In general, you should always try to avoid any conflict with bears if possible. I've killed big bear with one shot (usually .338 mag) but I was also in on a bear kill with my hunting partner when things didn't go well. CRIME AND WILD ANIMALS LIKE WHEEL OF FORTUNE SPIN, NEVER KNOW WHEN IT WILL STOP ON YOUR NUMBER. Your alcohol. I dont know if I would call it a design. Why wouldnt you choose a long-barreled gun that shoots with higher velocity, better penetration, more accuracy, less muzzle flip, less recoil, and holds one more bullet to stop a charging bear? here: Live survive love laugh and be happy, not screaming in terror before dying in pain, 7mm Remington Magnum (168gr Nosler AccuBond LR at 2,880fps): 19.6 Never had to shoot a bear with it, and hope it stays that way, but pretty confident it will do the trick if needed. During the 10mm vs .44 Mag. I can't imagine anyone feeling comfortable packing a .44 mag. Hes read some books so hes an expert. 44 Magnum For Bear-What you Should Know - That may no longer be entirely true, but the 44-mag cartridge is still a formidable piece of kit. Best wheelgun, .44 Rem Mag $1195 at Jump to Details Best Lever Gun Marlin Model 1895 Reliable, durable, chambered in .45-70 Government $1199 at Brownells Jump to Details Editor's Pick Rifle CZ 550 American Safari Magnum Popular for a reason, heavy hitting, .375 H&H $1299 at Palmetto State Armory Jump to Details Best Shotgun The black bear is the only animal in the continental U.S. that can provide the average hunter a reasonably accessible opportunity to hunt dangerous game - game with fangs and claws rather than horns and hooves. One of the more powerful handguns available today, the .454 is capable of pushing a 300-grain Buffalo Bore bullet at 1650 fps with 1,813 ft.-lbs. Even in the flawed study Efficacy of firearms for bear deterrence in Alaska the researchers only found 269 attacks in Alaska. At this kind of range the accuracy of the longer barrel doesnt much matter nor does the penetration, which doesnt much matter anyway. Taylor Knock Out Factor. The Army even ranted against the 30-40 Krag as being ineffective. A Black bear just killed a guy in Florida there, genius. Yet, they have no idea what it feels like to pull the trigger much less shoot that pistol. 10mm Glock 'fully functional' in fatal grizzly attack - WyoFile He was able to stop the attack by shooting the bear as it charged at him. And if you want grownups to take you seriously, you really do have to stop sounding just like Jesse Pinkman. A bear is not a human and self-defense rounds are not as effective on a bear as you might expect. Aim for the center of mass whenever possible in order to ensure a quick and clean kill. The latest way appears to be an app called CamoSpace, designed specifically for members of the hunting community. I carry both, with bear spray on my left side and a .44 on my right, so IF the bear spray fails Im not completely f-ed. In 1984, Winchester began to produce rifles chambered for cartridge, legitimizing Waters dream, and establishing it as a commercial cartridge. All of that being said, in my past 4 years in Alaska, you know how many times Ive been attacked by a bear? His raging confrontational writing style that relies upon fabricated facts, is so close to his that I wouldnt be surprised if it was revealed that he indeed is actually my nephew. Personally, multiple rounds at close range with 00 buck will rip your fucking eyeballs out, no matter what you are. No gun. Its chambered in nearly every major manufacturers rifle and has a plethora of ammunition choices as well. 4. So, at this point 39.53% of my life. So, people are mauled by bears. And to the the post of a guy shot many times with a 9mm, you are correct sir. I compare the 10mm and the 44 magnum cartridges, weighing their strengths and weaknesses for the role of bear defense.Check out the new video where we use th. Some hunters also prefer to use rounds with higher grain weights, such as 440 or even 500, for larger bears. Some sites would have you thinking you can kill a bear with a .45 magnum even if you did manage to hit it hours before he killed you. Keep in mind that you might need a Magnum load to propel a heavy bullet to a decent velocity. 