Those who oppose the procedure being performed on infants argue that a newborn child is unable to consent to such a permanent and irreversible medical procedure that the child may, later in life, wish they had never undergone. Know and decideing would be full consent. When I was born and my dad registered me for a certain British Public School, he was told as long as he passes the common entrance, and is circumcised Well, my dad told me, we took care of the circumcision for you, now its up to you! Needless to say I passed the CE, and had a very good educational experience at that school. Circumcision should be covered by health insurance regardless of reasons. Hey, i got circumcised on 5 of september, we are almost at the same stage haha. I could tell he was checking me out as much as I was looking at him. idea. Emotional suffering affects ones entire view of life. I'm happy to hear that a lot of people like you are satisfied by their circumcision, i'm sure i will be too. The main reason for parents to oppose neonatal circumcision was "their babies feel pain (35.8%)". people. This sentiment so far has been said ONLY by Jewish men. I got circumcised on the 4 of september. The withdrawal is painful erections and can lead to tension and tears. Dave and I were both skinny Black kids and members of the Chess Club at the mostly white school. Modification Requests. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. This means that an adult who underwent a circumcision procedure as a child and suffered significant and irreversible complications, (adhesions, phimosis, chordee, or even necrosis) may be able to recover damages from the doctor who performed the surgery. It was a day surgery appointment so went into the hospital at 9:15 and was shown to the day surgery unit. It has been a trauma for me, burning during urination, Urinary Tract Infection, the application of the ointment on the inflamed glans, the stretching of the foreskin, which later came to be ashamed of, if the mother or the doctor treated one of the foreskin in the Puberty. I was the second to go in, they gave me an anesthetic cream to put on my penis and a dress, the nurses took me to the operation theater, gave me something to calm down and made an injection, after that i could only feel pulling but absolutely no pain. & "The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. Webrecruit in 1957 (at Ford Ord) and we thought circumcision was compulsory. (For example, a school may request to complete physicals on original entry, in 6th grade and in 9th grade. I developed an appreciation for the constantly exposed glans and developed a desire to have a circumcised penis. My high school class was 95% cut. The only real reason is a sexual preference for the look and feel of having my skin retracted. We were a good fit because by this time I was very self conscience about my uncut dick. I was born on a farm and myself and all my brothers were uncut. If you've decided circumcision is right for your child then here's something I've learned. She could tell the difference and it also seems to have helped us have children as my wife got quickly pregnant following my clipping. But I think that generally the "Working Class" chaps get done later for foreskin issues or if they elect to have it and are happy to pay. Would You Allow Your Son To Wear A Skirt? The only regret I actually had was that I wished he had removed even more foreskin, and made it a tighter circumcision. I thought it was a good I love hearing how everyone got on. Washington is editorial page editor of The Duluth News Tribune in Duluth, Minn. With high temperatures across the country, it's easy to want to wear as little as possible. Did you ever dream that you were completely naked in front of dozens of people? My father was really strict and basically his word was law. "Any girl who says she doesn't like boys with a natural penis is a bimbo". Below is a study to prove it. He just said in amazement your skin wont pull back. It is an indisputable fact that more well-off families were able to send their boys (and girls) to boarding school and many needed to do so because of peripatetic work (military or diplomatic parents, etc). However his head was very small so his cock seemed to be all shaft with a small head on it. Since it was summer, and school was out, my sister had a summer job looking after a boy while his mother worked. It's helpful to decide before your baby is born. Of course what almost happened was my first retraction of my foreskin. This means that one parent must secure an injunction through the courts to either allow/disallow the procedure. Everyone lets share your circumcision stories. Wether you were done younger or older !!!!! Because I was so scared by this, I never attempted to pull on my dick again for fear of breaking it for good. In the United States, the procedure has become so routine that new parents are generally asked shortly after birth about their preferences regarding circumcision (its assumed that, more likely than not, the parents will request circumcision). 