His familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him a valuable asset and outstanding Soldier for the 173d ABCT.
NCOER.COM Competence Bullet Comments Thanks! Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. His excellent leadership skills and dedication inspired his team to rise above themselves to accomplish all missions.
Graduate & Professional School - Congratulations to the 2023 With loosely defined instructions SPC Doe attacked the repair task with vigor and ingenuity. SPC McQueen's influential initiative motivated other members in her section to continue their college education. SSG Doe was instrumental in the success of B Co 248th ASC during the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS). His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. SGT Smith was able to continually provide the highest level of service through constantly increasing his technical proficiency. The BLC is the foundation for further . Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. SPC Henderson showed the inclination and capability to take control in any given situation by conducting first line PCC'S, maintaining constant cognizance of his surroundings and acting accordingly while urging his fellow Soldiers to succeed. His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding the SINCGARS radio system, radio etiquette and JCR system were critical in ensuring the 1/11 ACR TOC was constantly able to transmit and receive pertinent battlefield data and keeping the command team up to date with a rapidly changing battlefield during STX and rotational operations. SPC Doe drove 3,495 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq demonstrating his commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service. Through accomplished organizational abilities SSG Pardon-Varde maintained 100% accountability of all Mass Casualty Decontamination Equipment with zero loss or damage by displaying an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness and accountability. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. ( Do Not create a new record if there is an existing update for the same decoration with the same device. SPC Artz was the winner of the May Soldier of the Month Board for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment while deployed to Operation New Dawn. SSG Snuff, during his tenure here at 108th BDE, 3rd Battalion 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment distinguished himself greatly by performing his duties as the BDE S-4 Assistance NCO, BDE UPL, Property Book NCO, HHB and Echo Battery Supply Sergeant. His dedication to the mission is a direct reflection on himself, the Army Reserve and the Army. He supervised three NCOs and seven enlisted Soldiers focused special emphasis on properly employing and utilizing all systems to enhance effectiveness of the brigade combat team airspace users, by providing the commander situational awareness of the brigade combat team airspace by receiving and displaying air tracks. SPC XXXX filled a critical position during two RIMPAC's, he was responsible for triaging critical patients ensuring the highest quality of care and was a vital part of the decontamination team treating over 70 simulated patients. SPC Premium devoted countless hours to developing, instructing and assisting in the instruction of numerous imagery analysis-related courses that have been presented to analysts in all branches of our military. SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. SPC XXXX without hesitation, voluntarily took on the extra responsibility of being the sole dedicated Electronic/ Mobile Technician for XXXX. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. CPL Martin also developed an up to date Standard Operating Procedure to refine specific guidelines on accountability, safety, and assisted with periodic inspections. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. PV2 Snuffy's diligence in providing up to the minute information to Warfighters was instrumental to the 105th MP Co. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Iraqi Government. SPC Jon gave a class to a thirty man Platoon. As the Task Force high time pilot his vast experience, maturity, and proficiency were vital to not only the success of Bravo Company, but across the entire Task Force (Name). SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. During his tenure, there were zero reportable COMSEC incidents and minimal down time on tactical communications. It is awarded to graduates of the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) based on their combined Leadership, Academic . He retained a cumulative GPA of 4.0 and was a six time Dean's list nominee over a three year period. He spent the entire night prior setting up over 1000 candles and assisted with the execution of the event, guiding Soldiers to the lit field. In this role, he was responsible for over $25,000.00 worth of equipment, the issuance and accountability along with the proper functionality of each device. Provide defense-focused graduate education, including classified studies and interdisciplinary research, to advance the operational effectiveness, technological leadership and warfighting advantage of the Naval service. His sound technical expertise and can do attitude was demonstrated when he led his team during a very complex mission which they completed ahead of schedule and attained certification from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency with 99.9% accuracy in all data gathering such as three runways profile and surveying 85 obstructions and Navaids. SPC GRAHAM, DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. Chaplain Leiter supported Soldiers at Task Mustang Golden Cargo, Warex Ft Hunter Ligget, Diamond Saber Ft McCoy, CSTX Ft Dix. As a team member, he was responsible for the welfare and accountability of over 15000 transitioning military servicemembers and civilians. CGSC Graduation Awards. Click "DECORATIONS" button. SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu. SFC Cox effectively led 6 Soldiers to establish a centralized company Command Post which facilitated, for the first time, the ability to track the Scenario Based IED Lanes for ECT. Chaplain Leiter instructed a pastoral course for the veterans hospital at Kansas City Veterans Hospital from August 2012-December 2012. I graduated with DLA and SAA. Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario has gone above and beyond the call of duty. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. She executes extremely well and with unfaltering reliability; utilizes self motivation to successfully accomplish the most challenging of tasks. As Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer SPC Richardson performed over 45 field repair missions, 40 Annual Services, and installed countless O2 parts bringing more than 35 generators and other equipment off the NMC report. SPC XXXXXX was recognized multiple times for his attention to detail and professionalism when assisting the leadership of the U.S. Army during their visits to RHC-P. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. SGT Bobo was chosen over four other Specialists to relocate from FOB Falcon to Camp Liberty as a maintenance liaison for the HHT maintenance team. Solider trained and prepared to assist law enforcement authorities in duties outside of their MOS with protecting lives, property of citizens of our state and their right to peacefully protest. SGT Lizyness was adament about motorcycle safety and took it upon himself to mentor younger motorcycle riders on the dangers of operating a motorcycle.
