Appearances [12] Following a number of experiments in the innermost area of the Eggman Empire Fortress,[13] Eggman managed to fuse the jackal with his finalized Phantom Ruby, creating the weapon he needed to defeat Sonic and conquer the world with. Oddly, despite valuing the Jackal Squad enough to attempt to attack Shadow as revenge for the latter wiping the unit out,[8] he indicated during his final battle with both Sonic and the Avatar that friendships are a "fleeting illusion", and that one can only rely with certainty on themselves. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Remixed versions also serve as the boss themes for all three of the Infinite boss battles. 1366x768px 729.97 KB. Since Namahages look scary, they also made for a cool and catchy silhouette that Infinite came to possess. It worked for SA2 to a degree Infinite's always seemed like the kind of character aimed toward the kidsthat preferred the "serious" Sonic stories like SA2 and 06. Eyes Infinite unmasked v1.0 Beta - A Mod for Sonic Forces. If Infinite's an "edge-lord" or whatever and that's seen as a problem then the normal thing to do is talk about why we don't like it or do like it and move on. For the masked Infinite, please look through my workshop page. As he recovered, Infinite realized, much to his horror, that he was afraid. It's a relatively divisive game nowadays, but people loved it back when it came out, if only due to the craziness. Valve Corporation. This is what I'm getting at. I obtained the power. Nickname(s) Late in Infinite's design process however, it was decided that his bandages and the scars on his mask were to be removed because they made him "look weak." He could fit on the Archie universe really well if that's true. Though at first shocked, Infinite dismissed them upon defeating the Avatar and departed, stating that only two days remained before the Resistance was to be wiped out. The fact that they're putting this much into just Infinite alone is crazy. When the Resistance attacked the city again, however, Infinite appeared before Eggman when Sonic and Tails came to capture the doctor. "Infinite" may be referring to two or more different villains. Well, look who's back from the dead. It's a bundle of tired cliches without any apparent awareness. Valve Corporation. Updates. [11] Prior to becoming Infinite, he also had at least some degree of care for his subordinates in the Jackal Squad, as he angrily confronted Shadow over the destruction of the Jackal Squad before fighting him. [14] Reborn,[12] Infinite became Eggman's right-hand man in his conquest.[15]. 5. Opening the Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth digital comic PDF files in Photoshop reveals an interesting behind-the-scenes look at the production process, and reveals some hidden art - including a peek at Infinite without his mask! After a bit of fighting, however, Infinite recognized the Avatar. When meeting Sonic for the first time since he defeated him at Mystic Jungle, Infinite proceeded to sense a smell from Sonic and assumed the smell was the fear of encountering him due to last time, though Sonic corrected him and explained the smell was actually sweat due to Sonic having run all the way there, and also smugly explained that Infinite had not left an impression on him at all. After casting his old self aside, Infinite picked up a persona that greatly amplified his dark traits, becoming a much darker and more lethal figure as a result. He is the Avatar's arch-nemesis and one of Sonic the Hedgehog's most dangerous enemies. While Eggman was greatly concerned over this, Infinite dismissed his worry. Realizing he had grown bored of the world as it was, Infinite took Eggman's offer in spite of his squad's protest.[7]. "They'll know how it feels to lose everything even when they think they have nothing left to lose." If an opponent got struck by these cubes, they would be sent into a virtual reality where they were assailed by objects manifested by his Ruby's power. [3] His final name was intended to reference the nature of his ability. I think that that was a severe misstep, especially with the premise it has, and the series would definitely be better off if he didn't exist in the first place, for sure. Check them out if you have the chance! Composer(s) But here I think it clashes to much. Added. Know something we don't about Sonic? I'm not so sure that this theory holds up anymore, though, with Nakamura confirming that he was an anthro just like Sonic and the Avatar in the first place. Working together, the Avatar and Sonic finally defeated Infinite. Infinite later uses a false Shadow to help instill fear into the Resistance during Eggman's reign. He noticed a rock on the ground, and it almost felt like a lightbulb had gone off in his head for a moment. On the official YouTube channel's release of the song, the song has an image of Infinite from the E3 trailer when preparing his bombardment of red cubes, as well as the screen occasionally flickering as if in a glitched manner. Do you honestly think everyone would have just been nice to us and totally tolerant if Infinite wasn't a part of this game? Nice meme. He took pride in his title as the "ultimate mercenary" and believed himself to be a powerful foe, seeing as he denied being weak after having been beaten up by Shadow the Hedgehog. Appearances in other media Interestingly, Infinite is one of the only powerful entities that Eggman aligned himself with who did not end up betraying him. I suppose it still matters how it's done but despite looking forward to the story I ain't got THAT much faith in them to think they'd handle that in a way that'd satisfy me. By. Infinite summoning energy cubes, from Sonic Forces. Seeing Sonic as no threat to him, Infinite left. Another remix is also featured in Episode Shadow during Infinite's monologue titled "Infinite's Beginning". 