Applicants are still responsible for the timely submission of required documents. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. Tenant Date of Birth: Given the high volume of application submissions expected in advance of this deadline, please allow time to process an application. If you do not have a written lease agreement, you must provide documentation showing that you had been making monthly lease payments prior to experiencing the financial hardship, like a bank statement, check stub, Venmo or Zell statement, etc. What types of leases are eligible for SC Stay Plus? Upload Document - NMA Portal - onlinepha The program is a merit-based scholarship created for students attending a four-year institution who do not qualify for the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. *Last Name / Appelido. welcome to the south carolina (erap) portal. 11. If more funds are received, we will continue to review submitted applications in the order received. &sA$? &-8T`s@dM$dbsEC@$'0[LV+c8 q =] SC Stay Plus is pausing operations and is no longer accepting new applications. No representation is made or implied by SC Housing that these Statements accurately reflect the financial condition on any date other than the date dated, and SC Housing can give no assurance that material changes in its financial condition have not occurred since such date. SC Stay Plus is pausing operations and is no longer accepting new applications. On average, these direct deposits are paid out faster than physical checks . You can find additional resources for housing assistance directly below. review. If you have received an eviction notice or are concerned that you are about to be evicted, you can find a real estate attorney on the SC Bar website or reach out to SC Legal Services, by visiting their website or by calling 888-346-5592. (803) 336-3420, (800) 476-0412 Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 9:00pm English English Spanish SC Stay Plus This question is to test whether you are a human visitor or a robot. SC Stay Plus is for renters only; the program will not cover any mortgage expenses or utility expenses for homeowners. Provided By Nan McKay & Associates. Program Overview and Eligibility - NMA Portal - onlinepha Additional details about the program and applications can be found on the SC Stay Plus page. Examples of acceptable identification include a drivers license, state ID card, birth certificate, passport, military ID, student ID, Medicaid or other healthcare coverage card, voter registration card, or other South Carolina-issued identification. The expression of interest waitlist will remain open. The SC Stay Plus program is a rental and utility assistance program, funded by the U.S. Department of Treasury, that launched in May 2021 to assist those who are experiencing financial hardships and housing challenges as a result of the COVID-19 global health emergency that has disrupted the lives of so many.. FAQs - NMA Portal Click NO to return to Agency Information & Resources. Applying before this deadline does not guarantee payment. SC Stay Plus will only cover back rent (arrearages) of up to 12 months, or back to March 13, 2020. All Rights Reserved. SC Housing Voucher Program 300-C Outlet Point Blvd. Applicants without reliable access to the internet should call the SC Stay Plus helpline at (803) 336-3420 for further support. closed. You may file your appeal by clicking HERE, by clicking the link in your denial email, or by calling 803-336-3420 or 1-800-476-0412. PDF In-Person Applicant Support Centers - SC Housing Because all program funds have been used, and no additional funds have been received from the US Treasury, applications are no longer being reviewed or approved. Learn more here, Copyright 2023 NMA Portal. The SC HOPE Scholarship Program was established under the SC Education Lottery Act approved by the General Assembly during the 2001 legislative session. For past-due rent and utilities dating as far back as March 13, 2020, your tenants may be eligible for the following assistance: Up to 12 months back rent If you are transitioning between apartments or temporarily experiencing homelessness, please continue to apply to SC Stay Plus and ensure you save any receipts, hotel folios, and other documents, as you will need to provide them for us to reimburse you. on your payment all updates will be provided by the program. Funding from the US Treasury has been fully dispersed to applicants, and it is unknown at this time if any additional funding will be received. information or a section cut off), it will be considered missing. How do I check the status of my SC stay plus application? Applications open for SC rent, utility assistance program - Applications will be left at their most recent review status as of March 15, 2023. DIRECT DEPOSIT / PAYMENTS: As a vendor for the State of South Carolina, you are encouraged to enroll in the SC State Treasurers Electronic Payment System. 