BLC Honors : r/army - Reddit During this time not only did he support his team and help to make sure they were physically and mentally healthy, but also served as a shining example in which his squad had performed a "knock out a bunker" lane to show the outstanding and unwavering motivation and dedication the squad had to their professional performance for General Hamm. SGT Santos demonstrated himself as a professional Noncommissioned Officer while serving as the Palletized Loading System (PLS) NCOIC during NTC rotation 16-02. This dedication and motivation not only has been noticed but was also used a a shining example for others within the platoon. Honor Graduate, Pathfinder Course. Her work includes serving with the Good Neighbor Program where she taught English to Korean students at Bongdeok Elementary School and providing Christmas gifts to the Gumi Orphanage for the children. SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. SSG Knuclehead led the way by attending Advance Leaders Course, Property Book Course, Unit Supply Enactment Course and Unit Prevention Leaders Course. His dedication to checking out equipment ensured it was always available and training was effective. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. SGT Redic demonstrated excellent military knowledge and bearing well beyond that of her peers by competing and winning the NCO of the Month Board for the Brigade Troops Battalion, 4th Sustainment Brigade on 2 September 2010. ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. This dramatically improved operational awareness of the deploying and redeploying of 300 Soldiers, procuring and size testing of vital PPE for 28 COVID Test Teams and planning for and scheduling with civilian providers COVID testing for Soldiers. THIS REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE UNIT, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. I know that most people here discourage putting any ropes from tech school on one's EPR. (A) The design specification on the resistance for an electronic component is 0.50 0.02 0.50 \pm 0.02 0.50 0.02 ohm. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. He never wavered, nor complained to complete a task set before him. SPC Premium has influenced the Intelligence community through countless hours of training and mentoring in excess of 500 Imagery Analysts. His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission.
NDLA Board honors Vietnam veteran John Lancaster '67, '74 J.D. for Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. SGT SoSo's dedication to duty, motivation, and military bearing earned him the reputation as one of the most dependable Team Leaders in the 529th Military Police Company "Honor Guard." Distinguished Honor Graduate. As a team leader, he was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers and the serviceability of two M915A4 tractors one M923A2 5-ton, three M872 trailers, and all assigned equipment valued in excess of 381,800 dollars. Amongst these, his support of the Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program during Operation Balance Torch in Thailand was particularly noteworthy. SPC DOE was a critical member of bravo 10 fire direction control section during battery and battalion competitions. Course Outcome . PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government. ACHIEVEMENT #3SSG ___ has distinguished himself by unwavering support of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy through tireless efforts in the area of Supervision, Discipline, Commitment to Excellence and support of the 25th ID and USARHA W. SSG _____ has flawlessly served as a member of the Land Navigation, and Graduation Committees for WLC. He motivated and mentored 9 Soldiers to accomplish each mission. During exercise Courageous Channel 11, he supervised the training of over 50 NEO personnel in CBRN defense and evacuation procedures in the event of an attack. His actions greatly aided in the mission's success. SPC Randolph was also responsible for the equipment readiness and serviceability of 75 tents at Camp Roberts. He kept constant contact with 32 Mission Essential Civilians and 32 Non-Combatants. He made it his own mission to perform the vital checks on the crew system every time anyone in the company left for a route clearance mission. We need more examples. As a lower enlisted soldier in the Mortar Section SPC Mitchell consistantly carried out his tasks in a very proficient manner and not only met the standards set forth by the Mortar Section but exceeded them. Commandant's Leadership Award Winner He was responsible for managing a highly complex network that was far beyond anything he was trained or experienced for. related issues. SGT Bozeman's proficiency and understanding of the AFATDS operations was critical to the Division Fires Cell as he often instructed and taught subordinate units. As an Early Warning System Operator, SPC Doe crew successfully mastered the tactics, techniques, and procedures, of the TCS by never failing a Crew drill, SPEAR, MRE or an ORE. Awards and Decorations. "The Distinguished Graduate Student . Honor Graduate. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE IN SUPPORT OF 1108TH TASMG DURING IWQ AND ANNUAL TRAINING. He maintained his equipment valued at $52,581.84 with zero discrepancies. PFC Love assisted in over 15 tower maintenance details, ensuring that the $1.5 million system was fully operational. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08. SSG Doe volunteered 84 hours of his off duty time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the St. Louis Cardinals and the stadium.
