Brenda Davis

If your external life looks good, but your
internal life feels bad…
Therapy Can Help

Make an appointment

You deserve a life filled with joy. Therapy can be part of your journey.

Find relief from the emotional pain.
Enjoy the successful life that you have created.
Know that you are good enough just the way you are.

You are not the first one to take this journey.

It is possible to create positive change in your life through a commitment to working on yourself through therapy.

Meet Brenda Booker

More About me

Jennifer made that commitment, put herself first, and found the joy she was missing.

Jennifer was angry and overwhelmed at work and having problems in her marriage. She and her husband, accomplished professionals, were the envy of their friends. No one knew how unhappy she was. Not even her closest friend.

She needed help, but it was difficult for Jennifer to make the decision to come to therapy. She had always been able to manage her work life, her marriage and other relationships without help.

In weekly sessions, Jennifer processed the feelings that she had not revealed to anyone. Jennifer realized that she had taken on a maternal role early in life when her sick mother could not care for her siblings. Through that experience, she lost a part of her childhood and learned a pattern of caregiving and unreasonable expectations that moved with her into adulthood. She realized in therapy that she didn’t want to continue meeting everyone’s expectations of her.

It was time to put herself first. Through our therapy sessions, she made some changes in her marriage and her professional life. It didn’t always go smoothly, but she was determined to move forward and not repeat the past.

Take the first step