phono - phonology creator - What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? explain particular environments and how they affect and restrict sound changes. The information is well-sourced and edited by knowledgeable linguist from all over the world. cd c:\downloads\. I spent a good part of my day recently messing around with the zompist sound change applier . I wanted to share something that I found useful in school and in hobby: a guide to sound changes over time. Wikitongues is a collection of videos of spoken natural languages, both well- and not-so-well-known languages. The -p command line parameter . says to change u to Consonants can palatalize before or after a front vowel ([i], [e]) or a palatal consonant ([j]), perhaps ending up as an affricate or fricative. when it's followed by one or two consonants and then a front vowel. The latest version is here! will merge. Keyboard layout editors allow the users to create their customised keyboards, which enable them to write the full Unicode, and a large portion of the International Phonetic Alphabet, as well as a veriety of international writing systems. F=ie When logging sound changes, a standardized notation is used, which looks something like this: In this formula, the underscore indicates where our phoneme in question would be, and it can be read as "when [x] follows [z], it becomes [y]". A nice geographic split (that may or may not actually mean much), much like that which exists within Indo-European languages. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Which are the best open-source conlang projects? Hello, r/conlangs! where x is the thing to be changed, If sounds says your file could not be read in and you're sure People will stop using one or the other word, replacing it with another construct. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The basic idea here is that when you're making your conlang you should have in your mind a parent language (or proto-language) and a child language. omits the source word from the output, leaving only output words, like this: I've heard good things about Haedus, Phonix, RSCA, VSCA and many more. To help with this, some conlangers have written computer programs called Sound change appliers that automate much of this work for you. If that was unclear from the question please tell me and I will edit it to bring this out more. When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. A variable can also be set to a fixed value, or deleted. In my example I used What prefixes, suffixes, infixes, sound changes, vowel patterns, or other modifications do you use? Don't feel limited to delete all /e/ after a consonant. To do: Here are the three SCA's shown in this video:SCA2: me know if there are more sound changers you want me to review!Comment below.Become a part of the imp community today!Join the Discord! a atron on Patreon! . with the original word in brackets (suitable for using as the basis of a lexicon with etymologies): Curate this topic Add this topic to your repo . It includes an online interface with descriptions of borrowed affixes in terms of their forms and functions, examples of combinations of borrowed affixes with native stems, search functions, maps, and over 230 bibliographical references.. Pronounce one of the words over and over and try "permutations in the phonetic neighbourhood" like CWADRUT CWADRUT CHWADRUT CHWADHRUT CHWAAHRUTH HWAARRUS HWAARUH HAWARH HAWWAR. I use capital letters for this, though this is not a requirement. To age a conlang, you might consider making a timeline of changes. It was then up to you, using cut and paste, to save these in a file. font. compare it to is creating new animals indirectly, by mutating their DNA. Define the phonemes that make up those categories in the box at the left. Some rules of sound change: As you will see below, these terms are general: multiple terms may refer to the same phenomena. See also gen for lexicon generation, and phono for creating phonological inventories. Lexurgy Sound Changer. y is what it changes to, It takes some practice to be able to do this well, so don't worry too much if the final product isn't exactly the same as your draft. The original and most famous sound change applier is the SCA by Zompist. The Conlang Atlas of Language Structures, CALS, is a conlanging analogy to the World Atlas of Language Structures, which is an editable atlas over linguistic features in conlangs, for statistics, linking to the corresponding articles at WALS. rather than to both the screen and the file. A warning though: so they operate quickly, the rewrite rules are global and non-contextual. We will evolve the child language by applying sound changes to the parent. This has helped me age my language to make my sound systems consistent and to turn old roots into a modern lexicon. Year 900, people need another way to say 'very gross', so they create /atek/ + /tul/ which would be /atektul/ but /kt/ is not allowed. Click this to save your output lexicon as a text file. Apply applies the sound changes to the input lexicon, generating the output lexicon. In Notepad, for instance, change the So if you have a rule, Epenthesis is supported by leaving the target part of the rule blank. This would allow you to use (say) an IPA font. Allows a quick access to all symbols and diacritics of the Phonetic Alphabet as of 2005. A command-line sound change applier written in Python. The notation used is the same as in @Doorknob's answer above. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. One of the things I'm really passionate about is phonetics vs. phonology. you could define S to be any stop, or K for any coronal, or whatever. p goes to b, The Language Creation Society is a prestigious body of professional conlangers and resources. the first gives the name of the .lex file, containing the lexicon; On Safari and Firefox, Undo will work as it should: you can make a change, hit Apply, and if you dont like the results, click on the text box you changed and select Undo. Turkish, where all of the vowels in a word have to harmonize (for the most part) so that affixes have several different forms (for example, the genitive suffix is [in] after front unrounded vowels, [n] after back unrounded vowels, [yn] after front rounded vowels, and [un] after back rounded vowels). The information of the atlas is published under a Creative Commons license by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and by the Max Planck Digital Library. How do I set my page numbers to the same size through the whole document? If you use accented vowels, you will Effect of a "bad grade" in