Distinguished Graduate Award | US Air Force Academy AOG & Foundation She took charge over three peers to ensure communication systems, tactical and automations, were established with 2 Brigade Combat Team. SSG Harry set the highest United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) standard across the board for the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS) Inspection by being the first unit to pass the inspection. With limited resources and no S1 personnel SSG Acevedo carried out the S1 mission while conducting his S3 duties. While being assigned to the unit, SPC Kirton-Smith always displayed a high level of dedication and motivation. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 Fuel Truck greatly aided in requisitioning and dispensing of over 7,000 gallons of F24 fuel to the DTAC vehicles and generators. As the Subject Matter Expert in Mass Casualty Decontamination, SSG Pardon-Varde demonstrated expert technical skills and superior leadership over a period of three days by teaching and mentoring 33 Chemical SOLDIERS with little to no experience in Mass Casualty Decontamination about the various roles and responsibilities of each overlapping section. Supervision without promotion [ edit] Upon completion of ALS, the graduate is authorized to write performance reports on subordinates. SPC Ramos trained many Soldiers in the platoon on various types of equipment. Capable of turning any mission into a great success clearly head and shoulders above his/her peers acknowledged for being resourceful in going above and beyond the expectations. She simultaneously led the team through NTC recovery and Change of Command Inspections while integrating her new medic. His attention to detail made for all minor details being fulfilled and for the Memorial starting at the correct time. Kristine Koch, a member of the North Carolina Air National Guard, is now part of that percentage as a distinguished graduate of Airman Leadership School. Specialist Robertson installed at least five starters on vehicles. - ACC/A3 awd board president; steered five mbrs/rvw'd six noms--improved pkgs/set-up winner for HHQ competition. These missions were performed by mobile training teams traveling to several CONUS and OCONUS locations. With his skilled and faithfulness to his warrior companions he allowed over two hundred route clearance mission to come back without any remote initiated improvise explosive device to detonate. She personally ensured 460 items of excess ACFT parts were turned-in. The course was administered by the South Carolina National Guard's 218th Regional Institute.
Awards - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Naval Postgraduate School SGT --- fulfilled the duties of -Unit- Safety NCO from --- 20xx through --- 20xx. Her tireless work ethic was key in maintaining parts ordering for 11 ACFT. He also regularly led the morning platoon PT formation in Physical Readiness Training (PRT). His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. Chelsea Baker) His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding his acting ability were critical in ensuring the overall success of the 7306th E&E Cell. SPC Rodriguez' dedication and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the Soldiers of each unit that fell under 110TH CM BN (TE) for patient care. SPC Siler's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and assist in the complete setup of the Chemical Threat Section directly impacting the squad's ability to accomplish the mission.
How does making the commandant list/Honor Grad in BLC work? Recognized by the Battalion Commander as the best overall team participating in Shadow Strike 13-02, and the standard bearer for all teams to emulate in future training event. SPC Taylor's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and assist in the complete setup of the company command post directly impacting the company's ability to accomplish the mission. SPC Rue never complained about missions assigned to him, and always completed every task to the best of his ability. Not only did SPC Walton do this to the best of his ability but he became the best fuel manager we've ever had. Your extraordinary efforts and . Honor Graduate and Commandant's List are always pluses to any career. SGT Doe went above and beyond his duties as FO during the Platoon STX following the LFX. SPECIALIST XXXX's PROFESSIONALISM, LOYALTY AND COMMITMENT TO THE MISSION'S SUCCESS ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT DISTINCT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, XXXX COMPANY, XXXX DIVISION, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. The reporting official will be responsible for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of students' abilities and the accuracy of the information in the . He meticulously prepared his team for all stages of validation and inspection, in which, his team achieved outstanding results. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. SSG Knucklehead, epitomizes the NCO Corps, he is a true role model for his Soldiers as well as his peers. SSG Soso, was directly responsible for facilitating weekly briefs and teleconferences that were invaluable to the operation. His incomparable performance and cutting edge approach to training has brought prodigious respect and value to the United States Army Reserves, as well as the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1). SPC Rodriguez' tireless work ethic, knowledge and interaction of supplies ensured preparation for real world and simulated casualties. SPC Mays achieved a milestone in her career by demonstrating competency in system security, network infrastructure, and organizational security. SGT Delaney is the example of the NCO Creed and the Army Core Values. SPC K's diligent commitment to professionalism and supply discipline set the bar for HHBN. Distinguished Leadership Award is voted at the end. Selected as Distinguished Honor Graduate for BNCOC Selected as Platoon Sergeant; a Sergeant First Class position Extremely competent; performed all duties above expected standards and expectations Received commendable ratings during all Brigade Command SSG DOE implemented an awards tracking process which resulted in effectively processing 50+ COAs, 20 impact and over 300 End of Tour awards. Due to his professionalism and unlimited leadership potential, Soldier was selected to serve as Assembly Area Lugnuts OIC, serving with distinction, honor, and commitment from 20200501 thru 20200717 in support of the State of Michigan's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. He set the example for his peers to emulate by meticulously maintaining his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensuring that he was able to perform a mission at a moment s notice. His attention to detail was constantly on display; ensuring each IET's medical, dental, clothing and administrative records were updated and filed accordingly.
