When shopping for a pesticide, it is important to consult the label to be sure the target pest and site is listed. 2000. WebJustified is made with a renewable resource. 0000169280 00000 n A few caterpillars on a plant might not be a problem that requires any pesticide action on your part, especially if natural enemies of the caterpillars are present. Be aware of weather patterns and do not apply pesticides just prior to rainfall or during windy conditions. Results include use rates by crop, labeled pests, RUP, Mode of Calif. Div. 0000165626 00000 n DAS 40278-9 is a patented gene that provides resistance to 2,4-D Choline Salt herbicides. xd5 pIc\)4%z HJZ:%E. 0000173576 00000 n WebA non-selective contact herbicide such as glyphosate (Roundup) should then be applied in mid-summer after a rain when remaining perennial weeds are not under drought stress. This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Always keep the product in the original package. 0000182373 00000 n 0000191579 00000 n Adjuvants Weve taken the greatness of nature and backed it with science to create truly effective supplements to give you real results. For instance, often by the time a tree is defoliated (stripped of leaves), pests are gone and sprays will be of no use. Figure 3. 2 2020 Farmer Managed Soybean System Trials (57 locations in 2020 reporting data located with 5-IA, 4-IL, 8-IN, 4-KS, 1-KY, 3-MI, 9-MN, 2-MO, 4-ND, 5-NE, 4-OH, 2-PA, 6-SD). Labels In each case where a range of rates is given, the lower rate should be used on 0000017237 00000 n 0000013481 00000 n 0000004155 00000 n Nondiscrimination Statement. Outstanding Crop Safety and Powerful Residual and Postemergence Control. Avoid applying chemicals just before irrigation or rainy weather, unless labels specify post-application irrigation. Herbicide 0000080334 00000 n ISK started to commercialize Nicosulfuron on global basis since in the early 1990s. 0000003376 00000 n Glyphosate-isopropylammonium. 0000024951 00000 n VERDICT POWERED BY KIXOR HERBICIDE. 0000175698 00000 n endstream For herbicides and some uses of insecticides and fungicides (such as applications on lawns), the label will indicate the amount of pesticide to use for a given area. For most herbicides, the application rate is stated in ounces per 100 square feet or 1000 square feet, so you need to know how large an area you are treating in order to determine the amount of product to use. It decreases evaporation and improves deposition and coverage, delivering more ai to the target. WebThe herbicide label should be consulted when determining appropriate timing for treatment. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Otherwise, herbicide residue in the sprayer may injure plants if the same sprayer is used for applying another type of pesticide or fertilizer. 0000174090 00000 n 0000165552 00000 n JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. 0000002055 00000 n 0000004262 00000 n 0000022223 00000 n Justified Laboratories is a natural health and beauty company committed to helping people reach their health, fitness, and beauty potential. Craze also offers preemergence suppression of hard-to-control grasses and yellow nutsedge as well as postemergence activity on target weeds at the time of application. You can be confident in knowing exactly what youre getting when you choose Justified Laboratories. WebNicosulfuron, discovered and developed by ISK, is a sulfonylurea herbicide for maize. 0000198313 00000 n Wash clothing separately from other laundry. In these cases, you'll need to measure the area you are treating to calculate how much to mix up. Some of the information that is contained on the label includes: Choose the least-toxic pesticide that will solve your problem. <<2C0290217D2DFF4AA770E9B8D5C7E8AA>]>> Suppose you are trying to kill weeds in your lawn and the herbicide label states "use 2 oz. O'Connor-Marer, P. J. Never apply more than the rate listed on a pesticide label. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-NPR7B4'); having or shown to have a just, right, or reasonable Publ. Herbicide Label 0000005063 00000 n 0000179939 00000 n Nat. 0000005332 00000 n 2006. Accessibility 0000175151 00000 n Herbicide Label 0000197568 00000 n Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Offers better handling, tank-mix compatibility and viscosity in cold weather and crop safety. 0000039281 00000 n Examples of least-toxic insecticides include insecticidal petroleum or plant-based oils, soaps, and the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis. Occasionally situations arise that dictate the use of a grass-only herbicide for HWC. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to MSM Turf Herbicide and other Group 2 herbicides. <]/Prev 197784/XRefStm 1084>> 0000199343 00000 n JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS (Prevention) Avoid breathing vapours. Damage can also be the result of other factors such as incorrect irrigation, poor drainage, herbicide toxicity, or physical damage. Therefore, you would use (600 square feet/1000 square feet) X 2 oz. Without these conditions the pesticides may linger and cause toxic conditions for humans or pets. Above anything else, we value your safety and satisfaction. PDF: To display a PDF document, you may need to use a 0000022625 00000 n 0000000776 00000 n Also avoid applying pesticides to hard surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and foundations, because they can easily be washed off and go into storm drains. 0000018827 00000 n 0000025381 00000 n Phenomena and Processes 4 655 0 obj <> endobj 0000042113 00000 n Minimally, protective gear should include rubber gloves, eye protection, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and closed shoes. WEED RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT This product is a Group 14 herbicide. Value Guidelines for New Plant Protection 0000002172 00000 n 0000023042 00000 n Pesticides can easily move off target with wind. Although professional services may be expensive, the investment may be worth it to solve a serious problem. Important information regarding the pesticide can be found on the product's label. It also has other labels that might be state-specific or crop-specific. Over the years, these words have been the consumer's primary guide to relative safety of products. 