grad school applications, Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. E.g. Only show final output (no arrows) Save Output Words . (I encourage you to fill in the line as a comment, e.g. Similarly, I wrote the rules to output In a sense - you can specify syllable boundaries in rules (using suprasegmental characters which carry that feature, such as stress marks, or by the feature itself), and in the reverse applier the possible antecedent words are limited by (optional) syllable structure definitions. C is any consonant. It also refers to sounds that disappear altogether. It can produce output for the Sound Change Applier or for gen, the lexical generator. Is there a generic term for these trajectories? k/s/_F These are defined at the top of the file. between vowels. Sound Change Appliers : r/conlangs - Reddit Hit Undo parse/upload, which will restore the state of your input fields before the last Browse or Parse command. You can use sounds to help work out a reconstruction for actual languages, to create plausible descendants of a conlang , or in fact to make any structured set of lexical changes to a database of words. Alex degemination (making single consonants from double consonants). International Phonetic Alphabet reference, Weston Ruter's International Phonetic Alphabet chart, Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures,, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. Hit the Help button for more. Sound changes are born every time we speak. Lenition is especially common intervocalically (between two vowels). A consonant may change to match the place or type of articulation of an adjoining consonant. Look under Programs/Accessories and run Command Prompt. Once you have that, you can start trying to change the phonology of the proto-language into this child draft by selecting sound changes and adding them to a list. Sounds: The Sound Change Applier - The program is available in three forms. Keep a date by your words to indicate when they were first incorporated into your language. part that changes. Guide:Conlanging tools - Linguifex Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? For sound changes that happened after ca. I use capital letters rules-file: text file with the rules; words-file: text file with the words--named-sound-change | -n to apply a named sound change to words passed on the command line, and then prints the words after the change; This is a common type of assimilation. For instance, if you voice intervocalic I haven't been able to get solid answers. Currently I have a completed phonology, most of the grammar, and I'm beginning the lexicon. A line beginning with * Show intermediate results and Intermediate results only allow you to apply only a partial set of sound changes. @curiousdannii I'm simply asking people to inform me on correct notation of sound changes and common patterns in real examples. Sit back in astoundment how you've just discovered several sound change rules! Rewrite rules: Some of the most common general processes are: Lenition, probably one of the most common sound changes, in which a "softer" sound becomes a "louder" sound. And of course, you're considering a whole family tree, so you're going to need to do this exercise multiple times. The atlas provides information on the location, linguistic affiliation and basic typological features of a great number of the world's languages. c/i/F_t files, including accented characters. But which one do most people use? svelte linguistics sound-changes conlanging conlang sveltekit sound-change-applier . you could define S to be any stop, or K for any coronal, or whatever. Runs from the command line using Java and is easily configured with text files. I cannot vouch for its relevancy in modern linguistics (rule-based phonology was all but forsaken at my school), but as a conlanger it is very useful. The Universals Archive is a searchable encyclopaedia with logical examples and occurrences of most linguistic features in the world, the universal ones and use statistics and correlation to determine the naturalistic contexts of the features. It presents linguistically sound methods for creating naturalistic languageswhich can be reversed to create non-naturalistic languages. Re: Reversible sound change applier. sca2 - sound change applier - Has the Melford Hall manuscript poem "Whoso terms love a fire" been attributed to any poetDonne, Roe, or other? Join. phonix, a feature-based sound-change applier. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. gn/nh/_ Anyone who respects or admires you even if it's just your group of friends will start to subconsciously copy the way that you speak and that sound change will begin to spread. SCA was originally written as an aid for linguists and conlangers to simulate the effects of the Neo-grammarian concept of sound-change and is . the first rule voices the p, resulting in obera; the second Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? A sound change applier, for historical conlanging. The old SCA required that you use single characters instead. Mark Rosenfelder, 2012. (Spaces between >, ->, => and / are insignificant.). Sound change also has no memory. Conlang: Re: Reversible sound change applier (Henrik Theiling, May 14 This is a type of assimilation. it's there-- you probably have file extensions turned off, and what you think I use A as any low vowel and I as any high vowel but I'm not sure how universal these are. (Try it with the defaults: change [sm]//_# in the first sound change to [m]//_# and hit Apply. Haedus Toolbox Sound Change Applier and forum post here. Chronlang is a simple computer language that allows you to define sound changes in a syntax based on linguistic literature and familiar to users of other popular sound change appliers. Again, this is a feature very common in the French language. If neither --sound-classes-file nor --no-sound-classes are used, the following sound classes are used: This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. If you have other suggestions for the page, please discuss it on the page's talk page before editing. I didnt use * because a) its very computery and b) people may have used it in their sound changes and I didnt want to break them. Vowels next to nasal consonants very often become nasal themselves. Conlang: Reversible sound change applier (Alex Fink, May 10 '06, 7:37) You signed in with another tab or window. 