Yastrzemski didn't actually play in 1960 nor did he ever play a game in his career at second base even though that's the position that Topps listed for him. Sport Magazine1960 Rookie Star cards (#117-148) include theYastrzemski rookie.
1960 Topps Baseball Cards - The Cardboard Connection Perhaps the most desired of them all is the Mickey Mantle and Ken Boyer "Rival All Stars" card.
1960 Topps Tattoos & Checklist - KeyMan Collectibles Also, coaching staffs are included for each team on cards #455-470. Yes, 1959 was a special season for Dodgers fans and Topps dedicated a short subset to their previous year's triumphs. OTA5ZjRlNDNjNTUxZGFhMTBmNzE5YmE4NGMxYjRlZmRkZjIzMjEwMWUxMGUw Need help buying or selling cards or have a general question about the hobby? This error was never corrected.
1963 Topps Baseball Checklist, Set Info, Key Cards, Buying Guide - Inserts and Related Sets
Wayne Delia's Card Images Project Yastrzemski, Back Rating: 7.5 (32 votes) Click here to Rate.
That said, here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about these legendary baseball cards.
1966 Topps Baseball Cards Checklist, Set Info, Key Cards, More | 1968 Topps Giant Stand Ups - 24 cards. They can be tough to find in top condition since they fall so late in the print run. 3
The 1961 Topps baseball card set consisted of 587 baseball cards numbered 1-589. NDA4M2M0YTY2YmExYzQwZGIyYmIyOTdlOThhMzhkZGQzOTFiNjBhMDM3OGM4 1969 Topps Baseball Card Checklist. Where what happened yesterday is being preserved today. 1960 Topps Football photos are reminiscent of those used in 1957 Topps Baseball. MGRlN2E3OWVkNGZmOTg2ZWExYWJkZmFhZDI1YWNhYzJjMmY1NmI0MDA2ZjJm - Rookies
Gallery |
The three-card panels are the more common version, but a lager option unique to 1960 showcaseseight cards on an uncut sheet. In their second year in Los Angeles, the Dodgers brought a World Series championship to their new home. YzIwNzUzNjVmOTNkMjA2N2NhMWFiMTA5MzI5MGNkMjBjODMxNGQwMDIzNWM5 Big names like Mantle, Aaron, Mays, Clemente and other Hall of Famers help headline a set that featured two of the great rookie cards of the 1960's: the Carl Yastrzemski and Willie McCovey rookies. PSA Price Guide for 1960 Topps Football Card Values - Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) PSA Price Guide for 1960 Topps Football Card Values - Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) . dXJlIjoiNDdmMTBlNDFiN2Q0NWViNjRjZDJiMTQ3OTAzZDVmZDA4YzU2NjMw As card #1, however, his was one of the more susceptible to wear and tear. dXJlIjoiMjVmOGU1YjAxMGI4N2Y5NWY2Yjc2ZmE1NWFiMTM1MmE4M2MyNDdi
ZDBiMzliODJjMmJhMzI5MjZhYTA2YTU4YzJlYTQ0OWRhZjdmY2E2NWQzZTM1 Baltimore Orioles Coaches (Eddie Robinson / Harry Brecheen / Lum Harris) CO, RC, Boston Red Sox Coaches (Rudy York / Billy Herman / Sal Maglie / Del Baker) CO, Chicago Cubs Coaches (Charlie Root / Lou Klein / Elvin Tappe) CO, Chicago White Sox Coaches (Johnny Cooney / Don Gutteridge / Tony Cuccinello / Ray Berres) CO, RC, Cincinnati Reds Coaches (Reggie Otero / Cot Deal / Wally Moses) CO, Cleveland Indians Coaches (Mel Harder / Jo Jo White / Bob Lemon / Red Kress) CO, Detroit Tigers Coaches (Tom Ferrick / Luke Appling / Billy Hitchcock) CO, Kansas City A's Coaches (Fred Fitzsimmons / Don Heffner / Walker Cooper) CO, L.A. Dodgers Coaches (Bobby Bragan / Pete Reiser / Joe Becker / Greg Mulleavy) CO, RC, Milwaukee Braves Coaches (Bob Scheffing / Whitlow Wyatt / Andy Pafko / George Myatt) CO, N.Y. Yankees Coaches (Bill Dickey / Ralph Houk / Frank Crosetti / Ed Lopat) CO, Phila. Y2RmOWIzMjNlZjg2YjI4MmYxMjZhOWQzZDNiYmU3MzQ5NmM1NTNiNzkyNmE2 Hall of Famers | Rookies |
1977 Topps. 1968 Topps Game Cards - 33 cards. The pureness of the card design allows the player's picture to dominate the card's landscape, making it one of the better looking sets of the era. Each coach's face and his last name has its own special section on these segmented designs. - Author John Bloom in A House of Cards (1997), 1960 Topps| Bold = HOF | Research by Baseball Almanac. Card Rankings
1960 Topps Baseball Cards: Values, Checklist and Set Info Of 1960 Topps Card, 1960 Shop for base sets on eBay. - Glossary
Checklist By Age Checklist By First Name Checklist By Last Name Printable View . YjU5ZjE0NzZmN2Y4NjAwYWQ1NzY4YjQ2NjhhZjM4YTgzYjgwMGZlMWUyMzhm MmQ5NzUwNTZiNzgzODY2ZGI3MDg1MGFmNTgyOTgxOTgwYWY5YWQ4ZjVjZmEy Glossary |
Glossary |
NTk2OTYyN2I5NTkyZTE5NzM4NDNiZDBiZTAyMmY2ZjQwYzg0YzUwZWE0M2Fm Newsletter There are two lines of statistics below that. OTQyNjljMDgzMzE2OThkZThmN2UyOGEifQ== Red Wings Schieble Press W745 10 cards, 1963 Topps Stick-On Inserts (Peel-Off) 46
Forum |
1960 Topps Baseball card backs contain biographical information, statisticsand a cartoon about the player. page - - - - - - For Rating: 7.9 (151 votes) Rate this set. Card Rankings
The 1960 Topps Football card set is a very affordable vintage offering. Along with the usual key cards of Mantle, Aaron, Mays, and Clemente the rookie cards of Carl Yastrzemski and Willie McCovey headline the set. YzdmZDlmZTZkMWUzNGY0MDA3YzdlYTE2ODJlNWRkMzc1OThhYWQyYThjNzFi The 2-1/2" by 3-1/2" cards are horizontally oriented just as they were in 1956 Topps Baseball, and featuretwo photographs of each player. National Bank H801-14 21 cards, 1960-61 ZmQ5OTdkZjU5ZmEyNzQxNDk0OWRmYjIzOWNlNTA3N2I5MTYwZGI3N2JiYjA2 | Message to: Topps Insert Checklist Home, Home Yjk1NTZhNGJlYzI2ZWI0MjM0YTc4Njk2NTEzODExZWJiYzIyMDkwZmYwY2Jl
Although Clayton Kershaw is giving him a run for his money. Love the 1960 Topps Mickey Mantle. ZDA4YWM0MzBmZGVkOTZkYjk4MjlhNTBhYWNjOGRhMTlkYTEwMTZkNTI5N2Yx Also, the card stock holds up well, making it easier to build a set in EX condition or better. ZTdiMmRhMGI2OWRhN2FkZDRhNjIzNTExMGUwY2RmNmJhOGZiIiwic2lnbmF0 It may not be his most valuable card overall but it still can be quite expensive if it's in top shape. .