2023 Circumcision cuts off 65%-85% of the male's sexual receptors (85% when the frenulum is cut or scraped off infant). over a year ago. I say this because my older brother was circumcised, and during the time I was born almost all baby boys had a RIC. I just assumed that I had a different looking penis, just like some people had different looking noses or any other body part. The officer went from one of us to the next, first having each sailor turn around and bend over for a rectal exam. your case, Malpractice in Performing Cosmetic Surgery, Prenatal Care Medical Malpractice Lawyers, Doctor Liability For Prescribing Experimental Drugs, State Limits on Medical Malpractice Awards. This are Freaks, who like the smell of a Foreskin or whatever else His dad was always out late drinking, so he wasnt there. She said that she was going to be staying beside me at all time talking to me. This includes: harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing. Then came the injection in the base of my penis. I have never had to deal with foreskin problems, felt insecure with girls that prefer circumcised, it looks better than an elephant trunk, and there are the benefits of being at lower risk of UTIs and STDs. I was determined now that I knew how it was supposed to work, that I was going to get the skin back. Mike and his friends couldn't help but stare at the ones that weren't and wondered, what the hell happened to him? Is being uncircumcised less sexy to women than circumcised? You've decided its right for your child? It was done by the school doctor under local anaesthetic. I pulled down his pants and then mine. It certainly was back at Lane, where the school's folklore including the tale of Coach Valentine using a lifesaving pole to remedy an embarrassing moment of a backstroking swimmer. Law, Insurance over a year ago, subscribed mark A few days later we were playing with a Frisbee after school. Are you sure you wish to delete this message from the message archives of It is most common in Jewish and Islamic faiths. I do not endorse any particular doctor or medical group. Whenever the skin would (rarely) cover the head again, it didnt feel right. He just kind of left things at that. 2013-2015, Choice Maker. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Basar can be rendered in English as flesh or man.. Bookshelf Was it done by the school, or did his parents have to get him done before he could start at the school? For me, it just looks more masculine without the glans covered in skin. I confirmed my details and confirmed i was here to be circumcised. GORDON: Robin Washington is the editorial page editor of the Duluth News Tribune. There were ten or so sailors (including me) in a circle with the Medical Officer in the middle. This is disgusting, do not cut your childs penis for some whim, that stays with him forever. The law does not allow modification of this section. I really wasnt much aware of being different down there, until I started bathing with either my brother or father. The son of family friends was circumcised for this reason. I could obliviously see him too, and he was circumcised. it's "does this boy want to be circumcised?" & (this may not be the same place you live), Faulty/Defective Products/Services (Auto, Drug), Investments (Annuities, Securities, IPOs), Online Law you! Needless to say I passed the CE, and had a very good educational experience at that school. Comments and reviews on article "Circumcision: Pros and Cons", Doctor told me i have to get circumcised due to my phimosis, My 4 year old was circumcised but still has pain when he gets erections, My foreskin wont pull back when i have an erection, Circumcision lowers risk of contracting AIDS, why is thier a dark ring around my penis? Other possibly related usages in Psalms speak of cutting something in pieces or destroying it. 2002 Mar;89(4):426-32. doi: 10.1046/j.1464-4096.2001.01964.x. There were adhesions, smegma, and all sorts of strange odors. The best time to have your son's circumcision is when he's a baby. Interesting thinking since it firstly concerns you the dad. (According to the Department of Education, the school year begins on July 1st.). Baby Circumcision GROWING UP WITH A FORESKIN Consider there are two levels of sexual receptors in the penis. I also just finished reading your narrative. We both stood there peeing through our foreskins. Web(According to the Department of Education, the school year begins on July 1st.) Grandparenting tips, The risk of medical complications after female circumcision, Fertility treatments to prevent spread of HIV safe. Eventually I was able to clean my cockhead up and retract my foreskin, although it was still very tight. Or Maybe Not. HIV positive men may be able to get partner pregnant safely, Young Women forced into Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Female Circumcision is an Alarming Reality, Is your son expecting a baby? He had a very tight circumcision, which made his cockhead very pronounced. Accumulation of smegma beneath the foreskin may result in great discomfort and may serve as the source of a rather penetrating odour, if cleanliness and hygiene are not observed. Schools may also request a modification to change the grades in which physicals are completed. circumcision, the operation of cutting away all or part of the foreskin (prepuce) of the penis. Need help, recently circumcised, very sensitive penis!. There were various issues with the prepuce that were routinely treeated with surgery in those days, but it seems difficult to believe that there was a general order (even for just one branch of the service) for that particular surgery. Much to the