3:12-0522, 2012 WL 5198090, at *4 (M.D. ATF estimates the majority of affected entities are small entities that would experience a range of costs; therefore, this rule may have a significant impact on small entities. ATF recently issued that procedure in light of changes to ATF Form 4473 (May 2020), which now requires completion of the form in an order different from that provided in 478.124(f). Add definitions for Complete muffler or silencer device and Complete weapon; b. include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request Because such weapons have been completely destroyed or permanently redesigned not to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, and cannot readily be converted to do so, ATF would not consider them as either designed to or readily assembled, completed, converted, or restored to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. To make this clear, this proposed rule would add another sentence to the end of the definition of firearm in 27 CFR 478.11 to provide that [t]he term shall not include a weapon, including a weapon parts kit, in which each part defined as a frame or receiver of such weapon is destroyed. (see Section II.B.5 of the preamble). (c) The Director may authorize alternate records to be maintained by a licensed importer to record the acquisition and disposition of firearms and armor piercing ammunition when it is shown by the licensed importer that such alternate records will accurately and readily disclose the information required by this section. This proposed rule would update the existing definition of frame or receiver to account for the majority of technological advances in the industry and ensure that these firearms continue to remain under the regulatory regime as intended by the enactment of the GCA, including accounting for manufacturing of firearms using multiple manufacturers. However, the definition is not limited to those particular fire control components. 15. The intent of Congress, as indicated by the plain language and the statutory scheme of the GCA, is to regulateas a firearmthe frame or receiver of a firearm. This section addresses non-FFL manufacturers who manufacture partially complete, disassembled, or inoperable frame or receiver kits, to include both firearm parts kits that allow a person to make only a frame or receiver, and those kits that allow a person to make a complete weapon. 30. Revise the definition of Frame or receiver; d. Add a sentence at the end of the definition of Transfer. Regulations implementing the relevant statutes spell the term machine gun rather than machinegun. E.g., 27 CFR 478.11, 479.11. Va. 2002) (ATF has a statutory duty pursuant to the GCA to trace firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals). Marking the outer tube, as distinguished from a smaller non-housing component like an end cap that can be damaged upon expulsion of projectiles, best preserves the ability of law enforcement to trace the silencer device if used in crime, and is consistent with recommendations ATF has received from the firearms industry. In 479.112(a), second sentence, remove the words serial number and add in their place the words serial number(s). regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of Licensed and qualified firearm muffler or silencer manufacturers routinely transfer small internal muffler or silencer components to each other to produce complete devices, and between qualified licensees when repairing existing devices. A licensed manufacturer who proposes to use alternate records shall submit a letter application to the Director and shall describe the proposed alternate record and the need therefor. Rep. No. 599A(b)(1); 28 CFR 0.130(a)(1)-(2). (4) Exceptions(i) Alternate means or period of identification. See 18 U.S.C. Licensees shall maintain records of the importation, manufacture, or other acquisition of firearms, including ATF Forms 6 and 6A as required by subpart G of this part, until business is discontinued. section 790.27; Ga. Code. For more details, please refer to Chapter 8 of the Regulatory Impact Analysis. This proposed rule would make minor amendments to 27 CFR 478.122, 478.123, 478.125, and 478.125a, pertaining to the acquisition and disposition records maintained by importers, manufacturers, and dealers. to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive are firearms under the GCA. 1973) (machinegun that would take around an eight-hour working day in a properly equipped machine shop was readily restored to shoot); United States v. 16,179 Molso Italian .22 Caliber Winler Derringer Convertible Starter Guns, 443 F.2d 463 (2d Cir. Both FFLs and non-FFLs would have the option to contract with an FFL, such as a gunsmith, for this purpose, dispose of them, or send them to ATF or another law enforcement agency for disposal. A Proposed Rule by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau on 05/21/2021. Because the agency has determined that it will, the agency has prepared an initial regulatory flexibility analysis as described in the RFA. [33] provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. 29. For more details, please refer to Chapter 3 of the Regulatory Impact Analysis. Persons should consult the laws and officials in their own States and localities to determine the lawfulness of PMFs. 922(b)(2) (prohibiting licensees from selling or delivering any firearm to any person in a State where the purchase or possession by such person of such firearm would be in violation of any State law or published ordinance applicable at the place of sale, delivery, or other disposition); id. For comments submitted by mail or facsimile, information contained on the cover sheet will not appear when posted on the internet but any personal identifying information that appears within a comment will not be redacted by ATF and it will appear on the internet. (a) Any firearm (including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system) manufactured in or before 1898; and (b) any replica of any firearm described in paragraph (a) of this definition if such replica (1) is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition, or (2) uses rimfire or . should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official 235, 256 (E.D. 16. Licensees would have 60 days to mark PMFs already in inventory after a final rule becomes effective. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section, each frame or receiver thereof must also be marked with either: Their name (or recognized abbreviation), and city and State (or recognized abbreviation) where they maintain their place of business; or their name (or recognized abbreviation) and abbreviated Federal firearms license number as a prefix, which is the first three and last five digits, followed by a hyphen, and then followed by a number as a suffix, e.g., 12345678-[number]; and. 923(g)(1)(A); 27 CFR 478.125(e), (f). If a manufacturer produces or an importer imports a firearm falling within one of these designs as they exist as of the date of publication of a final rule, it can refer to this list to know which part is the frame or receiver. ATF would also continue to consider the same factors when classifying firearms (see Section I.A of the preamble). Prior to passage of the GCA, the Federal Firearms Act of 1938 (FFA) regulated all firearm parts. First, there would be a general definition of frame or receiver with non-exclusive examples that illustrate the definition. of licensee; or Form 4473 Serial No. Unless previously identified by another licensee, PMFs acquired by licensees on or after the effective date of the rule would need to be marked in this manner within seven days of receipt or other acquisition (including from a personal collection), or before the date of disposition (including to a personal collection), whichever is sooner. The Director shall not issue a determination regarding a firearm accessory or attachment unless it is installed on the firearm(s) in the configuration for which it is designed and intended to be used. Code section 5-73-107; Cal. Ann. See United States v. Smith, 642 F.2d 1179, 1182 (9th Cir. From January 1, 2016, through March 4, 2021, ATF could only complete traces of suspected PMFs recovered by law enforcement to an individual purchaser in approximately 151 out of 23,946 attempts, generally by tracing a serial number engraved on a handgun slide, barrel, or other firearm part not currently defined as a frame or receiver, but recorded by licensees in the absence of other markings. Rep. 90-1577, at 4416 (June 21, 1968) (This provision makes it clear that so-called unserviceable firearms come within the definition.); S. Rep. No. 923(i); see 27 CFR 478.92, 479.102. 35. Consistent with the language and purpose of the GCA, this proposed provision is necessary to allow ATF to trace all firearms acquired and disposed of by licensees, prevent illicit firearms trafficking, and provide guidance to FFLs and the public with respect to PMF transactions with the licensed community. The commenter shall place any portion of a comment that is proprietary or confidential business information under law on pages separate from the balance of the comment with each page prominently marked PROPRIETARY OR CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION at the top of the page. c. In paragraph (a)(2)(vii), remove serial number and add in its place serial number(s). In determining whether a partially complete, disassembled, or inoperable frame or receiver may readily be assembled, completed, converted, or restored to a functional state, the Director may consider any available instructions, guides, templates, jigs, equipment, tools, or marketing materials. 14, 2020), https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2020/07/ghost-gun-used-in-shooting-that-killed-two-outside-snyder-county-restaurant.html;; The gunman in the Saugus High School shooting used a `ghost gun,' sheriff says, CNN (Nov. 21, 2019), https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/21/us/saugus-shooting-ghost-gun/index.html;; How the felon killed at Walmart got his handgun, DA says, The serial number identified on each part of a weapon defined as a frame or receiver must be the same number, but must not duplicate any serial number(s) placed by the licensee on any other firearm. The second largest impact would be $12,828 if a manufacturer had to retool their existing production equipment, but ATF anticipates this is unlikely because this proposed rule encompasses the majority of existing technology. The amendment would also allow ATF to grant a variance from the period in which to mark firearms. (vi) Privately made firearms acquired before [EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE FINAL RULE]. From January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2020, there were approximately 23,906 suspected PMFs reported to ATF as having been recovered by law enforcement from potential crime scenes, including 325 homicides or attempted homicides, and that were attempted to be traced by ATF, broken down by year as follows:[18], It is, therefore, not unexpected that numerous Federal criminal cases have been brought by the Department to counter illegal trafficking in unserialized home-completed and assembled weapons, and possession of such weapons by prohibited persons. [51], This second supplement explains that ATF may determine in the case of a firearm with more than one part that provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate one or more fire control or essential components whether one or more specific part(s) of a weapon is the frame or receiver, which may include an internal frame or chassis at least partially exposed to the exterior to allow identification. Frequency of Response: There will be a recurring response for all currently existing 13,595 licensed manufactures and licensed importers. Penal Code section 23900; Colo. Rev. Once a privately made firearm is identified by the licensee in accordance with section 478.92(a)(2), the licensee shall update the record of acquisition entry with the identifying information. 76. at 924(m) (stealing a firearm from a licensee). 922(a)(1)(A); id. 2006) ([T]he Defendant weapon here had all of the necessary parts for restoration and would take no more than six hours to restore.); United States v. Woods, 560 F.2d 660, 664 (5th Cir. ATF Letter to Private Counsel #907010 (Mar. 921(a)(23); 26 U.S.C. Submit comments in any of three ways (but do not submit the same comment multiple times or by more than one method). (e) Records of dealers and collectors. The definition of frame or receiver in 479.11 differs slightly from the definition in 478.11 in that it omits an Oxford comma between bolt or breechblock and firing mechanism.. [45] The significant alternatives considered are set forth in Section IV(A)(9) of this preamble. A frame or receiver is the primary structural component of a firearm to which fire control components are attached. However, because PMFs do not have markings identifying the name of a licensed manufacturer or importer, model, serial number, or caliber/gauge, licensees might only record a type of firearm (e.g., pistol, revolver, rifle, or shotgun) in their AD Records and on ATF Forms 4473. A Succinct Statement of the Objectives of, and Legal Basis for, the Proposed Rule, 3. 