1. Who knows. The 9mm has 350 to 450 ft/lbs. A female grizzly will do almost anything to protect her cubs. Sure looks like a bunch of weakling dodging on your part, Hank. Take a deep breath and realize this is an anonymous Internet forum. and 2700 fps, thus delivering massive energy on target. A 44 mag with hard cast will travel a long ways through meat and bone if youre up close. And whatever you do, never try to approach or touch a dead bear. For example the venerable .38 Special, 158 grain load exits a four-inch barrel at something like 950 fps which isnt enough velocity to reliably cause deep, catastrophic damage in a large, tough animal. Zero. I grew up half the time in Alaska and the other half in Seattle. I APPRECIATE BEARS PLACE IN NATURE, DO NOT HUNT THEM PERSONALLY ( ELK YES, TASTES BETTER TO ME) AND RESPECTFULLY KEEP MY DISTANCE WHEN POSSIBLE. Granted, the stopping power of any pistol is low, but the nonsense in your post about the .38 vs .45 makes everything else you say not credible. If you live and work in bear country, you know the importance of being prepared for that chance encounter with a bear who has malintent and you for a target. They almost never attack . ON OCCASION DO ALSO CARRY MY 870 PUMP GUN IN 12 GA WITH RIFLED BARREL WITH SLUGS , SLUGS AND BUCKSHOT AND JUST BUCKSHOT WHEN MOSTLY THINK I MAY NEED TO COVER SNAKES, BEARS AND LIONS ALL IN SAME WANDERING. Let's look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. Tyler Freel A 12 gauge's effectiveness can vary tremendously based on the ammunition used. Show me on the doll where the handgun touched you. Knowing the approximate distance at which you will be encountering bears is an important factor in choosing the right round for your firearm. People arent buying snubbies in big calibers for this kind of situation any more than theyre buying large knives because they want to join that one guy who actually did kill a grizzly with a Ka-Bar. But bears are all-natural and organic, and everybody knows that anything that is all-natural and organic is safe and good for your health, right? I have found 30 instances so far. The beauty of the .454, however, is that you can practice with .45 Colt rounds and save yourself a bit of recoil trauma. 12-Gauge SlugAccording to Nelson, the 12-gauge slug gun is by far one of the most popular choices for bear protection in the Alaskan bush. Our Sitemap. People must do that. What is the minimum caliber of handgun that would stop a grizzly bear Doug shot the bear and stopped the attack. Weight X Velocity X Diameter /7000 = TKOF Will a 44 Magnum stop a grizzly bear? Im comfortable carrying the .38, with better bullets, where I hunt. A JSP bullet at a velocity that will completely penetrate the chest of an average-size bear is probably a better choice than a hardcast SWC solid. Favorites include, from top, an S&W in .44 Mag, a Dan Wesson in .445 SuperMag and a single-action Ruger chambered in .41 Magnum. I have been asking for people to send in documented instances of people attempting to use pistols to defend against bears for over a year. He plainly states that he was researching attacks where pistols where used in defense. The article was about pistols being used to defend against bears. I LIVE IN COLORADO BETWEEN CRAIG, CO AND BAGGS, WY. It was pretty much a niche round til Dirty Harry. No joke, a full house 44 Mag in a rifle kicks. Lets face it. The number of large caliber rifle rounds that came out of that bastard were truly frightening. It doesnt mean anything. Even bear spray would make more sense than peeving it off. Considered by many to be the minimum for big bear defense rounds, the .44 Remington Magnum was first introduced in 1955 for revolvers and gained widespread popularity in the 1970s thanks to Dirty Harry. 1. I had also noticed that your post of 13:49 was damned good. Spray products vary. SEPARATE FOOTNOTES WHICH ARE NOT A COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE: I believe I said the other day, .44 Rem Mag FTW! Compared to pretty much every other mammal, humans are easy to put out of action. WHEN IN HOUSE CHEST RIG ALWAYS ON AND PISTOL UNDER PILLOW AT NIGHT. 7mm Remington Magnum for Grizzly Or Brown Bear Hunting? Best Ammo Just How Would You Stop a Charging Bear? | Grand View Outdoors I had no expectation that the pistol would kill the bear. The bears run in and out of the visual field of the video camera. and it bounced around inside its cranium it might stop it. You have entered an incorrect email address! Despite NGs statement about black bears normally running when confronted by a human, do not bet your life on it! Startled bears can be extremely volatile as can those with a fresh kill if they perceive that you are threatening to take their dinner. Because so many hunters got bowled over, mauled,and prevented from shooting straight when they tried to shoot from underneath a grizz with long-barreled handguns. Best Bear Defense Handguns of 2023 | Outdoor Life They have not released