1960 Topps Football Cards - PSA Price Guide NDEwYmZkYjFiMDc0ODBjNThhMWQ1OWJmNzNkMDEyODFlNWRmM2JjNjRhYzJk not have numbers on them are listed in alphabetical order? - Gallery
MDZlNmMwMzgwMmQ0MTJjNTMzY2Y5NDY2OTYxOTBlYTQyODY2ZTA0Njk4MWUz Punch Outs 14 Cards w/ 2 Player Each, 1968 Sports 1960 Topps. N2Q3MmRhMGEzYzQ0ZjkzNThmNTE0ZjFjYzM5YTExZjY0Mzk1ZDcwMWIwNzY4 The set consisted of 660 baseball cards and each card from the 1973 Topps baseball card set is listed below. NDQyMzhiODRjNTU0Y2U3ODEwNDMyNDgifQ== MWE3MWIyZWM4Yzc0OTkzZmYwY2YwODQ5ZmI3NmUwOGVjZjBmNzEwYmZlNzRj Collection Summary,
eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMTNmYjEyYmU4OGJlM2Q4MGM5ZTE5ZTA3ZjVmNjRhOWU0 Yet money, in turn, made the hobby less akin to child's play and more like work: YWNjYWMyY2I0ZWU3NzU4YjU0MWQ3NDhjMDJlM2UwZjM2OWMxZmExNTc4NTY2 The Topps baseball card set was released in 1973. The football itself is depicted in one of several colors: blue, green, red, yellow or orange. In addition to the traditionalbasecards,the 1960 Topps Baseball checklist is made up of several themedsubsets sprinkledthroughout the set.
MTMzMWJlMDE2NTg1NjExMmIyYTA0ZTZkMzc4ZjZiYTdkZDViMmUwOWQ0ZjYx 1956 Topps Davy Crockett Green 1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange 1956 Topps Flags of the World 1956 Topps Jets 1956 Topps Round Up 1956 Topps U.S. Presidents 1957 Barratt LTD. Walt Disney Characters 1957 C.W.S.
Each measures the standard 2-1/2 by 3-1/2 inches. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. 1968 Topps Plaks Checklist - 2 Plaks.
Topps Baseball Cards Checklist (1960-1969) 1961 Topps Baseball Card Checklist - Baseball Almanac 1960 Topps Baseball Card Checklist Cards 1-150 1 - Early Wynn 2 - Roman Mejias 3 - Joe Adcock 4 - Bob Purkey 5 - Wally Moon 6 - Lou Berberet 7 - Master & Mentor - Mays/Rigney 8 - Bud Daley 9 - Faye Throneberry 10 - Ernie Banks 11 - Norm Siebern 12 - Milt Pappas 13 - Wally Post 14 - Jim Grant 15 - Pete Runnels 16 - Ernie Broglio NzI3OGE5NjFmYjYzODQ1MmYwY2Q2ZWVlZDY2NzFiOTYxYTBkZWYyZTYwYTkz document.write(update); me when I sorted the sets but I am human so if you find any mistakes please let Change Log |
Welcome to the Club will highlight embers of baseball's 30/30, 40/40, and 20/20/20 clubs. NTdhZmVkNDI1ZjY5NWM5NWJmOTBlNTYwNDY1NTM2MGM5ZmNlNDRmZWM0MWI5 - Collection Summary, Overview |
favorite? For the FREE 1961 Topps Baseball Card checklist CLICK HERE The 1961 Topps baseball card set consisted of 587 baseball cards.
1977 Topps Baseball Checklist | Trading Card Database Sell Sheets / Ads |
WWWTEAMSET4U.COM - Team Sets Checklist It just depends on which card it is and its condition. Action All-Star Stickers 112 Stickers, 1978 TCMA Stars of the 60's I - 293 cards, 1981 TCMA Stars of the 60's II - 189 cards, Return to the main ZGVjZTYxNDIyNzhkMTJiMGMwMjZmMmQyZTU2MDNlNTg3MjEwMjIxYWFhYjJm These cards look great and are special since kids voted on these players as standouts based on their play the previous year. M2UxNGY1M2U0N2U2NGMxNzAwMDZhMDhkNmY2ZWE4YTM5M2E0ZDEwY2ViMWEw -----END REPORT-----, Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. These special cards were scattered throughout the set and featured unique player combos themed around a certain topic. For some reason, their prices just don't reflect how good he really was. YjE3YWJlMDM3NjI4NjdmZWJiNGMzNjA2YmY1YTFhODY1NjhiNGZhYjNkN2Yw This one is one of the more vibrant Ernie Banks baseball cards you can find. Note: Baseball cards which featured a player who did not appear in a regular season game during the most recently completed season, do not link to their major league statistics. Mostseries were printed entirely in one color, while onehas multiple backs. document.write("
"); This | About YjhmYmNkOGExMjBiNTNhYzEyYWU1YmUyZjc0MDBmZDdmYmJkOWU5MzZjMDQz Instead, the quarterback is usually first, followed by the running backs. Comments |
316 - Willie McCovey RC. According to the PSA SMR current market values are: That's quite the range so you can see it really just depends on many factors. A full breakdown is listed below. - Inserts and Related Sets
Teams | Errors / Variations |
ZmY4MDRmNGMxZmZjYzAwZWU2MzIxYjQ4YmNkMjE0ZTg5ZTcyZTliNGMyNDNh sets in which the "number" on the back is not numerical in nature. The 1960 Topps Baseball set featuresan impressive 572 cards. Card While rare, collectorscan find advertising panels for 1960 Topps Baseball. YTA2YzdlNWUzNjU2N2EyNDdjOTk5NjIxOWZmNzMxM2Y4NmIzMDk5YzNkYjIy Hall of Famers | Rookies |
- Hall of Famers
ZWM5ZjgxYTNiZTViYmM5ZDdkNzdjZmMwYjhiYzU0NDJlN2NlYjNmYmMwNjJk to: 1960 -1969 Topps Carl Yastrzemski NjRkMDExODY5MThmZGQyNTMxODc0ZmIxM2UyMWJlYmZhZjQ0MGU0YTQ2MjJm One of two key rookie cards in the set, the Carl Yastrzemski rookie card was part of the Sport Magazine Rookie Stars subset which we'll cover later. - External Links
NTIzMWI1NjMyNGY3ZWMxNzcyNGI3N2ZkNDhmN2M4MDdkZDQ1NDRiNGVlZmZm ZjAxOWVlYzU2ZWMyNzVkMTY0OGE3Yzk1MjRiM2ZmM2MxNGRjYWE5N2I3ZTg2 Exhibits Wrigley HOF Postcard Backs 24 cards, 1961 Fleer Y2FlODQ3NjFiZmI5NzQ4NTEwNWQxMTdiOWRiOWFlYTk3MWE3YTFjM2Q0MjBl