0000190788 00000 n Do not dump excess, unwanted, or old material down the drain, onto the soil, or into open waterways, gutters, storm drains or sewers, or in the trash. LEADOFF is a selective herbicide for burndown and residual control of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds when applied preplant or 0000000016 00000 n LABEL TRIAD SELECT In every product we deliver, we keep in mind your health and well-being. Herbicide 0000179490 00000 n 0000166039 00000 n Calif. Div. WebExcellent crop safety profile. If you do not have the time or ability to research your pest problem and safely apply the appropriate material to control it, you may want to hire a pest control service to do the job for you. WebAdjuvants include such products as nonionic surfactants, crop oil concentrates, water conditioners, stickers, drift reduction agents, deposition agents and others. After measuring, you find your lawn is only 600 square feet. 0000005176 00000 n (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': Do not apply directly to water. Many insecticides kill only the larval (e.g., caterpillars) stage, not the eggs or pupae. If necessary, add more water to the spray tank to reach the correct concentration. Pesticide labels translate results of our extensive evaluations of pesticide products into conditions, directions and precautions that define parameters for use of a 1785 0 obj 0000279738 00000 n Before using any pesticide, be sure you need it. 0000041945 00000 n Label A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Don't dilute more pesticide than you can use right away. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources = 0.6 X 2 oz. For example, if you found out that one quart of water covered 100 square feet, you can assume you will need 6 quarts to cover 600 square feet. Many pest problems, such as termites or management of problems on large trees, require special pesticides or equipment and technical training for most effective management. It decreases evaporation and improves deposition and 0000041800 00000 n Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California 0000012391 00000 n Orange County; M. L. Flint, UC Statewide IPM Program, Davis; P. M. Geisel, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno County; and C. L. Unruh, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno County, Produced by University of California Statewide IPM Program. 0000009410 00000 n Read the entire label before using this product. WebHerbicide selection considers the following criteria: Herbicide label considerations; Herbicide effectiveness on target species; Proximity to water and other sensitive WebLabel Page OUTLOOK HERBICIDE 720 g/L DIMETHENAMID-P HAZARD STATEMENTS Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Diluted pesticide needs to be applied according to label directions to plants or sites listed on the label and at label rates until the spray tank is empty. An official website of the United States government. Verdict For instance, some insecticides with low toxicity to people may have high toxicity to beneficial insects like parasitic wasps or other desirable organisms like honey bees, earthworms, or aquatic invertebrates. Figure 2. Be sure the particular type of plant or site you plan to treat is listed on the label. Agrian - Label Search 0000043092 00000 n 0000022323 00000 n xref page 1 of 21 [principal display panel] group 2 herbicide . Insecticide or fungicide directions for fruit or ornamental trees often don't specify areas in square feet to be treated. 0000168720 00000 n The leaching and runoff risks of specific pesticides can be obtained from the. WebDual II Magnum SI Herbicide. Do not use pesticides labeled for use on ornamental plants or plants that will be eaten. WebLABEL TRIAD SELECT HERBICIDE Selective Broadleaf Weed Control in Turf Grasses Including Use on Golf Courses and Sod Farms to Control Clover, Dandelion, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onion, and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds. 0000023073 00000 n A pesticide is any material (natural, organic, or synthetic) used to control, prevent, kill, suppress, or repel pests. 0000025356 00000 n Helena Professional Products | 225 Schilling Blvd., Suite 300 Collierville, TN 38017 | 2023 Helena Professional Products. 80 0 obj <> endobj xref 80 154 0000000016 00000 n 0000001839 00000 n The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. For spot treatments, mix the pesticide according to label instructions, and apply the mixture only to the affected area. METHOD 240SL HERBICIDE may be applied up to the waters edge. Weed species with acquired resistance to Group 2 may eventually dominate the weed population if Group 2 herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field 0000166136 00000 n UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 0000198340 00000 n 0000013587 00000 n 0000175516 00000 n trailer <<283EED995D164DC8B11E0A14EEBF012B>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 233 0 obj <>stream 0000022278 00000 n Professionals who use concentrated liuquid pesticides must rinse the container three times before disposal. 0000176140 00000 n 0000180121 00000 n Read and carefully observe the cautionary statements and all other information appearing on the labels of all herbicides used. Planted biotech crops gm food crops canola plants plants BUCCANEER PLUS GLYPHOSATE HERBICIDE. Read the pesticide label carefully and be sure that you have the proper equipment for applying it safely. Pesticide labels translate results of our extensive evaluations of pesticide products into conditions, directions and precautions that define parameters for use of a pesticide with the goal of ensuring protection of human health and the environment. They may be susceptible to quality changes at high or very low temperatures or by settling out. Oakland: Univ. 0000174636 00000 n SAFETY DATA SHEET LIBERTY 280 SL HERBICIDE - BASF Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to HERBIVORE HERBICIDE and other Group 2 herbicides. 0000002871 00000 n It is also uniquely compatible with phenoxy herbicides, such as 2,4-D. Durango DMA is labeled for use both preemergence and postemergence with flexible timing to be applied on up to 48-inch-tall corn and from cracking to flowering for soybeans. Calif. Div. 0000177641 00000 n
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