The most likely candidate for that is John b 1744 in Prince George Co, son of Thomas who was the 2nd son of Cpt Francis of Isle of Wight and wife Lydia. and they do not know how they connect. He is also the father of Benjamin Jr and Reuben Clements also in theCumberland Co NC records and in the Pendleton District SC records between 1790and 1800, and the grandson of Benjamin Clements of Gloucester Co and KingWilliam Co VA. Benjamin Johnson, Wake Co to Benjamin Clemments, coafsd, 150 A in Jo Co. on NS Swift Cr beg. it being part of a tract taken upby John Carrel & conveyed by him to one Sill Johnson who left it by hiswill to sd Benjamin Johnsonmaking as good a Title as Granville makes to sdBenjamin Johnston. 1842 IN, David b. They both have descendants whose Y DNAmatches. One member is a descendant of Arthur Allen of Darlington Co. SC, but his DNA is a perfect67/67 DNA match with these other Darlington Co. Clements and it is not known if he was adopted or some other event makes him a Clements descendant. he fact that this member does not match with the rest of the group has to be the result of some extraordinary event such as an adoption, an illegitimate birth, or a child of a much loved neighbor who was left homeless and taken in my a Clements family and raised by the Clements name. RESULTS: The surprising results so far show that most of the early American Clements immigrants were not related to one another. Philip Peyton was the first member of the Peyton family of England to emigrateto VA. Fragment of a deed signed by Thomas Clements Test # 10868 This participant is descended from William III, the son of William Jr, son of Wm Sr of Amelia Co VA, c1680-1760, son of John of Hanover Co VA. Wm III was in Bedford Co. VA in 1776 with his wife's family and in 1777 he sold the land that he had inherited by the will of his father Wm c 1707-1765. Since all of the the other members of this group have matching DNA with these two members, this establishes the ancestral family line of the rest of the group also to be descendant of Clement Joransson and Anders Clementsson. Elijah, b. King William Co VA July 1722 Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Clement family crest or coat of arms for the Clement surname. He married unknown 1st, and Mary (Thompson?) there were many Hardysin both lines of the sons of George of Bertie NC. 1762, Augusta VA, d. 1835, Montgomery Co. KY. Baptized 1`9 Nov 1776 St. Martin, Chantenay, Nantes France, son of Hilaire Clement & Tarsile NaQuin; brother of Marie; on list of Acadians at Nantes Sep 1784, unnamed, with widowed father and sister; sailed to LA on LeSt.Remi, age 8. Ancestor is Francois Charles who died in 1667 in France. Group 17. One memberis a descendant of Joshua Clements, also of Darlington Co. SC. SIMON Clement b c 1717,d 1800 Granville Co NC testate, youngest son of John of Hanover; wives Susannah 1st, Mary Pridom 2nd ; children named in will: Obadiah, Zephaniah, Stephen, Simon, John, Sarah Jones, Anne Terry, Samuel, William, Simeon, Anthony, Isabell, Mary, Susannah. For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. The ashery stood on land now owned by Luther P. Staring. David Clements, b c 1730-1745. William Clement of Amelia Co VA was the son of John of Hanover Co. 29 May 1812, (8) Nancy b. In 1648, he is listed as a freeman and had had been given land farther north in some of the untamed wilderness of the colony. The ancestor of one participant is Henry Clements, who arrived in Casey Creek (bordering present-day Adair and Casey Counties, KY) in 1802. We are particularly looking for descendants from 2 lines: (1) a PROVEN cousin of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain); and (2) a PROVEN and DOCUMENTED descendant of the brothers Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and James Clements who migrated from Hunterdon Co NJ to Augusta Co VA circa 1740.