6. In addition, both Sonic and Amy noted that Infinite's existence was ultimately sad and lonely. Infinite fighting Sonic in the City, from Sonic Forces. Nintendo. Length Majora's Mask. It also leaves cryptic hints as to the nature of his power. If this was an argument to remove Infinite entirely, or change his premise in villain archetype, I'd fully agree with that. Infinite, however, easily blasted them back and got ready to finish them off, only to get caught off-guard by a fully repaired and vengeful E-123 Omega. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, just flip a coin. Not some random mook powered up that's all talk and just suddenly "decided he's evil", or was birthed by Eggman under that impression who doesn't hold up when viewed with the full context. It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view. [34] He was able to use his projections to enable his virtual realities to interact with the real world in order to bestow powers on himself. What I do believe is that Infinite is the most recent manifestation of one of the reasons that people don't like Sonic. If all the games looked as cartoony as Lost World you'd be hearing folks say Sonic is just for babies or something. [29] Whether this implied that he blamed his valuing the Jackal Squad for losing to Shadow is unclear. Not some random mook powered up that's all talk and just suddenly "decided he's evil", or was birthed by Eggman under that impression who doesn't hold up when viewed with the full context. Infinite the Jackal. Similarly, his strength became potent enough to knock away someone of Sonic's size with enough force to crack a concrete arch upon impact. Jun 7, 2022 - This summer, unlock special movie-themed characters from Paramount Pictures' Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in the . Following then an adjustment in colors, Infinite reached his current design.[6]. Accordingly, Infinite could create an unlimited number of them. That day, I gave up my own unsightly face. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. "Infinite" is Infinite's theme song in Sonic Forces, serving as a "counter-theme" to the main theme "Fist Bump". While there, Infinite met Silver the Hedgehog, whom he decided to crush to send a message to the Resistance. I was REBORN! Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008),,,,,, Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack - A Hero Will Rise, Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack The Vinyl Cutz. Fucking Christ, he's actually using a sword? Anyone petty enough to hate on/fuck with Sonic fans on principle isn't the type to be swayed by the games being good orbad. Sega He is an anthropomorphic jackal and the former captain of the Jackal Squad mercenary group. That's what Infinite is, embarrassing edgy shit, the bad fan character half of us made when we were younger except actually a real thing in a real game. Not enough to actually work. It hasn't happened with every other good Sonic game since 1994, after all. And that has two versions, of which is unintentional. When Infinite destroyed the Avatar's squad, he willingly let them run away unharmed as he enjoyed the sounds of their screams. Everyone in this fanbase deserves a turn tocelebrate. An enamel pin of him made by the same company was also released. Him sparing Sonic would ultimately prove to be Infinite's downfall, as not only did Sonic inspire the Avatar to fight against him, but both Sonic and the Avatar proceeded to bring him down for the count. fantasticfroakie03. Published material, user generated content and comments represent the thoughts of their respective authors and not necessarily those of the Sonic Stadium. Growing irritated by the opposition, Infinite initiated Eggman's endgame: using his Phantom Ruby, Infinite created a virtual sun that he planned to drop on the Resistance, which would destroy them. Other indications of this trait were shown where he expressed disgust at Eggman calling a retreat, viewing it as a tacit admission to weakness. Indeed, when reencountering Shadow after the procedure, he acknowledged from Shadow's lack of memory of him that this meant his old self had been "too pathetic to remember." Infinite had a personal connection with the Avatar, as he was responsible for slaughtering their friends during one of his raids during the six months between Sonic's defeat at his hands and the Avatar's joining of the Resistance, with Infinite ultimately sparing them simply to satiate his sadistic desire to watch them flee in