1961 Topps Baseball Cards & Checklist - KeyMan Collectibles The wrapper with the Tattoo measures 1 9/16" x 3 1/2".
1960 Topps Baseball Cards & Checklist - KeyMan Collectibles MESSAGE The 1960 Topps baseball card set consisted of 572 baseball cards. - Rookies
ZGJiZTM0Y2Q4NjA1NGNjODRhZjkzNDNiOTQ0MDVlZWFhMzY5OWViZjFmNzI3 Collection Summary, 1
His 1960 Topps rookie card was featured as one of theAll-Star Rookies, the subset of cards numbered #316 -325. Any questions or to place an order, e-mail me at, For Syracuse Chiefs Team Issue 11 cards, 1961 Wilson Yastrzemski is by far the most expensive of the group that also features rookies of fellow Hall of Famers Frank Howard and Jim Kaat. 1960 Topps Baseball Card checklist CLICK Mickey Mantle 563, Back While his dominance wouldn't kick in until years later, this second year Bob Gibson baseball card is a key in commemorating the 1960 season overall. |
Card 1963 Topps Baseball Set Checklist 576 cards. MTg2NzYzZWE3NjRlZjRiY2ZlYjQ3YTVjZDQyNDAzOTMyYzFiZGY4MzZlNjlm Tract Society 12 cards, 1962 H.F. Gardner 1968 Topps Plaks - 24 Plaks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 by Old Sports Cards, LLC. Phils Coaches (Ken Silvestri / Dick Carter / Andy Cohen) CO, Pitts. NmU5NGEzNGE0MTFiMTFiNmE0MjlhMjBkNGZjNzNlNzI5M2JlNDJhMTRmMjM3 ZjUyZjJiNzk2MTk0MGRkODdkNjU3NGUwNmIzNTA5NWExM2U0NjMxNDg4MmY3 The team card is the final card in each team's section of the set. page - - - - - - For Click on the images or listings to shop for cards on eBay. MjAzMDI4ZWQ2MmVjM2RiZDM2MGI1MDZhODU1NWNhNjNkM2Q5NWU2NzFkMjhk NWQ3ODIyNmY4Mzg5NWY1MmJjNTlhNGJlYjkyZjMxYWY0N2JjZGZiMzhhNmJi Printed and released in seven different series, the card backs can be found in a variety ofcolors.
In addition, Bill Anderson's card (#152) refers to him as Walt Anderson on the back. MjUzMTkxMzg5MzdlYjZiNjA0ZjNlMWI5ZTNmNzdlYjU1YWEyZGM1YTJmY2M5 Comments |
Nzk3YTk3MzA2Y2RhYmQ4NWVkZmJlOWYzYWZmOTZkODhmMzZlYjVmYWU3Zjlh | Contact - Pricing
NGM3YWIwMTc1OTQzZDRjODk4Mzg1NmMyNmQ5ZDI5NDJhMDNmOTkwOGI4MWZl Pirates Coaches (Mickey Vernon / Frank Oceak / Sam Narron / Bill Burwell) CO, St. Louis Cards Coaches (Johnny Keane / Howie Pollet / Ray Katt / Harry Walker) CO, San Fran. The rest of the area on the cards' back is taken up by a Football Funnies feature, a cartoon hidden under a scratch-off surface. - External Links
Early Wynn was a Hall of Famer who racked up 300 wins and earned 1 Cy Young Award over his career. Rookie Cards: Jim Kaat, Willie McCovey, Carl Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC
Despite only playing 52 games during the 1959 season, McCovey played well enough to earn Rookie of the Year honors that year. "Mr. Cub" won the hearts of many Cubs fans for the pure joy and energy that he brought to the game. Sporting Goods H828-1 6 cards, 1961-66 American the largest free baseball card database on the Internet. . All Rights Reserved, 316 Willie McCovey - San Francisco Giants RC, 326 Roberto Clemente - Pittsburgh Pirates, Series 5(#375-440) -Cream / Gray / White Backs. It is also a very challenging set to complete, with cards from the last series (#507-572) tough to find. - Teams