their data, but they found handguns to be 84% effective against bears, surprisingly, more effective than long guns. Ticks. I dont have any particular issue with what youve said so far, but you must understand that by refusing to give any actual citation of your sources you are undermining your own argument. photo from Please dont take out your rage on your wife or kids tonight. LOL . .458 Winchester Magnum (500gr Hornady DGX at 2,140fps)(has 5083.36 ft lbs): 70.0 Modern bears remained top predators thanks to evolution weeding out the bears that dropped faster due to serious injury. Sourced? In this case . DO NOT GO INTO LOT ABOUT GRAINS AND SUCH AS I THINK THESE INDIVIDUAL CHOICES BASED ON SHOOTERS PREFERENCE AND SITUATION. Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed in an unprovoked grizzly attack in Alaska on October 6th, 2003. of energy at 1550 fps, which is more than double that of the 10mm and four times more energy than the 9mm. I am still looking for some 300 grainers. However, bigger is not always better in my opinion. The bear was just as startled as I. Holy shit I cant stop laughing. Will A 44 Magnum Kill A Bear - Grim Warrior Hunting grizz is much easier than defending against a charge but both my uncles stoped charges. For hiking and camping, I prefer a chest rig. You cant speak of the pros without also talking about the cons in any situation. Some of them are like a fog. It is better to have and not need than to need and not have, in my opinion. When I worked as a hunting guide, my boss introduced me to our hunters as PETA Joe, do to my love of critters, I dont trust bears, theyre hard to make friends with. Heres a look at the eight best charge-stopping bear cartridges ever made. 3) Self defense from a bear attack with a pistol is a cautionary tale at best, correct? However, if you are dealing with an especially large or aggressive bear, you may need something more powerful. Hundreds of bear attacks? Check the following. 2017 by Dean. Honestly cant remember ever having an issue taking grizz with a 44 mag (Ruger super Blackhawk) . Every 1.5 pages, it tells you that youre now at the exact trail spot where yet another guy from yet another sawmill was killed by a grizzly on such and such a date. Any snowflakes at all? As I pulled the revolver out, a sudden calm came over me, and I knew everything would be fine. Because a bear will suffer irreversible and irreparable damage to its heart, lungs, spine, and brain if it is shot, the only way to kill it is to shoot it so that it can be killed. .50 Alaskan Taking a .348 Winchester case and necking it out to accept a .510-inch, Alaskan Harold Johnson was able to successfully convert a Winchester Model 1886 rifle into a .50-caliber, bear-killing machine. Probably the worst-case scenario that anyone spending time in bear country can face is a charging grizzly bear. When one of us has an animal down, one guts, the other stays ready for a bear. Kim had a Glock model 20 10 mm pistol with him. The 44-magnum pistol that I occasionally shoot is a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan model. Packing Pistols In Bear Country | An Official Journal Of The NRA Among firearms platforms, a rifle delivers more energy and is effective to greater distances, making it the first choice. There are some books out on bear attacks as well. Presumably he removed it when they started cleaning the moose, which is probably the worst time to do so. If I had to camp for the night. Scopes, guns, boots and other tactical stuff in-between. .73 (2 3/4) 12 GA Slug 437.5 gr @ 1560 FPS (2363/ ft lbs): 71 Very few handguns can stop a 600 lb. I am not so much concerned with how well the revolver will shoot as I am about how well I can shoot the revolver. Many laud the .44 Magnum as real bear medicine, and it's got plenty of power for a bear defense handgunas long as you remember that it's still not a rifle. This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar, 2022 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Likely a happy accident for them due other evolutionary happenstances, but they are around because the weaker ones arent. Upon second thought, I think you just honestly misunderstood my meaning, and I may have misunderstood yours in the reply I just wrote. Lessons learned . I NEVER SLING OR STRAP MY SMOKE POLE, ALWAYS IN HAND AND PISTOL NOT SECURED UNLESS DOING SOMETHING WHEN IT COULD FALL OUT IF TUMBLE. Hes a fear pimp. DO NOT SEE THE MTN LIONS MUCH BUT THEY ARE OUT THERE AS SEE THE TRACKS AND A GLANCE OUT THE WINDOW ONCE IN A WHILE. It is easy to see that the 44 Magnum is far from being