803.896.8726. The call center will have limited capacity. The program SC Stay Plus is providing qualified applicants with up to twelve months of assistance for rent and utility payments dating back to March of 2020, which is when the societal shutdowns associated with Covid-19 began wreaking havoc on the global economy. over-income, non-compliance, etc. SC Stay Plus program to stop accepting applications Dec. 16 Contact Details Submit your letter to the editor (or guest column) via email HERE. SC Stay Plus will pay up to twelve (12) months of back rent (also known as arrearages), to the extent that funds are available. You can learn more about how the process works at: Rental, utility assistance still available for South Carolinians Sperm Count Blues: Is Humanity About To Die Off? You can either visit their website or call 844-724-6737. You are still able to apply. Please have your personal checking or savings account information as well as your SC Housing mortgage information handy because you will need this to complete your online payment. 10. If more funds become available and the program is able to re-start operations and review applications, applicants will be notified by email or phone call if their application enters review. Documents: No, the waitlist is for any program eligible applicant seeking support through the SC Stay Plus program. To check your application status, please check here. General Information: (803) 737-0800 Consumer Complaints and Inquiries: (803) 737-5230 (local) 1-800-922-1531 (toll-free within South Carolina) If your 2. Please note that joining the waitlist does not guarantee an opportunity to apply or be provided with financial assistance. This program runs through September 30, 2026, or as long as funds remain available. How should I apply? 13. (Data rates may apply). Additional support can be found by either calling 211 or navigating the SC 211 website. 10. Please note that this is an external link. The only acceptable file formats are PDF, JPEG and JPG. (803) 336-3420, (800) 476-0412 . Is there an expected turnaround time for how fast an application will be processed? 7. I)3A'{m \HgS BUM;VW3@+6r#vt!hvgGx-zsCy Q6eC>)u]1/fQ}i\! %vb.%65@ ~&^6|?KWL6N6uB~i};g_3]/ c>#>%=-7~l/zhc8nNKybKp- a^-: _ :A_.z78E3DS 6. To join the waitlist, the individual should have the following information ready to input: 16. Rental or utility security deposits, moving expenses, rental fees, and/or application or screening fees if a household has been temporarily or permanently displaced due to COVID-19. About Us; Contact Us; At risk of losing your home to foreclosure? Please keep reading for additional details. Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program, Housing Choice Voucher Program Standards & Allowances, Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan, Community Housing Development Organizations, How Developments Are Monitored for Compliance, Project-Based Rental Assistance Owner/Agent Information, SC Center for Heirs Property and Preservation, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HOUSING FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SC HOUSING), SC Legal Services by calling 888.346.5592 or, Lowcountry Legal Volunteers by calling 843-815-1570 or, Charleston Legal Access by calling 843-64-5980 or, The SC Bar Referral Service by calling 1-800-868-2284 or, Payments submitted after 8:00 PM EST may be posted the next business day. How is that money disbursed? ), Type of assistance needed (rental or utility), months behind on payment and approximate amount of funds owed, Amount of previous assistance received (if applicable), The total household income is at or below 80% of the Area Median Income as defined by the Federal Government, AND, The household must be obligated to pay rent on a residential dwelling, AND, One or more members of the household can demonstrate risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, AND, Has qualified for unemployment benefits, or, Experienced a reduction in household income, or. Applicants who have not already applied for assistance, Applicants who have moved or whose address has changed, Applicants who have not received assistance. Last Updated: November 16, 2022. The amount of time it takes to review and process an application varies based on the circumstances of each application. This federal program is routing a total of $46.55 billion to assist households that are unable to pay rent or utilities., According to the Treasury, at least 90 percent of awarded funds must be used for direct financial assistance, including rent, rental arrears, utilities and home energy costs, utilities and home energy costs arrears, and other expenses related to housing., Dont let eviction become a reality, a release from the Columbia, S.C. housing authority noted. These funds are made available to South Carolinians under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and South Carolina Act 17 of 2021. HOME, National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) and Small Rental Development Program (SRDP), Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and Tax Exempt Bond (TEB) Programs, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) & Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP). Approved: Payment Pending. (SC Stay Plus) Division of Procurement Services 1201 Main St., Suite 600 | Columbia, SC 29201 MAIN: 803.737.0600 | FAX: 803.737.0639. 9V6is[K| IXsZ+'M|i1K]>C&|IV0UEyIfr\QW{H JBq^.J V,>[&tqmy*>m:&|'UvA@]?q V#m0\ e[m01nrw^m,o)A`1.+#O$taV2R(!u3: N/cT&2}ak:=c 9UcQ,6b].` Q
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