1968 Topps Milton Bradley - 74 cards.
(1 page) Contributors |
-----BEGIN REPORT----- M2NlMDNmMGRkYjExZDFlYjU4ODQ5NmU5NDk0ZWVlYzkzMDdkMWMwOWM1NGE1 BOARD, Baseball Notes Cards were also released with a white card stock back. ZTI0MGQ0OGRlYzg2MWZlMGM3NjQxOTZlOTZlMjRjODE3MzIzODYzMDBjNTRk The set has no scarce cards as all were printed in equal amounts. Featuring a very bright scheme, eight different colors were used in printing the front of the cards, including combos with orange, red, yellow, pink, blue, light blue, green or light green. NWMwOGRlZDc1NGVmM2I3NmFkZmVjMjJhODA3OGE0Zjk0MTY2NGQ2NTU4YWZj Checklist |
NTM2OTI3NjBjZTlkZjQ1MmM2ZThmYWE5ZmU5ZjBlMTk3ZTAwMjM5MDZkMjg5 Giants Coaches (Wes Westrum / Salty Parker / Bill Posedel) CO, Wash. | Collectors Corner - Packaging
Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC
ZDEyZDM2ZGViZDNmZTY3Mzc5NjY3MDIyN2FmMjJmNzAxNTdhMGRlOTYyMWJi | Site Map. Which card is the most valuable? ZjkwN2Y5YTUyMGNmYjU3YWY5NWYxN2FlZmIwNjQ2ODZiN2Y1NGM4OTgxMzRl Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Printer 2 Cards 199-286 are white back. ZGM3ZGZiNGQ0OTU5YzgwNjlhZDY2NmEzYmI5YzQ3ZWEzYzRiNGNjZTVkYzY1 - Comments
Let's take a look at a dozen of the most sought after cards overall: Mantle is usually the most expensive card in any set in which he was featured and the 1960 Topps set was no exception.
Baseball Cards from 1960 - COMC MjhkYmFjZTZmZDc5YjEzMDgwN2QwNjMzMTFjZmI1MWE5MzY5ZTFlMjk5OTM3 MDE0NmM1ZjI5ZmM3M2VjODRjZmM1MGZhZWU5YmMxMGExNmJlNmRiZWQ3YTNh The set consisted of 752 baseball cards and each card from the 1971 Topps baseball card set is listed below. - Sell Sheets / Ads
OWQ5NGRhZGE5NTAzZTM0YTkzODQyMmI3NDMzZTE5NmQyNTgyZjI4MTZiMzhl Among them is One-Two Punch, a set that "celebrates modern and all-time. Printer 1 Cards 287-374 are gray back. 1968 Topps Venezuelan - 370 cards -1969 Ajman Hall of Fame Stamp - 6 Stamps 1969 Atlantic . Rate this set - Overview
Hall of Fame Players - Post War Rookies Set Checklist. MjQxYjFjNTAxMTczNWYzOWQ4OWQ0YWVlZmE3MjVjMTVjZWRlOGIxNDczMTgw My dad gave it to me when I was a kid and I lost it during a move in college. The 60 Yaz and McCovey rookie cards sold for less than $5 each back then. Ranging from single-card penny packs, nickel wax packs, dime cello packs, and 29-cent rack packs, kids had a wide array of choices for spending their allowance money on 1960 Topps Baseball. The 1960 Topps Baseball design is a classic and instantly recognizable. NjVkNDg2OTFkYmU4MTI3YjA5MzE3YTUyNzQ4ODBjMjNhYzM5YzQyNTE4MmI3 All Rights Reserved. NzYzYmYzOTA4NzdiMDBlMDQyYmE3NzUwODU1MGI3ZTkyZWY2ZWI4YmVlMzEz Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 7:24:24 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Printer 1 Cards 111-198 are gray back. MGRiNGFjYWI2Y2Q2ODM1M2E3YTI0OGJjOGMyM2UyMGUxYWQzNDA4NzZiZTc4 - Errors / Variations
-----BEGIN REPORT----- Coaching staffs were not left out in the 1960 Topps set and I think the design of these cards is excellent. MjMxZmI1NWQ0MDY1ODAxMTc0NzkyNGEyZDBjMzdiZWQ0NjliMThhZjkwYjk1 Value: $700-800. - Trivia
Glad I have it again! Here is a checklist of the entire 1960 Topps baseball card set for your reference: 1 Early Wynn - Chicago White Sox2 Roman Mejias - Pittsburgh Pirates3 Joe Adcock - Milwaukee Braves4 Bob Purkey - Cincinnati Reds5 Wally Moon - Los Angeles Dodgers6 Lou Berberet - Detroit Tigers7 Master & Mentor - Willie Mays / Bill Rigney8 Bud Daley - Kansas City Athletics9 Faye Throneberry - Washington Senators10 Ernie Banks - Chicago Cubs11 Norm Siebern - Kansas City Athletics12 Milt Pappas - Baltimore Orioles13 Wally Post - Philadelphia Phillies14 Mudcat Grant - Cleveland Indians15 Pete Runnels - Boston Red Sox16 Ernie Broglio - St. Louis Cardinals17 Johnny Callison - Philadelphia Phillies18 Los Angeles Dodgers Checklist (#1-88)19 Felix Mantilla - Milwaukee Braves20 Roy Face - Pittsburgh Pirates21 Dutch Dotterer - Cincinnati Reds22 Rocky Bridges - Detroit Tigers23 Eddie Fisher - San Francisco Giants RC24 Dick Gray - St. Louis Cardinals25 Roy Sievers - Washington Senators26 Wayne Terwilliger - Kansas City Athletics27 Dick Drott - Chicago Cubs28 Brooks Robinson - Baltimore Orioles29 Clem Labine - Los Angeles Dodgers30 Tito Francona - Cleveland Indians31 Sammy Esposito - Chicago White Sox32 Sophomore Stalwarts - Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson33 Tom Morgan - Detroit Tigers34 Sparky Anderson - Philadelphia Phillies35 Whitey Ford - New York Yankees36 Russ Nixon - Cleveland Indians37 Bill Bruton - Milwaukee Braves38 Jerry Casale - Boston Red Sox39 Earl Averill Jr. - Chicago Cubs40 Joe Cunningham - St. Louis Cardinals41 Barry Latman - Chicago White Sox42 Hobie Landrith - San Francisco Giants43 Washington Senators Checklist (#1-88)44 Bobby Locke - Cleveland Indians RC45 Roy McMillan - Cincinnati Reds46 Jack Fisher - Baltimore Orioles RC47 Don Zimmer - Los Angeles Dodgers48 Hal W. Smith - Pittsburgh Pirates49 Curt Raydon - Pittsburgh Pirates50 Al Kaline - Detroit Tigers51 Jim Coates - New