1 / 0. Those are the main ones. The z part must always contain Well talk about exactly what that means below. include explanation of the X -> Y / Z notation. They can get confused by any change that needs to happen in particular syllables, such as syllable-based syncope, or any change where the environment spans . re-save the file as a real .lex file. This is an old version of Lexurgy. Browse / Download are used for saving files; Parse .sc/Back to .sc are an alternative using the clipboard. Z//V_V At the bottom of the Output section you'll see a link Download output lexicon. In that case, make sure Rewrite on output is unchecked. If the language you're working with requires a special font, You can define any variables needed to state your sound changes. and produce the output file on the right: The control parameters are one of the following: -p -b -l -f -. Any answers you have to these questions (or miscellaneous stuff about SCAs in general) would be greatly appreciated by me and, I think, the rest of the community! [ejmbow], [kokoa]). Remnants of Germanic umlaut can be seen in English, e.g. Is there a set of sound change rules that undoes Grimm's law? It should be easy to make on-the-fly revisions to a project, even one you haven't touched in months. Make sure the two variable definitions are the same length! A few examples are intervocalic flapping in many English dialects (/btr/ [b]) and the pronunciation of /b, d, g/ as fricatives or approximants, roughly [, , ], in most contexts in Spanish. gitlab. A bunch of information on reduplication phenomena, tricky search interface. It is also possible just to browse through the Universals Archive. Hi everyone, so I've been raising these questions on the various conlang discord channels, and in the Small Discussions area, but not getting consistent /any responses, which is why I'm posting it here.. Examples: Input Words Sound Changes Output >> >> Load Input Words. to each word: Phonetics is where list the sounds you use in your language. help me create a nat conlang by forcing a group of people to communicate with out speaking English or any other natlang. More generally, a sound change looks like this: The syntax is slightly different, which allows you to write some rules more compactly or clearly, but it is feature-rich enough to be a full replacement for SCA2. Palatalization is the shifting of a consonant towards the palate. One of my works-in-progress is a language called Proto-Oreadin. applies its changes to whatever you give it. It is available in the form of a searchable archive, enabling its online users to retrieve universals in terms of any of the individual words or combinations of words that occur in their formulation or in their documentation. Some of the most common general processes are: Lenition, probably one of the most common sound changes, in which a "softer" sound becomes a "louder" sound. Derive words throughout the timeline and preserve changes in history. Kind of a simplistic exercise, but it's a good method to start. The first two non-control parameters are taken as filenames: Note that if you hit Apply without making any changes, all the bolding is removed (since in fact nothing changed between runs). use accented vowels for this. Notable members of the LCS are David J. Peterson, the creator of Dothraki, and John Quijada, who created Ithkuil. You can simply live with this, but if the merger is particularly awkward, historical linguistics - Across West Germanic Languages, what sound What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Sound changes are hard to get right the first try, and it can take a lot of tinkering and experimentation to produce the results you want. The Haedus Toolbox SCA is a very nice, phonetic segment-operating sound change applier created by Fiona Morrigan, a computational linguist and conlanger. For instance, suppose youve defined. For example, Here we are indicating that [x] becomes [h] when following [V], where [V] is "any vowel". The 2014 edition includes 2155 inventories that contain 2160 segment types found in 1672 distinct languages., The World Phonotactics Database is a searchable database containing information about phonotactic restrictions of languages of the world. I've looked at examples of natural languages, but I'm not sure what's going on with the notation, nor have I been able to identify any patterns that will help me create realistic sound changes for my languages. How do you model language changes with wave theory (areal developments)? For instance, the French and are now pronounced [] and [o]; in Modern Greek, the combinations <> and <> are pronounced [i]. It comes from adding onto . Hit Generate to create a random wordlist. GitHub - alray2569/SoundChange: A sound change applier, for historical This basic structure can be expanded for more tricky rules. You may have noticed that applying sound changes to words is quite a tedious process. The change is minor, but enough that speakers no longer remember that they were once the same word, unless they are well-educated. Just as a comment, umlaut and vowel harmony are really just subsets of assimilation. For instance. This page is not available in other languages. An IPA chart by the devoted web-developer Weston Ruter. Conlang: Re: Reversible sound change applier (Alex Fink, May 11 '06, 3:03) Top 10 conlang Open-Source Projects (Apr 2023) - LibHunt Are words based on acronyms treated differently when the language changes over time? Hope this helps a few people. s//_# You won't have much control over what you get, but you may get something interesting. Are you sure you want to create this branch? 101 examples on affix borrowing between languages. SCA treats spaces as word boundaries. conlang GitHub Topics GitHub The episode are full of interesting and knowledgeable discussions which last around the hour. If you don't like that progression, try another one. Theiling Online Sitemap Conlang Mailing List HQ . The study of when sound changes occur in a particular place and in what order the changes happen. The Ling Space is an education project whose mission is to help make linguistics more accessible and fun, by making videos and blog posts and so on. You can use variables in the first two parts as well. The second is suitable for use in a dictionary with the etymology in brackets. The child language is the result; the language that you will present to other people, or put in your novel, or whatever other reason you conlang for. At year 725, a new word derives from a word from an ancient text from year 300. Nonce categories can be defined either in the target (first part of the rule) or environment (last part), by enclosing the alternatives within brackets. simply edit the source and output files with an editor, using that nothing about phonetics, so you have to remember to