Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Versus 6063 Aluminum They have a very high 99% of their average alloy composition in common. Types of Aluminum Channels and Their Uses. International guidelines dictate that, for an aluminum alloy to be considered 6061, its magnesium content has to be between 0.8 and 1.2%, and its silicon content has to be between 0.4 and 0.8%. Hardness is a measure of ductility, surface quality, and general material strength, and can be quantified using many different scales. Youll generally find alloy 6063 in applications where exposure to weather or water is expected. At the same time, they can resist deformation because of their strength. In terms of price, because of the difference of production process, the price of T6 aluminium sheet is a little higher than that of T5 aluminum sheet per ton. 6061 aluminumis, however, the perfect choice for applications that require hardness. Your alloy choice also can restrict the extrusions final shape. When pressures were applied, the material failed almost immediately. See Applications range from structural and building products to recreation and sports equipment to aerospace engineering. This alloy offers good relative corrosion resistance, weldability, and tensile strength. 2023 Kloeckner Metals Corporation. Both 6061 and 6063 aluminum alloys have varied qualities even though they have the same chemical composition. 6061 is an aluminum alloy of choice if youre using the product to bear significant weight or require guaranteed reliability and sound structures. The 6063 aluminumis commonly called architectural aluminum because its widely used as a structural material. In this section, 6063 aluminumhas the lowest ultimate strength and is therefore used for extrusion projects that require plastic deformation. If the aluminum products youre selecting will be on display or exposed to the elements, youll want to choose alloy 6063. While it doesnt anodize as well as 6063, it still provides decent corrosion resistance and is easily workable enough to be used for many extrusions. 6061 aluminum alloyis often strengthened using the heat treatment process to produce various ranges of tempers like 6061-T4 and 6061-T6. Your email address will not be published. Understanding the different situations in which design engineers typically use either of these alloys may help you decide for your project. Successful Bending of Various Grades of Aluminum 6082T6 is the strongest of the 6000 grade alloys, which is particularly suitable for structural applications and also for welding & machining. This makes it more suitable for applications where strength isnt as important, but corrosion resistance is important such as outdoor uses or architectural elements like window frames or door frames. 0000003736 00000 n
Youll find more information about alloy 6063 here. Conditional yield strength 0.2 (MPa): 420. Additionally, we share the latest information and information about materials, products and various types of grades to assist businesses that are involved in this business. All rights reserved. Shop with an image and shop products on our mobile app, download today. It also has excellent thermal conductivity, so it can be used in heat transfer applications as well as electrical conductivity applications like wiring or circuit boards. 0000001727 00000 n
Good corrosion resistance, excellent weldability, good cold workability and medium strength. Additionally, it is easy to work with because it can be easily formed and machined into different shapes. Comparing 6061 vs 6063 Aluminum - Kloeckner Metals Corporation Aluminium 2014 is more ductile than 6061. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Forgings 6061 is an alloy that is suitable for hot forging. What are architectural price tag molding used for? However, it doesn't always give you the best performance in regard to weight vs. strength. TYnow = new Date();document.write( TYnow.getFullYear() );
For each property being compared, the top bar is 6061 aluminum and the bottom bar is 6060 aluminum. Aluminum 6061 and aluminum 6063 are popular alloys of aluminum that offer a wide range of benefits for manufacturing industries. Kloeckner Metals is a full-line aluminum supplier and service center. Required fields are marked *. Alexandria, MN 56308. Easy to process and good wear resistance. 401 County Road 22 NW This is mainly due to the metals perfect formability, weldability, moderate resistance to corrosion, and its reasonably high strength. AL 6063 has a better surface finish than AL 6061 and is preferrable for architectural purposes. The 6000 series of alloys tends to be the most popular class of aluminum alloys for extrusion. Aluminum 6061 can contain up to twice the percentage of iron, and usually contains more copper, chromium and silicon than Aluminum 6063. Additionally, it can be formed into complex shapes that do not weather easily and have great surface finishes at the same time. aluminum 6063 or 6061 means the name of aluminum alloy. Alloy 6063 is often used for electrical applications in the -T5, -T52 and -T6 conditions due to its good electrical conductivity. In this guide, we provide 11 tips to help you optimize your designs for the extrusion process. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Jump to the infographic comparing 6061 vs 6063 Aluminum. That said, the specifics of your project will help you narrow down which is better suited for your applications. Anodizing the alloy further increases corrosion resistance. Both 6061 and 6063 aluminum have a density of 2.7g/cm3 or 0.0975 lb/in3). Leaner alloys, such as 6060 versus 6063, or 6005A versus 6061, allow you to extrude thinner walls or more complex shapes but still obtain the same minimum mechanical properties of their comparable alloys. 6061 aluminum is used in all kinds of applications ranging from electronics to welded assemblies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The strength of T6 state is higher than that of T5 state, and other properties are similar. %PDF-1.3
Should You Choose Aluminum Alloy 6061 or 6063? This article aims to compare two alloys of the same 6xxx series, 6061 and 6063 aluminum alloy, to show the differences between alloys of the same class (For more information on this naming system as well as each individual alloy, feel free to read our articles on 6061 and 6063 aluminum alloys). 0000004782 00000 n
Aluminum 6063 is known as the architectural alloy, as it is commonly used in finishing applications because its the most extrudable and easily anodized. 51
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6063 is primarily used for applications that are exposed because it suffers weather better than 6061, making it more corrosion resistant. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Its high corrosion resistance and good formability make it one of most joinable alloys. All Rights Reserved. Properties of 6061 vs. 6063 Aluminum Alloy | Eagle Mouldings 0000018901 00000 n
Selecting the right alloy for your application will optimize your end products design and development goals for high strength, light weight, and low cost. Find out if aluminum or stainless steel is best for retail displays. These attributes make it an ideal choice for decorative parts than other 6xxx series alloys. When two options of 6061 or 6063 aluminum are compared, it is usually attributed to the use of extrusion, intensity or finishing options. It is considered one of the, Willie Mansion, 302/304, 3rd Floor, 297, Javji Dadaji Marg, Nana Chowk, Grant Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007, Car Rental WordPress Theme Copyright 2022 -, Aluminium 6060 vs 6063 Whats the Difference, 304 vs 316 Stainless Steel Price Whats the Difference, How to Melt Aluminium at Home An Overview, Advantages and Disadvantages of Plasma Arc Machining, 304 vs 316 Stainless Steel Price What, Aluminium Alloy vs Stainless Steel Whats the Difference, Advantages and Disadvantages of Using CRCA Steel, Advantages and Disadvantages of Stir Casting in Manufacturing Processes, Advantages and Disadvantages of Special Valves, Advantages and Disadvantages of Isolation Valves, Advantages and Disadvantages of Galvanized Iron Pipes, Advantages and Disadvantages of Fillet Welding. There are always project-specific considerations to account for when choosing the right aluminum alloy, and Orange Aluminum is here to simplify that choice. 6061 -T4 6061 -T6, T6511 6463 -T5 1Rating: A=Excellent B=Good C=Fair D=Poor For further details of explanation . California Do Not Track Notice. 0000001934 00000 n
Thanks to that contrast, alloy 6061 is more found in structural and weight-bearing usages. 0000010493 00000 n
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. PDF Making the correct 6000 series allow selection - Fab Masters Company, Inc. For this reason, 6061 aluminumis mostly preferred for projects that require machining procedures.
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