York Yankees52 Dave Philley - Philadelphia Phillies53 Jackie Brandt - Baltimore Orioles54 Mike Fornieles - Boston Red Sox55 Bill Mazeroski - Pittsburgh Pirates56 Steve Korcheck - Washington Senators57 Win-Savers - Turk Lown / Jerry Staley58 Gino Cimoli - Pittsburgh Pirates59 Juan Pizarro - Milwaukee Braves60 Gus Triandos - Baltimore Orioles61 Eddie Kasko - Cincinnati Reds62 Roger Craig - Los Angeles Dodgers63 George Strickland - Cleveland Indians64 Jack Meyer - Philadelphia Phillies65 Elston Howard - New York Yankees66 Bob Trowbridge - Kansas City Athletics67 Jose Pagan - San Francisco Giants RC68 Dave Hillman - Boston Red Sox69 Billy Goodman - Chicago White Sox70 Lou Burdette - Milwaukee Braves71 Marty Keough - Boston Red Sox72 Detroit Tigers Checklist (#89-176)73 Bob Gibson - St. Louis Cardinals74 Walt Moryn - Chicago Cubs75 Vic Power - Cleveland Indians76 Bill Fischer - Washington Senators77 Hank Foiles - Kansas City Athletics78 Bob Grim - Kansas City Athletics79 Walt Dropo - Baltimore Orioles80 Johnny Antonelli - San Francisco Giants81 Russ Snyder - Kansas City Athletics RC82 Ruben Gomez - Philadelphia Phillies83 Tony Kubek - New York Yankees84 Hal R. Smith - St. Louis Cardinals85 Frank Lary - Detroit Tigers86 Dick Gernert - Chicago Cubs87 John Romonosky - Washington Senators88 John Roseboro - Los Angeles Dodgers89 Hal Brown - Baltimore Orioles90 Bobby Avila - Milwaukee Braves91 Bennie Daniels - Pittsburgh Pirates92 Whitey Herzog - Kansas City Athletics93 Art Schult - Chicago Cubs94 Leo Kiely - Boston Red Sox95 Frank Thomas - Chicago Cubs96 Ralph Terry - New York Yankees97 Ted Lepcio - Philadelphia Phillies98 Gordon Jones - Baltimore Orioles99 Lenny Green - Washington Senators100 Nellie Fox - Chicago White Sox101 Bob Miller - St. Louis Cardinals RC102 Kent Hadley - New York Yankees103 Dick Farrell - Philadelphia Phillies104 Dick Schofield - Pittsburgh Pirates105 Larry Sherry - Los Angeles Dodgers RC106 Billy Gardner - Baltimore Orioles107 Carl Willey - Milwaukee Braves108 Pete Daley - Kansas City Athletics109 Cletis Boyer - New York Yankees110 Cal McLish - Cincinnati Reds111 Vic Wertz - Boston Red Sox112 Jack Harshman - Cleveland Indians113 Bob Skinner - Pittsburgh Pirates114 Ken Aspromonte - Washington Senators115 Fork & Knuckler - Roy Face / Hoyt Wilhelm116 Jim Rivera - Chicago White Sox117 Tom Borland - Boston Red Sox118 Bob Bruce - Detroit Tigers RC119 Chico Cardenas - Cincinnati Reds RC120 Duke Carmel - St. Louis Cardinals RC121 Camilo Carreon - Chicago White Sox RC122 Don Dillard - Cleveland Indians123 Dan Dobbek - Washington Senators124 Jim Donohue - St. Louis Cardinals RC125 Dick Ellsworth - Chicago Cubs RC126 Chuck Estrada - Baltimore Orioles RC127 Ron Hansen - Baltimore Orioles128 Bill Harris - Los Angeles Dodgers RC129 Bob Hartman - Milwaukee Braves130 Frank Herrera - Philadelphia Phillies131 Ed Hobaugh - Chicago White Sox RC132 Frank Howard - Los Angeles Dodgers RC133 Manuel Javier - Pittsburgh Pirates RC134 Deron Johnson - New York Yankees135 Ken Johnson - Kansas City Athletics RC136 Jim Kaat - Washington Senators RC137 Lou Klimchock - Kansas City Athletics RC138 Art Mahaffey - Philadelphia Phillies RC139 Carl Mathias - Cleveland Indians RC140 Julio Navarro - San Francisco Giants RC141 Jim Proctor - Detroit Tigers RC142 Bill Short - New York Yankees RC143 Al Spangler - Milwaukee Braves RC144 Al Stieglitz - San Francisco Giants RC145 Jim Umbricht - Pittsburgh Pirates RC146 Ted Wieand - Cincinnati Reds RC147 Bob Will - Chicago Cubs148 Carl Yastrzemski - Boston Red Sox RC149 Bob Nieman - St. Louis Cardinals150 Billy Pierce - Chicago White Sox151 San Francisco Giants Checklist (#177-264)152 Gail Harris - Detroit Tigers153 Bobby Thomson - Boston Red Sox154 Jim Davenport - San Francisco Giants155 Charlie Neal - Los Angeles Dodgers156 Art Ceccarelli - Chicago Cubs157 Rocky Nelson - Pittsburgh Pirates158 Wes Covington - Milwaukee Braves159 Jim Piersall - Cleveland Indians160 Rival All-Stars - Mickey Mantle / Ken Boyer161 Ray Narleski - Detroit Tigers162 Sammy Taylor - Chicago Cubs163 Hector Lopez - New York Yankees164 Cincinnati Reds Checklist (#89-176)165 Jack Sanford - San Francisco Giants166 Chuck Essegian - Los Angeles Dodgers167 Valmy Thomas - Philadelphia Phillies168 Alex Grammas - St. Louis Cardinals169 Jake Striker RC - Chicago White Sox170 Del Crandall - Milwaukee Braves171 Johnny Groth - Detroit Tigers172 Willie Kirkland - San Francisco Giants173 Billy Martin - Cincinnati Reds174 Cleveland Indians Checklist (#89-176)175 Pedro Ramos - Washington Senators176 Vada Pinson - Cincinnati Reds177 Johnny Kucks - Kansas City Athletics178 Woodie Held - Cleveland Indians179 Rip Coleman - Baltimore Orioles180 Harry Simpson - Chicago White Sox181 Billy Loes - San Francisco Giants182 Glen Hobbie - Chicago Cubs183 Eli Grba RC - New York Yankees184 Gary Geiger - Boston Red Sox185 Jim Owens - Philadelphia Phillies186 Dave Sisler - Detroit Tigers187 Jay Hook RC - Cincinnati Reds188 Dick Williams - Kansas City Athletics189 Don McMahon - Milwaukee Braves190 Gene Woodling - Baltimore Orioles191 Johnny Klippstein - Los Angeles Dodgers192 Danny O'Connell - San Francisco Giants193 Dick Hyde - Washington Senators194 Bobby Gene Smith - Philadelphia Phillies195 Lindy McDaniel - St. Louis Cardinals196 Andy Carey - New York Yankees197 Ron Kline - St. Louis Cardinals198 Jerry Lynch - Cincinnati Reds199 Dick Donovan - Chicago White Sox200 Willie Mays - San Francisco Giants201 Larry Osborne - Detroit Tigers202 Fred Kipp - Los Angeles Dodgers203 Sammy White - Boston Red Sox204 Ryne Duren - New York Yankees205 Johnny Logan - Milwaukee Braves206 Claude Osteen - Cincinnati Reds207 Bob Boyd - Baltimore Orioles208 Chicago White Sox Checklist (#177-264)209 Ron Blackburn - Pittsburgh Pirates210 Harmon Killebrew - Washington Senators211 Taylor Phillips - Philadelphia Phillies212 Walt Alston - Los Angeles Dodgers213 Chuck Dressen - Milwaukee Braves214 Jimmie Dykes - Detroit Tigers215 Bob Elliott - Kansas City Athletics216 Joe Gordon - Cleveland Indians217 Charlie Grimm - Chicago Cubs218 Solly Hemus - St. Louis Cardinals219 Fred Hutchinson - Cincinnati Reds220 Billy Jurges - Boston Red Sox221 Cookie Lavagetto - Washington Senators222 Al Lopez - Chicago White Sox223 Danny Murtaugh - Pittsburgh Pirates224 Paul Richards - Baltimore Orioles225 Bill Rigney - San Francisco Giants226 Eddie Sawyer - Philadelphia Phillies227 Casey Stengel - New York Yankees228 Ernie Johnson - Cleveland Indians229 Joe Morgan - Kansas City Athletics RC230 Mound Magicians - Lew Burdette / Warren Spahn / Bob Buhl231 Hal Naragon - Washington Senators232 Jim Busby - Boston Red Sox233 Don Elston - Chicago Cubs234 Don Demeter - Los Angeles Dodgers235 Gus Bell - Cincinnati Reds236 Dick Ricketts - St. Louis Cardinals237 Elmer Valo - New York Yankees238 Danny Kravitz - Pittsburgh Pirates239 Joe Shipley - San Francisco Giants240 Luis Aparicio - Chicago White Sox241 Albie Pearson - Baltimore Orioles242 St. Louis Cardinals Checklist (#265-352)243 Bubba Phillips - Cleveland Indians244 Hal Griggs - Washington Senators245 Eddie Yost - Detroit Tigers246 Lee Maye - Milwaukee Braves RC247 Gil McDougald - New York Yankees248 Del Rice - Chicago Cubs249 Earl Wilson - Boston Red Sox RC250 Stan Musial - St. Louis Cardinals251 Bobby Malkmus - Philadelphia Phillies252 Ray Herbert - Kansas City Athletics253 Eddie Bressoud - San Francisco Giants254 Arnie Portocarrero - Baltimore Orioles255 Jim Gilliam - Los Angeles Dodgers256 Dick Brown - Chicago White Sox257 Gordy Coleman - Cincinnati Reds RC258 Dick Groat - Pittsburgh Pirates259 George Altman - Chicago Cubs260 Power Plus - Rocky Colavito / Tito Francona261 Pete Burnside - Detroit Tigers262 Hank Bauer - Kansas City Athletics263 Darrell Johnson - St. Louis Cardinals264 Robin Roberts - Philadelphia Phillies265 Rip Repulski - Los Angeles Dodgers266 Joe Jay - Milwaukee Braves267 Jim Marshall - Boston Red Sox268 Al Worthington - San Francisco Giants269 Gene Green - Baltimore Orioles270 Bob Turley - New York Yankees271 Julio Becquer - Washington Senators272 Fred Green - Pittsburgh Pirates RC273 Neil Chrisley - Detroit Tigers274 Tom Acker - Kansas City Athletics275 Curt Flood - St. Louis Cardinals276 Ken McBride - Chicago White Sox RC277 Harry Bright - Chicago Cubs278 Stan Williams - Los Angeles Dodgers279 Chuck Tanner - Cleveland Indians280 Frank Sullivan - Boston Red Sox281 Ray Boone - Milwaukee Braves282 Joe Nuxhall - Cincinnati Reds283 John Blanchard - New York Yankees284 Don Gross - Pittsburgh Pirates285 Harry Anderson - Philadelphia Phillies286 Ray Semproch - Detroit Tigers287 Felipe Alou - San Francisco Giants288 Bob Mabe - Baltimore Orioles289 Willie Jones - Cincinnati Reds290 Jerry Lumpe - Kansas City Athletics291 Bob Keegan - St. Louis Cardinals292 Dodger Backstops - Joe Pignatano / John Roseboro293 Gene Conley - Philadelphia Phillies294 Tony Taylor - Chicago Cubs295 Gil Hodges - Los Angeles Dodgers296 Nelson Chittum - Boston Red Sox RC297 Reno Bertoia - Washington Senators, 298 George Witt - Pittsburgh Pirates299 Earl Torgeson - Chicago White Sox300 Hank Aaron - Milwaukee Braves301 Jerry Davie - Detroit Tigers302 Philadelphia Phillies Checklist (#353-429)303 Billy O'Dell - San Francisco Giants304 Joe Ginsberg - Baltimore Orioles305 Richie Ashburn - Chicago Cubs306 Frank Baumann - Chicago White Sox307 Gene Oliver - St. Louis Cardinals308 Dick Hall - Kansas City Athletics309 Bob Hale - Cleveland Indians310 Frank Malzone - Boston Red Sox311 Raul Sanchez - Cincinnati Reds312 Charley Lau - Milwaukee Braves313 Turk Lown - Chicago White Sox314 Chico Fernandez - Detroit Tigers315 Bobby Shantz - New York Yankees316 Willie McCovey - San Francisco Giants RC317 Pumpsie Green - Boston Red Sox RC318 Jim Baxes - Cleveland Indians319 Joe Koppe - Philadelphia Phillies320 Bob Allison - Washington Senators321 Ron Fairly - Los Angeles Dodgers322 Willie Tasby - Baltimore Orioles323 Johnny Romano - Cleveland Indians324 Jim Perry - Cleveland