Clemmons DNA Project | Clemmons Family History 12 Sep 1809, (7 ) Israel b. 9 Dec 1796 (2) James Strong b. Based on all the extant records and the corresponding dates, William Clement of Amelia Co VA was the son of John of Hanover, b c 1680- 1683, and died 1760. Your known ancestor info is required to be a part of this project. Clements. The ancestor of one participant is William Clements, born about 1818 in Maryland with the next three generations being born in Washington, DC. Aug Ct. 1777. He went to live with his Uncle Eden in IL. One is of Irish descent, the other is a descendant of Ephraim Tucker, SR who died 1759 in Tolland Co. CT. Group 24. This father and son are descendants of 1st Gen. Hans Clement b. abt 1685. They had the following children: i.Clement (~1660-~1704) ii. The family surname of "Clements" actually came from Clement Joranssons given name. Test results of members can be viewed by looking at the YDNA RESULTS chart. They settled in Edgefield SC. Test # 38975.
DNA analyst: Hair found on tape wrapping body matched mom And the Benjamin b. c. 1725 is probably the one in the Cumberland Co NC recordsas "Benjamin Sr." in the 1767 record, and the 1762 Johnston Co NCrecord. There are ten families of Clements listed on the 1830 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census, all of whom are listed with the spelling of "Clemmonds". The most current Test Results chart can be accessed by clicking on the YDNA RESULTS button at the top of this page. Descendants of William Clements of Kershaw Dist SC mid 1700s, a possible immigrant landed directly in SC. is a descendant of James West Clements also of Darlington Co. SC. Tr-2:302: 1 March 1783. Thomas, son of Benjamin and Grizzell Clements, bap. Benja (B) Clements, Hana?Clements. Children of Andrew and Catherine: Elizabeth, b c 1823 Mariah Clements, b May 6, 1824 GA, d m. Hansford D.Allred, Sept 22 1842 Russell Co.,AL. Jacob apparently was married twice, according to Phyllis Smith Oyer's book, Oyer and Allied Families Supplement 1, Rochester, NY, 1994. : The Clements family of Cecil Co. MD descends from a Swedish Finn by the name of Clement Joransson who arrived in New Sweden, Delaware in 1641. 1655, d.after 1714, as their descendants are a perfect DNA match. Joseph N. Dickson June 22, 1840, Russell Co., AL. Family connection between these members is unknown; however, they are descendants of an ancestor from the United Kingdom. This includes collaboration within a Group Project and among Group Project Administrators. He enlisted March 12, 1777 and was discharged on March 12, 1780. His wife was Ann, surname possibly Parker. Children in 1850 were Eden b. The outdated misinformation about William of Amelia was the work of a descendant about 75-100 years ago. Maryann Elizabeth Peters Oct.4, 1838 Carroll Co.,Ga. At the present time no information has been found on two of the children (Isaac and Sarah), but a great deal of information as been found on three of the sons (Andrew, Joseph, and Cornelius). However, recent research points to the fact that they are two different persons - definitely related, but from different families. David Clements b. c.1745 VA, migrated from Petersburg VA to GA c.1792. Wit: Hardy Sanders, Geo. Clement Clements Clemmons Y DNA Project . The descendants of Charles Clements and Nancy Jacks have often been confused with the descendants of Charles Clements, son of Gabriel Clements, the Rev. He was not the son of Jeremiah who had died before 1653 in VA, and who had no male heirs as was proven by the sale of all of his lands by his son in law in 1662. 1782 Reuben Clements of Cumberland Co NC buys land In 1654, thirteen years after Clement was forced to leave his wife and son in Sweden, his son, Anders, joined him in New Sweden. In this book, it says that Jacob and his first wife, Eva Catharine Keller married in 1781 and had 3 children: Johann Jacob (note: this is Jacob III), Appollonia, and Margaretha (Margaret). A grgrgrandson of son Stephen is a DNA participant. At the present time, the only male descendantswho carry the Clements surname (or some variant spelling of the name) from the Anders Clementsson line of Cecil Co. MD are probably descendants of three brothers, Andrew, Joseph, and Cornelius Clements, sons of Gabriel Clements (proven grandson of Anders Clementsson) and Sarah Brown who were residents of Cecil Co. MD in the very early 1700's and their five children are listed in the birth register of St. Stephens Parish. 