the most powerful handgun in the world. When you consider the other factors involved, the 44-magnum may even be a better choice for some than the larger and more powerful calibers. Youve all read how much ground a bear can cover in a few seconds..he kept his cool and did everything right once the holster fiasco was passed. So yes, I did do my homework before opening my big mouth. Well thought-out, well-researched, and well-said. I suppose if one hit a bear in the eye with a .22 cal. He said it was his hunting partners gun. Grizzlies may become aggressive for a number of reasons. As Nelson points out, the first shot may end the charge but doesnt always kill the bear, which means its handy to have a rifle that can make the longer follow-up shot. They are lucky to have survived given they left their primary defensive weapon in a tree! And that was from a pretty stout rifle round, .300 Win Mag IIRC. When it comes to defending yourself against a bear attack, theres no substitute for 44 mag ammo. *** Large caliber handgun ammunition is expensive. However, if we are considering the average person on an outdoor adventure, we need to look at the best fit option. I was born and raised there. We have to think. I distinctly remembered this one! Its a matter of physics, do the math. I forgot to mention it, and you should get credit where credit is due. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Im certain this is the most butthurt Ive made anyone on this website since that crazed lefty threatened to sue me. Any large caliber pistol is going to deliver often punishing recoil. The comparative recoil data shows the difference between our chosen calibers. Using the Mag. Big credit to the guy finding his calm in that situation; it allowed him to place a well aimed shot . here is one of the links I had bookmarked; . One thing Ive never called you is stupid. Overall, the 44 magnum revolvers are lighter weight than the larger caliber handguns. of energy, while 1,000 ft/lbs is considered the minimum for a bear hunting gun. I spray with mine regularly, even though I have to buy a lot more of it, both for practice and for making sure its as potent as can be. Hollywood has done the same thing for other rounds. According to Hornady's data, the XTP bullets from a 7.5-inch barrel clock at 1350 fps and generate . Why dont you get a go pro and hike around grizzly country in the spring season with bear spray and post your live videos., 35 Whelen for Elk: The Perfect Caliber for North American Big Game. However, using a more powerful cartridge such as the .44 Magnum is recommended to ensure quick and humane kills. Bear will win every time. What handgun can kill a grizzly bear? Of which he found 29 accounts. He or she could have one of the following, a 44 or larger with at least 300 grain flat nose, or a 12 guage shorty with 00 buck or a Brennicke slug. The result, of course, was the .50 Alaskan. Your cigarettes. .378 Weatherby Magnum (300gr FMJ at 2,925fps)(4,263 ft lbs): 47.0 This powerful ammunition can help you take down even the biggest bears. Two questions: But they dont have sense enough to get out of the way of a truck. 8. You have a bone to pick with Dean and your bias is showing thru. Thoughtful, knowledgeable, unusual, and well-written. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world I could eat a can of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than what you posted !!! . Good on him for having the clarity of mind to make such a shot, and for having the appropriate ammo in an appropriate caliber such that it could actually travel through a large bear and disrupt the spine and cause such a necessary instantaneous stop. It was used 12 times. But I do know this. All of the guides I have hunted with insist that everyone have a bear defense firearm on their person almost at all times. What is a Threaded Barrel and What Does it Do? As a geologist, Nelson has killed four bears in defense of life and property (DLP), including two black bears and two grizzlies. 8 Best Charge-Stopping Bear Cartridges - An Official Journal Of The NRA The 44 magnum is no exception. The Best Bear-Defense Guns and Cartridges | MeatEater Gear First, I give you credit for confronting a critic, and also for being civil. . of energy. The 44 Magnum is a powerful handgun, but it is not powerful enough to guarantee a one-shot kill on a bear. Im referring to the Trending now BS. I have watched ballistic videos from a FBI training video in shot placement. 