Sample Army Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) When it comes to the Army Values, "Duty", is the main focus in SSG Acevedorosario's mission. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. His mentorship ensured fully mission capable intelligence elements deployed in support of combat and peacekeeping operations around the globe. Soldier continued to perform the role of BN XO ensuring maintenance and logistics concerns of the 1-119th were addressed. FOR OUTSTANDING MERITORIOUS SERVICE WHILE DEPLOYED IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (SPARTAN SHIELD).
Student Status NCOER Bullet Comments - ArmyWriter.com SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. Sometimes they even have a best essay award usually for SHARP but not always. Soldier's communication skills and planning was the singular vital element in the execution of the mission. SPC Walton showed dedication and responsibility by stepping out of his MOS and into one of the most important roles in JCOP Red Hill as manager of the JCOP's fuel. SGT Smith also adopted many NCOIC roles throughout the deployment.
DA Form 638 Bullet Examples - ArmyWriter.com SPC Floyd, was instrumental in the expansion of Camp Humpherys' communication infrastructure. SPC XXXX served admirably as an Information Technology Specialist for 9 months while assigned to XXXX in XXXX.
Commandant Presents Coin to Distinguished Honor Graduate His efforts greatly impacted the ability of rotational unit's to conduct world class training as well as training with foreign military components in preparation for upcoming deployments. While serving as the communications support systems specialist during OEF 10-11SPC Lovatto demonstrated outstanding motivation and dedication in the setup of 526th Brigade Support Battalin's commuications platform. While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader. His unique skills and can do attitude greatly contributed to mission success. Her knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the company's mission. SPC Rue during Annual Training and the DRX continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the 1086th vehicles were fully mission capable. [deleted] 4 yr. ago While serving as an augmentee for the 645th RSG housing and billeting section, SPC Randolph displayed a high level of competence and professionalism. SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS. This process ensured that Task Force ODIN A had the required communications resources available to effectively assist the war fighter on the ground. While there, he was responsible for tracking down parts, doing on the spot maintenance repairs for the Squadron Commander and Squadron Command Sergeant Major's PSD vehicles. The vocal leader of his crew, SPC Doe work ethnic coupled with his acute attention to detail allowed his crew to effectively utilize all communication platforms to higher and lower echelons. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. His lessons and leadership resulted in zero motorcycle accidents since he began his mentoring. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. As a member of the USAREUR Protective Services Division's Guard Force, SGT SoSo provided constant physical security and force protection to the USAREUR Headquarters building and Commanding General's personal residence. During the 95-02 NTC rotation, the 4th FSB TOC was overran by OPFOR Forces, SGT Canman took charge of the MASCAL operation and oversaw the immediate evacuation and received several commendable comments for his actions from the 4th FSB chain of command. issues and instituted instructional guides that help network users. He expertly performed duties as a vehicle operator on the Husky GPR, and Dismount. While dropping off a patient, a 9 line MEDEVAC was called for 10 rotational Soldiers to be picked up at an AXP, which was well beyond the capabilities of the Hospital's ambulance section. The Honor Graduate is the student with the second highest OML point total in the class. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. His dedication was a critical factor in the squad delivering over 5,709 pieces of Class I-IX cargo over 34,000 miles while operating in the highly volatile Iraqi area of operations. Honor grad is meaningless outside of NCOER bullet point if it doesn't come with at least a COA or AAM+. As team leader, she was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers, their safety and the serviceability of their weapons and all assigned equipment valued over 185,000 thousand dollars.
Distinguished honor graduate Stock Photos and Images SGT Smith coordinated with entities throughout CENTCOM and CONUS to ensure that CIT continued to receive the support it required to complete its mission.