amusement of the Medical Officer (and all the rest of us), this fellow had a long foreskin and on the part covering his cockhead, he had a fly (house fly) tattooed on it. By this time we had moved, so I was in a new school. For those who are religious, circumcision is in the Bible for a reason; it is the best thing for guys. Circumcision for Children I scheduled an appointment with an urologist and had my penis circumcised as an outpatient. The Deuteronomy and Jeremiah references speak of a symbolic circumcision of the heart. Internationally, it is estimated that 3 million girls are subjected to the procedure each year. Sad. By the time I actually got there, it was no longer the policy as about 25% still had their foreskins. A fantastic improvement, every appearance and function. > I know that until the early 60s there were schools that insisted on circumcision as a condition of admitting boys. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. My mother explained about circumcision. Decided to Have My Son Circumcised at 13 - Steady. Health over a year ago, kingfreze118831 However by the time I got a closer look, I could see that he also had a rounded tip. Somebody has to know why millions of boys across the country were forced to endure such shame. I was circumcised at birth because my dad had to get it done as an adult and my mom says he wanted me to look like him. Forced circumcision To evaluate the parental concerns for elementary school boys (7-12 yr) on the circumcision, a randomly selected cross-sectional survey was performed in each elementary school from 16 urban wards in Busan. Cause of the infection is bacterial. He mostly watched TV while my sister went about her business. For those of us in the US, if you are/were uncut how come you were not cut when you were born? JT, The suffering you went through was truly awful.People in the intact groups really need to hear your story, although many would still be in denial of the facts. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. I have no sponsors, corporate or otherwise. That has continued to the current day. Circumcision is legal in every state within the United States. Corduk N, Unlu G, Sarioglu-Buke A, Buber A, Savran B, Zencir M. Acta Paediatr. Afterwards on the walk home, he looked at me and said you never had the skin cut off your dick, did you? Of course I had to reply no. Your comment helped me, you're right i shouldn't be ashamed about it, it's just that there are a lot of childish people around. Anyone violating the law can be punished by fines, up to five years in prison, or both. Any circumcision performed on an infant could be considered forced circumcision due to the inability of the infant to give consent. I actually would pull it back before changing for PE class so that I might look like I was circumcised. I told the receptionist my name and gave her my appointment letter. After the surgery the nurses took me back to my room, and 2 hours laterwhen they checked that everything was ok i was ready to go home. I thought it was a good idea. Subject of the new topic: Your I alway felt a very very close and deep loving relationship with dad because of the way I had given myself up to him. Im glad this site is here to give an unbiased view on this subject. When I got into the bathroom by myself, I got naked and stood there looking down at my cock. I would look at their cocks, and wondered why they were different than mine. A few years ago i discovered i had a problem called phimosis, i couldn't pull back my foreskin, but i never told anyone because i was scared of the surgery. He never even saw my dick, as I made sure we were never in a position where he could. LegalMatch, Market She told me to follow her into a waiting room. I was in the exact position as you son. I have been thinking about getting cut for the last few years now. During swimming class in high school, he was required to wear the most revealing and drafty garment of all: his birthday suit. I was allowed to watch his bandage changes sometimes. Besides the medical basis, the circumcision is emerging as a kind of social custom in Busan. I hope we can share experiences and advices in order to make all of this more easy. He was about 8 years old, so I didnt pay him much mind since he was too young to play with. About six weeks later when I went home and had sex for the first time with my wife, I was astounded at the pleasure and organism that I had. Subject: [inter-circ] Circumcision At Boarding School. Abby has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and supported men and women with developmental disabilities for over a decade before earning her Juris Doctorate in 2017. These settle on the smegma, the secretions of the glans and foreskin glands under the foreskin. Ill never Forget, how it burned me as the ointment was applied to the inflamed glans. I finally had to run the water in the tub, jump in and gradually work the foreskin back to its normal resting spot. This will generally only be the case if the circumcised patient suffered physical, sexual or psychological problems as a result of the circumcision. Present Would You Allow Your Son To Wear A Skirt? someon help me, Too much foreskin - my husband won't do anything about it. Remember at this point in my life I had no idea that there was anything called circumcision. He commented about my strange