8 Feb 1799, (3) Mary Polly b. John Clements b 1631 England, d by 1710, Surry Co VA was imported by Jeremiah Clements into VA in 1635. Probate records in that county provide the names of his children and some of their spouses. Wm Aylett, Cl. [86792 & 86866]. One of those on the Unassigned List is Test Kit #N54215. Jacob I arrived in New York in about 1766 with two brothers (possibly Matthew and Phillip) and at least one son, Jacob II. Descendants of this family were among the earliest settlers inTexas soon after its Independence from Mexico. who is a descendant of Mathew Clements and Jealles Douglas does not appear to be a match with this group according to his haplogroup and his DNA numbers; however,it is a proven fact that this Mathew Clements is a son of Clement Clements ,Revolutionary War Soldier, and the fact that this member does not match with the rest of the group has to be the result of some extraordinary event such as an adoption, an illegitimate birth, or a child of a much loved neighbor who was left homeless and taken in my a Clements family and raised by the Clements name. Charles Clements. ----------------------------------. A 400 acre tract of land on the south side of the Elk River was surveyed for "Andrew Clemerson" on July 29, 1662.Andrew's plantation, called "Clementson" was located in Cecil Co. MD. Cumberland Co NC (no ct. date. She has devoted alot of her Their names are on the Battle Monument in Oriskany. ---------------------------------------------------------- At your request at any time we will promptly remove your data from our project files. The fairy tale that someone invented years ago is the very reason I posted the correct, documented, account of Francis of Isle of Wight. John's birth or baptism record was in the Bristol Parish Register. Records of Jacob Clements and Joseph Clements, also not yet proven, strongly suggest that they are closely related to Cornelius Clements of Darlington Co. SC and to Joseph Clements, progenitor of the very large Clements family of Irwin Co. GA. Several members of this group have ancestors who are found in Tuscaloosa Co.AL and Walker Co. AL in the early 1800's. Many of these Texas Clements lived in Cass and Coryell Counties in Texas. 1687 (Abingdon Parish records) who was deceased before 1748, was a son of John of Hanover; widow Mary. Two members are a 36/37 match and are descendants of John R. Clements, born 1725 in VA, died 1777 in NC. The Clements family of Charles County MD descends from one John Clements (b. Intense work went into this record, and it is as close to accurate as we can get. Clement Joranssons son,Anders Clementsson, was born in 1640 in prob.Sunne Parish, Varmland, Sweden.
Clemens DNA Project via Background The most - Facebook He may have had children older than Benjamin.. Children of John Clements Sr and 2nd wife, Mary (Thompson?) There is much incorrect data and guestimations at dates on the Internet. One memberwho is a descendant of Mathew Clements and Jealles Douglas does not appear to be a match with this group according to his haplogroup and his DNA numbers; however,it is a proven fact that this Mathew Clements is a son of Clement Clements ,Revolutionary War Soldier, and the fact that this member does not match with the rest of the group has to be the result of some extraordinary event such as an adoption, an illegitimate birth, or a child of a much loved neighbor who was left homeless and taken in my a Clements family and raised by the Clements name.
CLEMENTS/CLEMMONS DNA TEST RES - GROUP 4. The family surname of "Clements" actually came from Clement Joranssons given name. 5 Aug 1804, (5) Lovic Pierce b. Married Alice Mae Scribner 1895 in KS. James E married Mary Ann Elizabeth Peters 1838, Carroll Co GA and moved to Tallapoosa Co AL by 1846. William Francis Clemmons may have been the son of Francis Clements who d. Amelia Co. 1764, son of William of Amelia d. 1760 Participant 19607 has two mutations on the 10th and 11th markers but he is a proven member of the ancestry of the others in the group. Witnesses: Thomas Busby, George French, William Smith.Clerk of the Court: Rt. One of these members is a descendant of Reuben Clements who was born 1791, died in 1881 inPetersburg, VA; the other is a descendant of John Clements born about 1783 in VA. The Revolutionary War was the cause of the destruction and abandonment of New Petersburg. I am the administrator of the Clements Family Tree Y-DNA Project.I apologize for not answering your message earlier.My mother-in-law went into the hospital on March 2 and I was there everyday until she died last week, so I was not doing much searching of the message boards during that time. War Soldier of S.C. who lived in SC before moving to Madison Co. GA where he was living in 1820. Everyone else in this group are a perfect DNA match with these two Clements.