44 mag ammo can help you do just that. Redding Reloading Equipment has added a New 3-Die Set for the 300 HAMRa bottleneck cartridge based on a modified .223 Remington case necked up to 30-caliber. Pistolero Magazine in the 1980s when shooting barnyard hogs found that there was no difference in killing power between the .357 magnum, .45 acp, 38 special and 919. I saw a buckle with a strap running through it. Its important to remember, however, that 44 mag ammo is not a magic bullet. The first was simply a test to see how far it would spray. Need to read Elmer Keiths accounts of animal attacks in Hell, I was there. When youre out in the wild, its important to be prepared for anything. Note that the .38 Long Colt used in the Philipines was even less powerful than the .38 special, and US troops did in fact prefer the .45 Colt revolver to the .38 Long Colt. will make it easy to kill black bears. Now theres some first-class thinking Thats the reason why infantrymen have left their rifles back at camp when they go into battle for the last thousand years. And Im sick with the flu,so Im goofing off in this pathetic comments section. for grizzly protection. As with anything, the devil is in the details. Handgunning Magazine - How to Hunt Black Bear - Bear Loads While some may consider it the minimum, it's plenty powerful enough to stop an onerous bear. MY HOG BACK UP IS MY SHORT BARREL S&W .44 THO HAVE YET HAVE ONE TO GET UP FROM REM .308 HOG HAMMERS. Think about it. I hunt on Kodiak. I know a guy who emptied his 9mm into a Black Bearkilled it well enough. You should be using slugs, and not just your average deer slug but hot ones, and you can forget about buckshot. Be prepared to take down more than one bear if necessary. Always remember to check local regulations regarding firearms when traveling in bear country. Anybody at all? As for his own writing, yeah, I sure do criticize it. As soon as I rounded the corner I spotted a probably 900lb brown bear, not barely 20yds away. In the event that I need to get off a second shot at a charging grizzly bear, I want a pistol I can handle comfortably, re-acquire a sight picture, and get off an accurate shot in the quickest possible time. Depends on what type of bear. The .44 magnum boomed in the night and the boar fell straight down, his head three feet away from where I stood. And they dont work well if you dont shake the cans from time to time, just like spray paint. Ruger chambers the .454 Casull in both the Super Redhawk with a 4-inch barrel and the Alaskan in a 3-inch variant, both of which are compact and easy to draw when things get up close and personal. Such senseless killing. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!! Generally speaking, though, most 44 Magnum rounds should be able to stop a black bear or grizzly in its tracks. .600 Nitro Express (900gr Kynoch solid at 2,000fps)(7992 ft lbs): 159.4, *** Seems that the bleeding hearts in the state in which he resides view the rights of wild animals and violent sociopaths as superior to those of regular folks. Alaskan moose hunters Doug White and Reed Thompson were working on packing out the meat and head from a successful hunt. A 9, 38, or 45 isnt an adequate round for something as large as a bear, with think hide, fur and muscles. Remember that 44 mag ammo is not a magic bullet you still need to know how to use it effectively, Make yourself as big and loud as possible; shout and clap your hands, Try to scare the bear away by throwing objects at it or spraying it with pepper spray, If those things dont work, use your firearm to shoot the bear in the most vital areas: its head, chest or neck, The minimum caliber for black bear is .30-06 Springfield, A well placed shot from a .44 Magnum will penetrate both shoulders of a black bear with ease, When hunting black bear, use a rifle with good sights and a scope, Remember that handguns are not as powerful as rifles and may not provide enough penetration on larger bears. You could try noticing that fact, wondering about it, and asking, Why wouldnt you choose a long-barreled gun that shoots with higher velocity, better penetration, more accuracy, less muzzle flip, less recoil, and holds one more bullet to stop a charging bear?. What handgun can kill a grizzly bear? - TimesMojo Now that you mention it, my wife was the one that told me Right after asking if the life insurance was up to date, It might have continued on to hit the spine, resulting in the instant collapse of the bear.. He was about ten feet away coming up and over the initial log that I had tripped over. This gun has a 2.5-inch barrel and is fitted with Hogue grips. Luck by definition means the odds are against you.
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