Indians325 Jim O'Toole - Cincinnati Reds326 Roberto Clemente - Pittsburgh Pirates327 Ray Sadecki - St. Louis Cardinals RC328 Earl Battey - Chicago White Sox329 Zack Monroe - New York Yankees330 Harvey Kuenn - Detroit Tigers331 Henry Mason - Philadelphia Phillies RC332 New York Yankees Checklist (#265-352)333 Danny McDevitt - Los Angeles Dodgers334 Ted Abernathy - Washington Senators335 Red Schoendienst - Milwaukee Braves336 Ike Delock - Boston Red Sox337 Cal Neeman - Chicago Cubs338 Ray Monzant - San Francisco Giants339 Harry Chiti - Kansas City Athletics340 Harvey Haddix - Pittsburgh Pirates341 Carroll Hardy - Cleveland Indians342 Casey Wise - Detroit Tigers343 Sandy Koufax - Los Angeles Dodgers344 Clint Courtney - Washington Senators345 Don Newcombe - Cincinnati Reds346 J.C. Martin - Chicago White Sox RC347 Ed Bouchee - Philadelphia Phillies348 Barry Shetrone - Baltimore Orioles RC349 Moe Drabowsky - Chicago Cubs350 Mickey Mantle - New York Yankees351 Don Nottebart - Milwaukee Braves RC352 Cincy Clouters - Gus Bell / Frank Robinson / Jerry Lynch353 Don Larsen - Kansas City Athletics354 Bob Lillis - Los Angeles Dodgers355 Bill White - St. Louis Cardinals356 Joe Amalfitano - San Francisco Giants357 Al Schroll - Chicago Cubs358 Joe DeMaestri - New York Yankees359 Buddy Gilbert - Cincinnati Reds RC360 Herb Score - Cleveland Indians361 Bob Oldis - Pittsburgh Pirates362 Russ Kemmerer - Washington Senators363 Gene Stephens - Boston Red Sox364 Paul Foytack - Detroit Tigers365 Minnie Minoso - Chicago White Sox366 Dallas Green - Philadelphia Phillies RC367 Bill Tuttle - Kansas City Athletics368 Daryl Spencer - St. Louis Cardinals369 Billy Hoeft - Baltimore Orioles370 Bill Skowron - New York Yankees371 Bud Byerly - San Francisco Giants372 Frank House - Cincinnati Reds373 Don Hoak - Pittsburgh Pirates374 Bob Buhl - Milwaukee Braves375 Dale Long - Chicago Cubs376 Johnny Briggs - Cleveland Indians377 Roger Maris - New York Yankees378 Stu Miller - San Francisco Giants379 Red Wilson - Detroit Tigers380 Bob Shaw - Chicago White Sox381 Milwaukee Braves Checklist (#353-429)382 Ted Bowsfield - Boston Red Sox383 Leon Wagner - St. Louis Cardinals384 Don Cardwell - Philadelphia Phillies385 World Series Game 1 - Neal Steals Second386 World Series Game 2 - Neal Belts 2nd Homer387 World Series Game 3 - Furillo Breaks Up Game388 World Series Game 4 - Hodges' Winning Homer389 World Series Game 5 - Luis Swipes Base390 World Series Game 6 - Scrambling After Ball391 1959 World Series Summary - The Champs Celebrate392 Tex Clevenger - Washington Senators393 Smoky Burgess - Pittsburgh Pirates394 Norm Larker - Los Angeles Dodgers395 Hoyt Wilhelm - Baltimore Orioles396 Steve Bilko - Detroit Tigers397 Don Blasingame - San Francisco Giants398 Mike Cuellar - Cincinnati Reds399 Young Hill Stars - Milt Pappas / Jack Fisher / Jerry Walker400 Rocky Colavito - Cleveland Indians401 Bob Duliba - St. Louis Cardinals RC402 Dick Stuart - Pittsburgh Pirates403 Ed Sadowski - Boston Red Sox404 Bob Rush - Milwaukee Braves405 Bobby Richardson - New York Yankees406 Billy Klaus - Baltimore Orioles407 Gary Peters - Chicago White Sox RC408 Carl Furillo - Los Angeles Dodgers409 Ron Samford - Washington Senators410 Sam Jones - San Francisco Giants411 Ed Bailey - Cincinnati Reds412 Bob Anderson - Chicago Cubs413 Kansas City Athletics Checklist (#430-495) - Kansas City Athletics414 Don Williams - Pittsburgh Pirates RC415 Bob Cerv - Kansas City Athletics416 Humberto Robinson - Philadelphia Phillies417 Chuck Cottier - Milwaukee Braves RC418 Don Mossi - Detroit Tigers419 George Crowe - St. Louis Cardinals420 Eddie Mathews - Milwaukee Braves421 Duke Maas - New York Yankees422 John Powers - Baltimore Orioles423 Ed Fitz Gerald - Cleveland Indians424 Pete Whisenant - Cincinnati Reds425 Johnny Podres - Los Angeles Dodgers426 Ron H. Jackson - Boston Red Sox427 Al Grunwald - Kansas City Athletics RC428 Al Smith - Chicago White Sox429 American League Kings - Nellie Fox / Harvey Kuenn430 Art Ditmar - New York Yankees431 Andre Rodgers - San Francisco Giants432 Chuck Stobbs - Washington Senators433 Irv Noren - Chicago Cubs434 Brooks Lawrence - Cincinnati Reds435 Gene Freese - Chicago White Sox436 Marv Throneberry - Kansas City Athletics437 Bob Friend - Pittsburgh Pirates438 Jimmie Coker - Philadelphia Phillies RC439 Tom Brewer - Boston Red Sox440 Jim Lemon - Washington Senators441 Gary Bell - Cleveland Indians442 Joe Pignatano - Los Angeles Dodgers443 Charlie Maxwell - Detroit Tigers444 Jerry Kindall - Chicago Cubs445 Warren Spahn - Milwaukee Braves446 Ellis Burton - St. Louis Cardinals447 Ray Moore - Chicago White Sox448 Jim Gentile - Baltimore Orioles RC449 Jim Brosnan - Cincinnati Reds450 Orlando Cepeda - San Francisco Giants451 Curt Simmons - Philadelphia Phillies452 Ray Webster - Boston Red Sox453 Vern law - Pittsburgh Pirates454 Hal Woodeshick - Washington Senators455 Orioles Coaches - Harry Brecheen / Lum Harris / Eddie Robinson456 Red Sox Coaches - Rudy York / Billy