terror. Overview (Also, sorry Classic Sonic fans, but he's not here anymore.) October 13, 2017 in Sonic Games. DiogenesKC 5 years ago #4. In fact I guarantee that if every bad Sonic game with a bad story was actually fun to play, the franchise wouldn't be that much less popular than it was before Shadow and 06 came out (okay, maybethe 06 kiss would still have done damage). From the creator who brought you the playable Infinite mod, now comes his next work.Maskless Infinite! Don't hesitate in signing up today! (Maybe he could tie into Titanic Monarch with all medieval stuff? Infinite the Jackal, from Sonic Forces. Sonic Origins: the Hedgehog: CD: https://yout. However, when the Avatar chose to stand their ground, Infinite fought them. I mean, maybe if they actually did that it could deflect some of the criticism, butthey're not doing that. If it's not Infinite it'd be something else. By that, I mean everything about him is supposed to be "cool" to a ten year old. Infinite has been getting attention by Sega lately, you got the plushie which came out last year, his recent inclusion in Speed Battle. While his left eye is visible through a red visor, his right eye is covered by a black lightning bolt-shaped piece, similar to an eye-patch, that is connected to his mask's right ear, which glows red when he uses his power. There is a large white scar across the right eye. I've only become what I am because of you, yet you don't remember. Cackling hyenas off to the side need not apply. Infinite During a raid, Infinite was hired by Dr. Eggman to become the leader of the Eggman Army, only for him and his squad to fall at the hands of Shadow the Hedgehog while protecting one of Eggman's facilities . Infinite is the central antagonist of the 2017 platform game Sonic Forces and the main antagonist of its DLC prequel, Episode Shadow. As Infinite was about to drop his sun, however, it suddenly got canceled out by the Avatar and the Phantom Ruby prototype they were in possession of. All rights reserved. Watch. Experience Infinite without his mask, during a time before he became not weak Includes jumball, boost effects and his very own voice clips, thanks to Freedoman. All of his lines we've heard are hard to take seriously. 3400 Views. How to install Mods: Open the HedgeModManager.exe. PineappleStrudel. The little blue savior. Every new Sonic game will have new folks asking why the franchise hasn't died yet, Mania included. Though he is also he could be from the present though, since Shadow DLC will have Infinite's origins. He wears a white collar around his neck and black gloves with silver designs on the backs, covering his sharp claws. One day, Infinite led his squad on a raid of Dr. Eggman's base in the Arsenal Pyramid in an attempt to steal his devices for a hefty bounty. This ultimately had Infinite's ego receiving a massive boost. Creating gravity shifts and giant monstrous versions of himself, Infinite cast the Resistance into chaos, resulting in the Resistance suffering huge casualties before withdrawing. Infinite was soon after added as a playable character to the game's roster during the "Infinite" Event, as a celebration of the fourth anniversary of Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. Add to Embed Share Report. Withhold. After his squad was destroyed by the brooding hedgehog during an attack on Eggman's Facility, a furious Infinite attempted to attack him, only to be effortlessly defeated. Performer(s) Also, the Phantom Ruby allowed Eggman to get the upper hand against Infinite. You ran from me before. English voice actor(s) From the impact of that last attack, and from Eggman ripping the ruby away from his bosom as if he were a mere toy he was replacing the limbs of, the mask was jostled and slammed against the floor. Publisher(s) 0. cute infinite fangirl skin (sonic forces) He is an anthropomorphic jackal, and the former captain of the Jackal Squad mercenary group. Unlike Dr. Eggman, who would reveal his plans and motives while gloating to his enemies, Infinite chose never to reveal anything vital about himself when confronting his enemies, making him mysterious and enigmatic; when Sonic tried getting information about his power from him in Mystic Jungle, Infinite ignored all of Sonic's attempts to provoke a response from him and instead tried to eliminate him. Yeah there will still be some assholes hollering about '06 but this isn't about eliminating all assholes it's about them not being repeatedly proven right. Any weirdo willing to laugh at someone for liking one series while being unaware that it's very possible they both might be fans of a different series is a person not worth paying attention too. Black, white From the creator who brought you the playable Infinite mod, now comes his next work.Maskless Infinite! Original version 1 version 2, "Infinite" is Infinite's theme song in Sonic Forces, serving as a "counter-theme" to the main theme "Fist Bump". That's not a knock toward those here that prefer those and aren't in that demographic (I'm describing myself here), I'm just honestly describing who Sonic Team's aiming for. It also gives relevance to his symbols, of which he has two: This could be a quirk of the game's