18 U.S.C. 601(6). The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 repealed the FFA, replacing it with the GCA. The short answer is that an "other firearm" is one that is designed to be fired with 2 hands, does not have a stock and has an overall length that exceeds 26. In the event the licensee records a duplicate entry with the same firearm and acquisition information, whether to close out an old record book or for any other reason, the licensee shall record a reference to the date and location of the subsequent entry (e.g., date of new entry, book name/number, page number, and line number) as the disposition. ATF's decision whether to classify an item voluntarily submitted is entirely discretionary. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. See HandleBandle, DIY: How to Build a Gun at Home (That Shoots) Part 1, YouTube (Oct. 7, 2018), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO-8Pns9aq4;; HandleBandle, Polymer 80 with No Experience Tips (Build Part 2), YouTube (Oct. 7, 2018), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0JM5v45vsg; HandleBandle, Legally Building a Gun in My Living Room (5D Tactical Glock Kit), YouTube (Oct. 18, 2018), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SaNLrhnnuA. In the fourth sentence of paragraph (f), remove Upon receipt of such Forms 4473, the and add in its place The, remove manufacturer and add in its place manufacturer(s), remove the words importer (if any) and add in their place importer(s) (if any) of the firearm or privately made firearm (if privately made in the United States), and remove the words serial number and add in their place serial number(s). 63. Under this rule, PMFs would first need to be recorded by the dealer-gunsmith as an acquisition in the licensee's AD Records upon receipt from the private owner (whether or not the licensee keeps the PMF overnight), and once marked, the licensee would update the acquisition entry with the identifying information, and then record its return as a disposition to the private owner. section 2C:39-3(d); N.Y. The NFA is a national registry [] better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. Firearm Frame or Receiver 5812; 26 U.S.C. The proposed rule would require silencers to be marked on any housing or structure, such as an outer tube or modular piece, designed to hold or integrate one or more essential internal components of the device. Although under 478.11 and 479.11 singular terms in the regulations must always be read to include the plural form, and vice versa, these changes are necessary to ensure that more than one name, manufacturer, importer, or serial number, if appropriate, is recorded when completing the NFA forms. [23], ATF traces firearms found by law enforcement at a crime scene by first contacting the licensed manufacturer or importer marked on the frame or receiver who maintains permanent records of their manufacture or importation and disposition. 1, 1971) (lower portion of the M-16 is the frame or receiver because it comes closest to meeting the definition of frame or receiver in 26 CFR 178.11 (now 27 CFR 478.11), and is the receiver of a machinegun as defined in the NFA); ATF Memorandum #22334 (Jan. 24, 1977) (upper half of the FN FAL rifle is the frame or receiver because it was designed to accept the components that allow fully automatic fire). Rev. The depth of all markings required by this section is measured from the flat surface of the metal and not the peaks or ridges. (ii) Model, caliber or gauge, foreign manufacturer, country of manufacture. By clarifying the definition of gunsmith to mean a service routinely performed on existing firearms that are not for sale or distribution by a licensee, this rule would supersede ATF Ruling 2010-10, which allows gunsmiths under specified conditions to engage in certain manufacturing activities for licensed manufacturers. B. Frame or receiver. The application shall show that engraving, casting, or stamping (impressing) such a weapon as required by this section would be dangerous or impracticable, or that the requested time period is reasonable and will not hinder the effective administration. by the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation These numbers (as of March 4, 2021) are likely far lower than the actual number of PMFs recovered from crime scenes because some law enforcement departments incorrectly trace some PMFs as commercially manufactured firearms, or may not see a need to use their resources to attempt to trace firearms with no serial number or other identifiable markings. #modernmateriel #patriotbrown #slateg. documents in the last year, 117 921(a)(3)(A) states that a weapon need not function so long as it is designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile. (2) Labeling of packages. This is consistent with prior ATF guidance to the firearms industry. There may be future changes in firearms technology or terminology resulting in housings or holding structures for new or different components that initiate, complete, or continue the firing sequence of weapons that expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. the official SGML-based PDF version on govinfo.gov, those relying on it for (ii) Destructive devices. 921(a)(3) to include not only a weapon that will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile, but also the frame or receiver of any such weapon. Chapter 3 of the metal and not the peaks or ridges to passage of the Impact! Of PMFs ( 2 ) depth of all markings required by this Section measured... Linked in the document sidebar for the official SGML-based PDF version on,... Machine gun rather than machinegun 907010 ( Mar, at * 4 M.D. A recurring Response for all currently existing 13,595 licensed manufactures and licensed importers atf Letter to Private Counsel # (... 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