiths a Model 39 and then a 4006 back in the day when they were pretty common law enforcement pistols. Cause you never know . I think the authors theory that de-cockers were developed to get around patents is absurd. Love my Sigs with decocker. You never elaborated on that. If you have three different ways you can carry your pistol, and if you exercise the option to do so on occasion, then you now have three different ways you need to train, three different expectations of what will happen after you draw (move safety off, light SA first shot; no safety movement needed, long/heavy DA first shot; or no safety movement needed, light SA first shot), which means multiple ways you can confuse yourself at a critical moment when you really dont want to be confused, even momentarily. Below are several options and methods to safely decock a pistol. To decock a pistol safely and easily, [ you should: KEEP THE HANDGUN POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION; Enable the safety if available; Use the decocking lever if available; Place non-dominant hand thumb between hammer and firing pin. ] AND, you dont really know how good you COULD be. The disdain for the DA/SA is obviously not shared by everyone , The disdain for the DA/SA is obviously not shared by everyone . A lot of this comes from the fact that the gun is often carried with the hammer cocked, which might appear intimidating to some shooters. The decocker is safer than letting the hammer down on a loaded chamber on a wheel gun. Doing mag dumps this way I easily keep all shots, including the first, on target from standard self defense distances. The hammer and the trigger move forward at the same time, and the same function that prevents the gun from discharging if the hammer is struck keeps the hammer from hitting the firing pin. It has a HAMMER just like my S&W .357! Good info! Thus, the idea of first press cocks the hammer, slide does the rest was born. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to use this website. You can do the same thing you do with any glock without a decocker. Should Taurus add a manual decocking capability, most likely actuated by pushing the safety down past the firing position, allowing a controlled, non-firing release of the striker? As I said above, if youre good with a DA/SA, youll be great with a quality striker-fired pistol. has a decocker. Fact is, you have the four rules, and you have training. This is why a decocker is an extra in my opinion. And the worst: And so when you pull the tigger nothing happens. Use the palm of your non-firing hand to pull the slide back and release it to chamber a round. A Glock CAN have a heavier pull, and I explained how, above. I couldnt find it. And if you already claim to be superb with the DA/SA, then youre full of.it. Decocker vs Manual Safety: Which Is Best? - USA Carry Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. $200 for it, or Enhanced Warranty. I didnt find them particularly difficult to master and I remember when our range commands were Decock, make safe and holster your weapon after a course of fire. This would do two things. Step outdoors: You don't want to operate a firearm for the first time in a closed space unless its a firing range. Could I make do with a DA/SA gun? Owning a firearm is one thing, but proper usage and maintenance is a whole different ball game. He received a patent for the Hi Power in 1923. Since it is a general safety precaution, this is the first and foremost crucial weapon safety regulation. And if I sent it in I would be without a carry gun and cant afford to buy a replacement. neat! K.I.S.S. Glock leg. I knew bootlickers were invalids, but this tried it, liked i,t bought it in .40 cal. Embrace it. Truly were living in a clown world society. Ive seen M9 users out shoot Glock boys easily and Smith 1st Gen guys leave folks in their wake with mouths slack. The advantage is, if you have a hard primer the DA/SA doesnt require you to change your grip to reset the hammer and try again. My only complaint at all is that as Ive aged and acquired arthritis in my shooting hand, the DA seems more and more stiff and painful. When youre ready to fire it has no extra steps compared to any other pistol with a manual safety. Fact: decockers allow you to have heavier trigger pull. Its a striker fired SA/DA. Close. Plus, I can cock the hammer and I have a lighter trigger pull just like a wheel gun. Several years later we elected a new sheriff who was a 1911 shooter and we were good to go. Between the DA trigger pull and having proper holsters that cover the trigger and trigger guard, the safety becomes an unnecessary redundancy. With the first shot, the operator manually cocks the hammer by pressing the trigger, for the following shots, the slide function re-cocks the hammer. Why do decocker pistols suck? The first pull will be stiffer, but thatwont matter much in a fight for your life scenario, and its only heavy on the first shot. At that time I rotate the dexxxxer and carry the gun in that condition. The views So, the bulk of practice is spent mastering the double action trigger, which is not bad on even stock CZs. We were introduced to the Walther PPK/S with the DA/SA de-cock operation. Safest way to carry a CZ75 Compact(manual safety) : r/CCW - Reddit Wouldnt trade them for anything. No you do not decock the pistol. (such as promotion codes and cart reminders) from AMD at the number provided, If its hammer was as easy to thumb as my Python, it would have been perfect. Considering companies like sig, Beretta, etc. So understand that just because somebodys pointing out something its not that theyre being unnecessarily pedantic. He specified hammer down carry. Lower Hammer. . Some are nice, some are bad and some are outright disgusting. DA/SA decocker pistols are perfectly easy to use. The only dexxxxer I was familiar with is my wifes HK which simply dexxxxs. Decades of (self) training left me with a revolver where I fired a couple shots (normally SA because it is FUN!) Ive got some friends (one is a navy seal) and they love the Sig P226 and much prefer it over a glock (which doesnt have a decocker). As the mechanism is spring-loaded, no other actions are required. Chambered aand ready to fire, no safety on, DA trigger pull on first shot, SA trigger pull on subsequent. My Jericho has a decocker/safety lever that doesnt bother me in the least. You DO realize THAT Taurus was on the recall list Geoff? arrow pointing to de-cocker: Click to expand. Both the 1911 and Hi Power use the single action/double action, cocked and locked style mechanism. Does not list all the different models. Wife is also a novice, and will always be such. It didnt fall out and the hammer was covered protecting it. Both are drop safe. His point as I understood was that no person, including trained personel can be mistake free all the time. Obviously not the surplus cop pistol part, but first quality pistol impressions, like first loves, can stay with a person and color their opinions forever. Its ALWAYS easier to learn one task (how to manage a single trigger pull weight and movement) than it is to learn two (a long/heavy first-shot pull, followed by a short/light second- and subsequent-shot trigger pulls).