development, scrapping one design in favor of another later into development, but how about this idea: One logo is Infinite's personal logo as a soldier And the other is the country/world he's from? Debut Before he left, Shadow made his disgust clear and demanded never to see his "pathetic face" again. After gaining the Phantom Ruby's power, Infinite grew very unconcerned with the opposition, seeing military organizations like the Resistance as little more than "rabble" or insects to be crushed by him. One image in particular stands out though, and that is a "poster" featuring Infinite without his mask --------------------------------------------------. When Sonic showed up to stop it, Infinite appeared to fight him, alongside Phantom Copies of Shadow, Zavok, Metal Sonic, and Chaos that he had created. Mocking and taunting them, Infinite allowed the Avatar to flee with their life, only so he could relish in their terrified screams. Species Another weakness of Infinite's is his extreme sense of confidence and constant need to satisfy his sadism. However, he did express shock that Sonic held his own for longer than he expected, due to his data indicating he would not be a challenge from last time. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. I think he's basically an unironic Coldsteel the Hedgehog and that this is a real thing that is actually happeningis why other fanbases laugh at us. Includes jumba Just because you associate the series' problems with villains you don't like doesn't mean they're thesource. Even after his defeat, Infinite tries to insist that he can fight on, even as he is pulled from the battlefield. Beneath the surface, however, he harbored darker, almost unhinged desires for anarchy: when he struck the Phantom Ruby, it caused it to reveal his deepest desires in the form of a desolate, war-torn world. [5] Character artist Shinkichi Tanahashi later elaborated that Infinite was designed as a vicious existence that stood in the way of the bonds with friends that Sonic represents. In Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Infinite first appeared in the version 4.0.1 update as a bot-controlled rival that could be encountered randomly. Todos. A veeeery late upload, I know. At least I see no evidence of it. A player piece figurine of Infinite was made for the Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers board game. It is only visible to you. Tanahashi noted as well that the design process was difficult, but that the silhouette of Infinite's face logo worked well during development. The Sonic fanbase gets crap either because of poor quality games or just disdain for Sonic's cute character with attitude premise. When Shadow revealed that he did not remember Infinite however, Infinite proceeded undaunted to tell Shadow his backstory and what he had been up to since their first meeting a couple of months back. After abandoning his old identity, Infinite began wearing a silver-colored mask with white and black circular patterns on the inside of the ears, with the right ear being black with white circular patterns and the left being white with black circular patterns. We don't even know if he will use itm. Infinite hairstyle look even more stupid without his mask. Sometime later, Infinite went to the Mystic Jungle to pick up Eggman's remaining Phantom Ruby prototypes so they could be disposed of before they could be used against Eggman. Ultimate Japanese Voice Actor: Takashi Kondo English Voice Actor: Liam O' Briem Infinite possesses the finalized version of the Phantom Ruby copies that is fused to his chest. It is only visible to you. Okay? [16] Shadow soon after showed up at the facility to find Omega, and Infinite welcomed Shadow to their awaited reunion. Sonic the Hedgehog is copyright SEGA Corporation. Some time later, Infinite and the Jackal Squad got assigned by Eggman to guard his facility in Mystic Jungle. For business / Cancel. Meeting Eggman in Green Hill, Infinite destroyed what was thought to be the last Phantom Ruby prototype. Infinite has been done so seriously and played so straight, it's hard to take seriously. This is the reason why he was made stronger and faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. If Shadow the hedgehog had been a really good game in terms of design, control, pacing and structure,(and also not shat on it's title character's personality) but still had Black Doom as the villain, I guarantee it wouldn't hold much worse a place than Sonic Heroes or even SA2. In 2020, a 10" plush toy of Infinite was released by Great Eastern Entertainment. It's not worth entertaining the thoughts of morons who think games are super serious business and like to turn every little dumb thing into a pissing contest. After imprisoning Sonic onboard the Death Egg, Infinite and Eggman went on with their conquest unrivaled. The Dub Text of how Infinite and Eggman tortured Sonic for six months comes without any evidence shown of him ever being worse for wear. Overview ( also, sorry Classic Sonic fans, but people loved it back it. Every new Sonic game will have new folks asking why the franchise has n't happened with every other good game... 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