looking penis, but went about his business. One of the drawbacks was that I could no longer pull it back and have it stay behind my cockhead. I know not everyone would agree, but I decided Id had enough. My parents didn't believe in circumcision, so neither me or my two brothers were circumcised when we were children. Everyone lets share your circumcision stories. Many circumcisions are performed within days after birth, or within the Jewish religion, 8 days after birth. It was during this time in my life that my father died, so I never had a mentor to explain how my strange penis worked. He would embarrass me to no end by asking me questions, and telling all our mutual friends about my uncut status. HowshouldIdecideif mychildshouldbe circumcised? But a Chicago public school spokeswoman just answered, excuse me? All uncircumcised students will report to the auditorium for a mandatory Circumcision sexually handicaps. I was not circd until 22 or so. Hope the doc gave the kid a good tight one. When my cousin and I were 4, we noticed our penises were different. The son of family friends was circumcised for this reason. Needless to say, the classes were not co-ed. Parents were encouraged to authorise the procedure upon entry or if that did not happen the school tried to whenever possible to encourage circumcision. My father was born in Scotland and uncut. It was a little bit of a challenge to learn how to jack off but even that was eventually learned. Mike raised his hand. I had kept my foreskin retracted permanently for more than 10 years. We stripped down to our underwear, and laid on the sleeping bags and talked about the movie we had just seen. We lived in a rural area, which again, I believe is the reason my parents never took me back to the nearest city to have me cut. When the officer came to me he took a long look at my dick with its long foreskin. This modification would extend the time frame for accepting physical examinations from 4 months prior to the start of the school year to 1 year prior to the start of the school year. Hi. I left school at 16 and worked in the same job with my dad. I was born on the west coast in the 90s. He retracted my foreskin, and because of my tightness, the foreskin just gathered in a very tight ring around the rim of my cockhead. The surgeon then put on a pair of gloves and started examining me. It's not "we diceided to have our son circumncised". Is the relatively narrow foreskin opening, the foreskin may swell during urination. I got phimosis with Urinary Tract Infection, they treated it with Stretching of the foreskin and ointments. I believe I was born a bit premature, and for that reason was left uncircumcised. Its been performed on male newborns for many years, and is considered generally safe. I know its not for everyone but a tight circumcised cock works out the best for me. We both had a good laugh about it. Having this hangman's noose of the male's sexual receptors missing no longer keeps the whole of the penile Dartos muscle tense. We decided to do a little bit of sexual experimenting, and ended up playing with each others dicks. Rabbi Moses Maimonides:Over 800 years ago Moses Maimonides tells the harms of circumcision, also known as the "Rambam", was a medieval Jewish rabbi, physician and philosopher. I think this violates the Terms of Service. Best decision in my life is getting rid of the foreskin !!!!!!! Until I finally let myself circumcised at age 28, and a Re-cut with 31. Boys who have not been circumcised already should be offered circumcision on enrolling in middle school, junior high and again at high school. The majority of families accepted. The origin of the practice is unknown, although the widespread distribution of circumcision as a ritual suggests great antiquity. However, most of them seemed to enjoy getting a good look at it whenever I was taking a pee. On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 09:15 AM, Cirkdone wrote: On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 09:03 AM, henry fitch wrote: Seems like it does vary but that there used to be some schools that said it was needed or strongly encouraged it. Dr. John Taylor penile and heart researcher - Sexual Function of the Dartos Muscle (loosely):Upon erection the Dartos muscle tenses creating a one-piece solid skin tube, where any action on the penile shaft is transferred to act on the erogenous Taylor's Ridged Band and through its loop to the Frenulum, this action it transferred to act on the erogenous Frenulum, together the male's sexual nexus. To me, its about physical and emotional health. Okay. My foreskin was redundant fairly long and hard to keep 100% clean. Is being uncircumcised less sexy to women than circumcised? And then there's peer pressure if you're in the midwest. The son of family friends was circumcised for this reason. A nurse came round about 10 mins later and told us all to follow her. Circumcision If anyone wants their boy circumcised, have it done, and if anyone has a problem with it, tell them it's none of their business, because it IS none of their business. My grandad was there to help support me and it was agonisingly painful but it was an enormous bonding expereince between me and my dad and in a way with his dad too. I want ask this so called NO CIRC GROUPS: What is more painful ??? I could tell he was getting a good close up look at me, but he didnt say anything. I was not cut at birth. When I joined the Navy, I was clipped in boot camp as was every guy who was unclipped in my company. In such cases, filing a circumcision lawsuit may provide a legal remedy for the losses. She took the 4 of us into a changing room. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. By the time I got to be school age, I became aware that I indeed was very different than all the other boys. I had no idea what circumcision was, thankfully the subject was dropped. My strange looking cock also had a cockhead under my foreskin. The Group moderators are responsible for maintaining their community and can address these issues. Decided to Have My Son Circumcised at 13 - Steady. Health Erectile problems at age 21. I'm trying to regrow my foreskin but it is a slow process. Let the kid decide on his own I was circumcised 2 years ago when I was 44, I can hardly tolerate the way it feels now, Sex is not good, I would give $10,000 to have my skin back. Considering the foreskin is the primary penile immune system, this comes as no surprise:Here's a link to studies by a Dutch immunologist verifying the immune capabilities of Langerhans cells, One day there were several boys standing in the boys room taking a leak when I walked in. For me, I wasnt born in the US; however, we immigrated here when I was still a baby. Just wanted to put my experiences out there as I really appreciate this site so far for seeming to be relatively unbiased opinions of the whole world of circumcision. As painful as it sounds, it was actually very easy. It is FREE! WebThe Nordic ombudsmen for children and experts in children's health therefore want to work towards a situation, where a circumcision can only be performed, if a boy, who has reached the age and level of maturity required to understand necessary medical information, consents to the operation. When the ridged band inthe foreskin is completely removed (circumcision) this connection is disrupted and the increased sexual sensations are lost. As I pulled very hard on it, something started to pop out of the end of it. Know Your Rights: School Dress Codes and Uniforms What logical reason is there for doing that? WebSince mandatory circumcision was divinely abolished during the first century, we realized that our sons could boast no religious merit through circumcision. A recent quantitative study hasshown mean axon bundle counts in the prepuce of 17.9 bundles/mm ventrally, 8.6 bundles/mm laterallyand 6.2 bundles/mm dorsally.4 As each bundle contains tens of axons, the nerve supply to the prepuceis obviously very substantial. Whilst circumcision there was not mandatory, it was clearly very strongly recommended. It read: Be it hereby resolved, that the Duluth School District include in its 1973-74 budget, an amount that secures a sufficient number of tank suits for the boy's swim Hong Kong Chinese parents' attitudes towards circumcision. The procedure is most often performed between infancy and adolescence. Circumcision At Boarding School. I can't describe how strongly I feel about this. I was circumcised at 20 and never regretted it. It heals faster, he won't remember it, there's no embarrassment, and it's easier for him to manage I was the only circumcised boy in my year at my (English) school and I rather liked the individuality. Careers. There was no way I could keep him from seeing my weird cock, so I just sort of went with the flow. Maybe he got it slammed in the door when he was a little baby? Honestly the only people that ever commented on it were gay guys who thought it was cool. over a year ago, Charles II2715 He pulled out his dick and to my surprise he was uncircumcised. Im sure JT had some intense emotional pain.His feelings were certainly real. He made the first move by reaching down to the base of his dick and pulling back his foreskin. My circumcision in the 1970s was a boarding school recommendation / requirement. Summer came and one day we decided to go swimming at the city pool together. I bought what is called an alisklamp from a company in Malaysia. Circumcision for Teens & Preteens | Berkeley Parents Network So Circumcision is one of the best health insurance policies you can give a son. over a year ago, KOTFrank256426 The medics operated on the uncut guys with no questions asked. Since we were all in a circle, the Medical Officer went around one by one for what was referred to jokingly as a short arm inspection. My last round of balanitis involved treatment with antibiotics and a combination antifungal/steroid cream. After I was in for about a year, I had a routine physical. Hi Everyone, In a recent conversation I found out that My sister returned home, and I told her I was going to take a bath. Though my friend and swim team member Jay Burrell attested to witnessing it firsthand, Steve Davis of Duluth said his school had a similar story. Just wanted to add my own experience for the sake of not letting this site get too one-sided. PMC He himself managed to convince his parents to have him clipped when he was sixteen. Moreover, cancer of the penis is rare in circumcised males and in uncircumcised males with high standards of Hygiene. Traditional or cultural beliefs are cited by those who support female circumcision, and the procedure is still performed in some countries.
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