Herman / Sal Maglie / Del Baker457 Cubs Coaches - Charlie Root / Lou Klein / Elvin Tappe458 White Sox Coaches - Johnny Cooney / Don Gutteridge / Tony Cuccinello / Ray Berres459 Reds Coaches - Reggie Otero / Cot Deal / Wally Moses460 Indians Coaches - Mel Harder / Jo Jo White / Bob Lemon / Red Kress461 Tigers Coaches - Tom Ferrick / Luke Appling / Billy Hitchcock462 A's Coaches - Walker Cooper / Freddie Fitzsimmons / Don Heffner463 Dodgers Coaches - Bobby Bragan / Pete Reiser / Joe Becker / Greg Mulleavy464 Braves Coaches - Bob Scheffing / Whit Wyatt / Andy Pafko / George Myatt465 Yankees Coaches - Bill Dickey / Ralph Houk / Frankie Crosetti / Ed Lopat466 Phillies Coaches - Ken Silvestri / Dick Carter / Andy Cohen467 Pirates Coaches - Mickey Vernon / Frank Oceak / Sam Narron / Bill Burwell468 Cardinals Coaches - Johnny Keane / Howie Pollet / Ray Katt / Harry Walker469 Giants Coaches - Salty Parker / Bill Posedel / Wes Westrum470 Senators Coaches - Bob Swift / Ellis Clary / Sam Mele471 Ned Garver - Kansas City Athletics472 Alvin Dark - Philadelphia Phillies473 Al Cicotte - Cleveland Indians474 Haywood Sullivan - Boston Red Sox475 Don Drysdale - Los Angeles Dodgers476 Lou Johnson - Chicago Cubs RC477 Don Ferrarese - Chicago White Sox478 Frank Torre - Milwaukee Braves479 Georges Maranda - San Francisco Giants RC480 Yogi Berra - New York Yankees481 Wes Stock - Baltimore Orioles RC482 Frank Bolling - Detroit Tigers483 Camilo Pascual - Washington Senators484 Pittsburgh Pirates Checklist (#430-495) - Pittsburgh Pirates485 Ken Boyer - St. Louis Cardinals486 Bobby Del Greco - Philadelphia Phillies487 Tom Sturdivant - Boston Red Sox488 Norm Cash - Detroit Tigers489 Steve Ridzik - Chicago Cubs490 Frank Robinson - Cincinnati Reds491 Mel Roach - Milwaukee Braves492 Larry Jackson - St. Louis Cardinals493 Duke Snider - Los Angeles Dodgers494 Baltimore Orioles Checklist (#496-572) - Baltimore Orioles495 Sherm Lollar - Chicago White Sox496 Bill Virdon - Pittsburgh Pirates497 John Tsitouris - Kansas City Athletics498 Al Pilarcik - Baltimore Orioles499 Johnny James - New York Yankees RC500 Johnny Temple - Cleveland Indians501 Bob Schmidt - San Francisco Giants502 Jim Bunning - Detroit Tigers503 Don Lee - Washington Senators504 Seth Morehead - Chicago Cubs505 Ted Kluszewski - Chicago White Sox506 Lee Walls - Cincinnati Reds507 Dick Stigman - Cleveland Indians508 Billy Consolo - Washington Senators509 Tommy Davis - Los Angeles Dodgers RC510 Jerry Staley - Chicago White Sox511 Ken Walters - Philadelphia Phillies RC512 Joe Gibbon - Pittsburgh Pirates RC513 Chicago Cubs Checklist (#496-572) - Chicago Cubs514 Steve Barber - Baltimore Orioles RC515 Stan Lopata - Milwaukee Braves516 Marty Kutyna - Kansas City Athletics RC517 Charley James - St. Louis Cardinals RC518 Tony Gonzalez - Cincinnati Reds RC519 Ed Roebuck - Los Angeles Dodgers520 Don Buddin - Boston Red Sox521 Mike Lee - Cleveland Indians RC522 Ken Hunt - New York Yankees RC523 Clay Dalrymple - Philadelphia Phillies RC524 Bill Henry - Cincinnati Reds525 Marv Breeding - Baltimore Orioles RC526 Paul Giel - Pittsburgh Pirates527 Jose Valdivielso - Washington Senators528 Ben Johnson - Chicago Cubs RC529 Norm Sherry - Los Angeles Dodgers RC530 Mike McCormick - San Francisco Giants531 Sandy Amoros - Detroit Tigers532 Mike Garcia - Chicago White Sox533 Lou Clinton - Boston Red Sox RC534 Ken MacKenzie - Milwaukee Braves RC535 Whitey Lockman - Cincinnati Reds536 Wynn Hawkins - Cleveland Indians RC537 Boston Red Sox Checklist (#496-572) - Boston Red Sox538 Frank Barnes - Chicago White Sox RC539 Gene Baker - Pittsburgh Pirates540 Jerry Walker - Baltimore Orioles541 Tony Curry - Philadelphia Phillies RC542 Ken Hamlin - Kansas City Athletics RC543 Elio Chacon - Cincinnati Reds RC544 Bill Monbouquette - Boston Red Sox545 Carl Sawatski - St. Louis Cardinals546 Hank Aguirre - Detroit Tigers547 Bob Aspromonte - Los Angeles Dodgers RC548 Don Mincher - Washington Senators RC549 John Buzhardt - Philadelphia Phillies550 Jim Landis - Chicago White Sox551 Ed Rakow - Los Angeles Dodgers RC552 Walt Bond - Cleveland Indians RC553 Bill Skowron - New York Yankees AS554 Willie McCovey - San Francisco Giants AS555 Nellie Fox - Chicago White Sox AS556 Charlie Neal - Los Angeles Dodgers AS557 Frank Malzone - Boston Red Sox AS558 Eddie Mathews - Milwaukee Braves AS559 Luis Aparicio - Chicago White Sox AS560 Ernie Banks - Chicago Cubs AS561 Al Kaline - Detroit Tigers AS562 Joe Cunningham - St. Louis Cardinals AS563 Mickey Mantle - New York Yankees AS564 Willie Mays - San Francisco Giants AS565 Roger Maris - New York Yankees AS566 Hank Aaron - Milwaukee Braves AS567 Sherm Lollar - Chicago White Sox AS568 Del Crandall - Milwaukee Braves AS569 Camilo Pascual - Washington Senators AS570 Don Drysdale - Los Angeles Dodgers AS571 Billy Pierce - Chicago White Sox AS572 Johnny Antonelli - San Francisco Giants AS, Ross is the founder of Old Sports Cards and has been collecting sports cards for over 30 years.